Nekoliko slotova ima garanciju od 20x na bonus. Mislite li da bi svi slotovi trebali biti napravljeni uz garanciju sa minimalno 20x?. Kazina i provajderi trenutno otimaju kupce i muka mi je od 100-400 okretaja da dobijem bonus koji se isplati nula ili 2x. Mogao sam da dobijem 10-15 bonusa uveče i da ne pogodim 20x jednom, dok strimeri uvek dostignu svoj prosek od 100x. To sigurno nije pravednost prema normalnom kupcu i treba se riješiti
A few slots have a guarantee of 20x on a bonus. Do you think all slots should be made with a guarantee with a minmum of 20x?. Casinos and providers are ripping off the customer at the moment and I am getting sick of going 100-400 spins to get a bonus that pays zero or 2x. I could get 10-15 bonuses in an evening and not hit 20x once where as streamers always hit their 100x average. Surely this not fairness on the normal customer and should be addressed