6-8 avgusta 2021
Dođite isključivo na zabavu između 6. i 8. avgusta.
Uplatite i uložite 30 € u bilo koju igru po vašem izboru!
Samo najbolji će izaći kao pobjednici, jer će samo visoki ulozi osvojiti sljedeće nagrade:
1. Apple iPhone 12 Pro. 128GB
2. Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G
3. Samsung Galaxy S21 5G 128 GB
4. 600,00 €
5. 500,00 €
6. 400,00 €
7. 300,00 €
8. 200,00 €
9. 100,00 €
10. 50,00 €
Čeka vas vaša zabava, vaši dobici, vaše nagrade!
Ovu promociju ćete moći zatražiti samo u gore navedenom roku. Nakon što je promocija „uživo", ispod ovog promotivnog teksta pojavit će se dugme. Promociju možete zatražiti klikom na dugme ili baner na stranici "MOJ BONUS" ili ovdje: https://www.kajot-casino.com/en/promotion/kajotFiesta0608/?CampPartner=KBSystems
6th – 8th August 2021
Come exclusively to the party between August 6th and 8th.
Deposit and wager € 30 on any game of your choice!
Only the best will emerge victorious, because only high stakes will win the following prizes:
1. Apple iPhone 12 Pro. 128GB
2. Samsung Galaxy Note 20 5G
3. Samsung Galaxy S21 5G 128GB
4. € 600.00
5. € 500.00
6. € 400.00
7. € 300.00
8. € 200.00
9. € 100.00
10. € 50.00
Your party, your winnings, your prizes await!
You will only be able to claim this promotion during the time frame indicated above. Once the promotion is 'live', a button will appear under this promotional text. You can claim the promotion either by clicking the button or the banner on the "MY BONUS" page or here: https://www.kajot-casino.com/en/promotion/kajotFiesta0608/?CampPartner=KBSystems