NaslovnaForumTakmičenjaI won a couple of tournaments but never got any prize

I won a couple of tournaments but never got any prize

 od galendaandrea
15.873 pregleda 51 odgovora |
1 23

I did lots of tournaments here on the platform , and a couple of times I classified 2th or something in the top10 but I never got any prize for that. Nothing has been sent by mail and no one told me nothing. I am kinda mad tbh, I checked the notification for mails and they all are active.

wow that's trash bro... hope u'll be more lucky in the future ❤

I did lots of tournaments here on the platform , and a couple of times I classified 2th or something in the top10 but I never got any prize for that. Nothing has been sent by mail and no one told me nothing. I am kinda mad tbh, I checked the notification for mails and they all are active.

Hey, do you have any screenshot of where you finished in the winning positions at the end of the tournament ? We always email the winners when the tournament is over on our site, so either it looks like you didn't win or there might be some other problem. 

Let me know.

wow that's trash bro... hope u'll be more lucky in the future ❤

Hi, have you participated in any of our tournaments ? 🙂


Nisam napravio nijedan snimak ekrana, jer sam smatrao da nije potrebno i niko to nije precizirao. Samo je rečeno da će pobednički korisnici biti kontaktirani putem e-pošte. Štaviše, čini mi se nemogućim da nemate bazu podataka koja sadrži sve pobednike turnira (takođe zato što ste ih još uvek kontaktirali da pošaljete e-poštu)

Automatski prevedeno:

I think if you had won you would have been contacted by email. You can also see on the tournament page that the results of previous tournaments are shared, so can you show me where you are in the winning position ? file



Ovo je primer toga


U vozu novca zauzeo sam 11. mesto, ne sećam se da li je bilo mesečno i stoga bih osvojio nagradu ili nedeljno

Automatski prevedeno:


In this case, you need to receive an official email from our gaming department.

It's not that we don't possess any sort of database - no.

We need to get in touch with you to set the details correctly.

Have you ever tried to issue a pre-paid voucher for anyone on Amazon? This is the reason. 🙂

Well, I'll do my best to help you. In the meantime, please check our registration email, ok?

Since I'm not part of that department or team, I reached out to my colleague in search of further details regarding your possible wins.

Ažurirano od strane autora

Hello, thanks you for your request.

In the Beast Mode tournament you indeed ended up in 2nd place. There was some technical issues with leaderboard and we announced wrong winners. Please stay active on your e-mail adress, you will recieve e-mail with instructions to claim your prize.

We are really sorry that this happend and hopefully technical side of our tournaments will be working 100% in the future. Thanks for your patience and request. You will recive your reward.

Since we are aware of this problem now, we checked every tournament - this is the only one that had this problem - thereforce, I checked all final leadboards and this is your only placement in winning places. In Money Train 1, you did not reach top 25 - only those places was awarded with price.


U stvarnosti sam pobedio i na turniru Monei train 4, u prethodnoj poruci nisam precizirao da je to 4. sage o vozu novca i zato se izvinjavam. Ako je nagrađeno prvih 25, ja sam na 11. mestu


Automatski prevedeno:

Juraj will take a look at these things and everything should be fine. If it isn't, feel free to write. 

What is the point of this free tournaments, just showing how bad this game is...? ?

I play like 6 tournaments, two of them i cant get a bonus round, and i am rank #266 🙂 imagine how bad this game are if i am somewhere in the middle without a single big win....

And of course i will never play those games with real money, they are "volatile" rigged machines!

What is the point of this free tournaments, just showing how bad this game is...? ?

I play like 6 tournaments, two of them i cant get a bonus round, and i am rank #266 🙂 imagine how bad this game are if i am somewhere in the middle without a single big win....

And of course i will never play those games with real money, they are "volatile" rigged machines!

Besplatni turniri vam omogućavaju da otkrijete igru bez rizika za pravi novac. Ako ne uživate u igri, to je dobar način da je ostvarite bez gubitka novca. Međutim, igranje za pravi novac može ponuditi drugačije iskustvo. Vi odlučujete šta vam najviše odgovara."

Automatski prevedeno:

What is the point of this free tournaments, just showing how bad this game is...? ?

I play like 6 tournaments, two of them i cant get a bonus round, and i am rank #266 🙂 imagine how bad this game are if i am somewhere in the middle without a single big win....

And of course i will never play those games with real money, they are "volatile" rigged machines!

I would not say this image shows rigged games; I'd say it is more of a real picture of how expected RTP differs from actual reality. But I'm glad you decided not to play for real money, especially with such an attitude.

If I may be so bold, always keep in mind that the most profitable games from the casino's point of view are slots 🙂. Thus, it is also the least profitable kind of activity for paying players.

Pure scams lol


Well, it makes sense... LOL 😀

You know what, I guess you could use a bit of good education.

Take it as a Christmas gift: Games of chance: Learn about payout ratio and variance 👈

May all your free rounds be merry and lucky! 😉

No harm done 🙌


Unfortunately, in this tournament only 10 top places had prizepool. 🙂

Besplatni turniri vam omogućavaju da otkrijete igru bez rizika za pravi novac. Ako ne uživate u igri, to je dobar način da je ostvarite bez gubitka novca. Međutim, igranje za pravi novac može ponuditi drugačije iskustvo. Vi odlučujete šta vam najviše odgovara."

Automatski prevedeno:


It caught my attention that you tried to paste a link to Wild Sultan Casino, well, technically this is something we prefer to be done through our own Casino Guru links. 🙂 See this:

"Safety Index of Wild Sultan Casino explained"

So, feel free to use such link - just avoid using thrid-party links.

Take it as a kind warning, okay? 🙂


Hahahah dont educate me please, i play 10x times more slots than you 😀


I think it was meant in a good way but if you are not interested you don't have to read anything. Good luck. 

1 23

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