NaslovnaForumTakmičenja[CLOSED] Christmas competition for 3x $100 Amazon voucher!

[CLOSED] Christmas competition for 3x $100 Amazon voucher! (strana 6)

 od Daniel
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My daughter was born extremely premature and I thought mist of the time that god would take her before Christmas as she was born on the 4th of December. We spent Christmas in the hospital but the day after they started the process of transitioning her home it was wonderful. Best present ever!

In his native Bulgaria. But I had never been there. And I thought about going to Smolyan Lakes again this year. A wonderful place to rest and relax 🥰


That looks nice, I've been in Bulgaria, but only by the sea. These lakes are in mountains close to the border with Greece, right?

Jednom za Božić uopšte nije bilo raspoloženja, zamolio sam prijatelja da stavi par dolara na račun da igram u kazinu))) i šta bi ti mislio? Manje od 10 minuta kasnije osvojio sam 84 hiljade rubalja. Ovo je zaista bio najbolji božićni poklon))

Automatski prevedeno:

Wow! Have you played slots or anything else?


I'm wondering, what are the traditions in Canada? Do you have the Christmas dinner on the 24th, but gifts on the 25th? 🙂


Hm, let me ask my usual question. Have you played slots or something else? I just want to know if there are people who won on live online casino, because it doesn't seem to be the case 😀

My oldest daughter had a framed pictured made of herself and two younger siblings for my office at work. It made me cry because I lost alot of photos when my house flooded due to hot water tank bursting in the ranch we lived in. How she knew what would make her mom so happy, she is just the best.

Oh, that's sweet. Actually I bought a digital photo frame to my grandma this year and uploaded around 400 photos from my travels. She's 83. She couldn't watch it on tablet or something that has multiple features, but the digital frame is very easy to use 🙂

Pa, moj najbolji poklon je bilo rođenje moje kćeri baš na Božić

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Then she was quite unlucky, because now she celebrates her birthday on the same day as Christmas. It's better to have it separated, because you get more presents 😀


U mojoj 2020. godini, mojoj majci je bilo veoma teško da joj se iseče bubreg, nakon čega je dobila rak.

Mjesec dana kasnije, njegova žena je imala pobačaj, godina je bila teška.

Mobilni operater Kyivstar TV imao je nagradnu igru u kojoj sam se slučajno registrovao nedelju dana pre Mykole.

Nikada nije primio takvog Nikolu.

Verujte u sve pobede i pobedićete...

Automatski prevedeno:

Yes I have won, but I end up playing again and probably still a head a bit.


My Cleveland Browns helmet and jersey when I was 8 years old.

Was born in Cleveland, but was a Coast Guard military brat and I moved often. I was living in Hilo, Hawaii at the time and my twin brother and I were thrilled!

Go Browns!!!😀😎


Yes, it is close to the border with Greece. With Jozef you have to visit Bulgaria again one day. I will be your guide. 🥰

Which resort on the Bulgarian black Sea coast have you been to?


Rođenje mog sina

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Da se cijela porodica okupi na Božić i da svi budu zdravi 🙂

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O! It was a barbie with bendable knees in the 90s.

I think her name was Cindy. It was a gift from me for my daughter. And her emotions are the best!

Eto, prošlo je toliko vremena otkako sam dobila poklon da ne znam šta je bilo najbolje ili najgore, možda sada dobijem ovaj kupon, dobro bi došao😊

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Automatski prevedeno:

3x $100 Amazon voucher,,😍


Nikada nisam dobio takav poklon za Božić.

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I wish you the most wonderful gift for this Christmas.


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