pravilo od pet sekundi jedan je od propisa koji su odgovorni političari (i lobisti, to je sigurno) smislili tokom novog ugovora o kockanju, koji bi trebao početi 1. jula (u Njemačkoj).
navodi se da između svakog okretanja mora proći 5 sekundi. to je neverovatno dugo. davaoci su zahtjev implementirali drugačije. Play'n go, na primjer, pokreće tajmer između okretaja. (Prilično sam siguran da pakao nije od vatre već od čekanja).
Pragmatik je pustio da se kolutovi duže vrte. osjećate se mučno (ozbiljan sam, ne mogu to stalno gledati.)
pored toga, na konvertiranim mašinama nema funkcije autospin-a. slotovi iz pakla ^^
btw .: nisu sva kazina implementirala nova pravila - ali zasad nijedna stranica za kockanje ne nudi pouzdan pregled. barem kratka napomena, nešto poput "slijedi njemačke propise", bila bi vrlo korisna (i generirala bi još više posjetitelja - winwin).
the five-second rule is one of the regulations that the responsible politicians (and lobbyists, that's for sure) have come up with in the course of the new gambling treaty, which is due to start on july 1st (in Germany).
it states that 5 seconds must elapse between each spin. that's an incredibly long time. the providers have implemented the requirement differently. Play'n go, for example, runs a timer between spins. (i am pretty sure that hell is not made of fire but of waiting).
Pragmatic let the reels spin longer. it makes you feel nausy (i'm serious, i can't watch it all the time.)
in addition, there is no autospin function on the converted machines. slots from hell^^
btw.: not all casinos have implemented the new rules - but so far no gambling site offers a reliable overview. at least a short note, something like "follows the german regulations", would be very helpful (and would generate even more visitors - winwin).
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