Dragi svi,
Vjerujem da će ovo natjecanje biti izazovnije od onih koje smo imali prije. Pravila ostaju ista, jedino što se promijenilo je zapravo automat koji ćemo igrati, ali to je zapravo vrlo važna stvar.
Ovoga puta igramo za Amazon vaučer od 100 USD (ili ekvivalent u valuti koju želite)
Kako to možete osvojiti?
Utor koji ćemo igrati nalazi se u TOP10 utora koji se igraju na našoj web stranici. Zove se Viking Clash (Push Gaming). Snimite snimak ekrana svojih dobitaka koje ste dobili u jednom okretanju i dodajte sliku u ovu nit . Količina ulaznica koje dobijete za završnu tombolu ovisit će o vašoj najvećoj ostvarenoj pobjedi (zato se savjetuje da odaberete najvišu moguću okladu tijekom igranja).
Ako vaše okretanje aktivira besplatne okrete ili bonus igru unutar igre, to se i dalje računa kao 1 okretanje. Ne trebate igrati za pravi novac , čak možete i demo predstaviti ovdje na našoj web stranici: https://casino.guru/Viking-Clash-slot-play-free
U ovu nit možete dodati više slika jer će takmičenje trajati nekoliko tjedana, ali računaće se samo vaš snimak zaslona s najviše postignutih dobitaka.
Zašto Viking Clash?
Zašto će ovo takmičenje biti izazovnije? Postoji jednostavan način kako doći do većih dobitaka u igri - na kolute morate dobiti 3 simbola topova kako biste aktivirali besplatne okrete. Zvuči lako, zar ne? Da, ali nemojte se zabuniti ...
Nisam siguran jesam li imao krajnje nesreće, ali trebalo mi je oko 500 okretaja da bih aktivirao besplatne okrete, a ostatak dobitaka koje sam imao uglavnom su bili manji od moje početne oklade. Čini se da je izuzetno teško dobiti bilo kakav pristojan dobitak na ovoj igri i zato vjerujem da je to dobra igra za naše natjecanje. Krenimo sa izazovom!
Kako ćemo odabrati pobjednika?
Svaki osvojeni novčić daje vam 1 ulaznicu za završnu tombolu za Amazon voucher.
Jedan od vas će biti slučajno izabran 6.4. 2021.
Sretno svima, iako sretni dobitnik može biti samo jedan!
Dopustite mi da počnem samo da vam pokažem primjer (moj post neće biti dio tombole).
Dear all,
I believe that this competition is going to be more challenging than the ones we had before. The rules remain the same, the only thing that has changed is actually the slot we're going to play, but that's actually a very important point.
This time, we play for a $100 Amazon Voucher (or equivalent in a currency that you prefer)
How can you win it?
The slot we're going to play is in the TOP10 slots played on our website. It's called Viking Clash (Push Gaming). Take a screenshot of your winnings that you got in a single spin and add the picture into this thread. The amount of tickets that you receive for the final raffle will depend on your highest achieved winning (so it's advised to choose the highest possible bet while playing).
If your spin activates free spins or a bonus game inside the game, it’s still counted as 1 spin. You don’t need to play for real money, you can even play the demo here on our website: https://casino.guru/Viking-Clash-slot-play-free
You can add multiple pictures into this thread since the competition will last for few weeks, but only your screenshot with the highest achieved winning will be counted.
Why Viking Clash?
Why is this competition going to be more challenging? There's a simple way how to get some higher winnings in the game - you need to get 3 symbols of cannons on the reels in order to activate free spins. It sounds easy, right? Yeah, but don't get mistaken...
I'm not sure if I was just extremely unlucky, but it took me about 500 spins to activate the free spins and the rest of the winnings I had were mostly lower than my initial bet. It seems like it's extremely difficult to get any decent winnings on this game and that's why I believe it's a good game for our competition. Let's start with the challenge!
How are we going to choose the winner?
Every coin you win gives you 1 ticket into the final raffle for the Amazon voucher.
One of you will be randomly chosen on 6.4. 2021.
Good luck everyone, even though there can be only one lucky winner!
Let me start just to show you an example (my post won’t be part of the raffle).