Dragi Peter,
Dozvolite mi da vam još jednom detaljno ispričam šta se tačno dogodilo.
Klijent registrovan 30.11.2021.
Klijent je napravio depozit od 400EUR (4 uplate po 100EUR) od registracije do 2021-12-05
2021-12-16 kupac kupuje 2 bonusa, jedan u vrijednosti od 200 € (prvi) i drugi u vrijednosti od 22 €.
Ovo možete vidjeti na snimku ekrana.
Kao što vidite, prvi bonus od 200 € je izgubljen i računa se kao "poništen", a bonus od 22 € je uložio korisnik.
Opet, prema statistici kupaca, u trenutku kupovine bonusa bilo je depozita u vrijednosti od 400 eura.
Prema pravilima projekta, VIP politici, da biste dobili 1 VIP lvl morate uplatiti depozit od najmanje 1000EUR.
Prema ovoj statistici klijent nije imao 2 VIP lvl jer je napravio depozit za 400 EUR.
Ps u ovom trenutku IT odjel još uvijek radi na ovoj sekciji (VIP) i služi samo za informaciju. Ali svaki igrač može razjasniti svoj VIP status sa CS osobljem slanjem e-pošte na support@icebet.casino.
Prema pravilima projekta:
1.1. Maksimalni mogući iznos za povlačenje iz bonusa bez depozita primljenih u Bonus Shopu: x25 iznosa bonusa ili sredstava primljenih od besplatnih okretaja (zavisi od statusa računa).
Shodno tome, svaki VIP nivo jednak je x5 iznosa bonusa primljenog u Bonus Shopu tako da klijent može podići sredstva u slučaju klađenja bonusa.
Prema statistici VIP nivoa klijenta, klijent nije imao VIP nivo u trenutku kada je bonus kupljen. Stoga je i u ovom slučaju klijentu izašlo u susret i ostavio iznos od x5 kupljenog bonusa i omogućio mu povlačenje sredstava kao lojalnost.
Na kraju, klijent je podigao 110 eura (22 eura bonus * x5) na svoj način plaćanja.
Iznos od 5.600€ koji je klijent naveo u prigovoru nije validan.
Sve radnje prema naručiocu su završene u potpunosti u skladu sa projektnom regulativom.
Ako imate dodatnih pitanja, rado ćemo odgovoriti na njih.
Dear Peter,
Let me tell you again in detail exactly what happened.
Client registered 2021-11-30.
Customer has made deposits of 400EUR (4 payments of 100EUR) since registration until 2021-12-05
2021-12-16 customer buys 2 bonuses, one worth €200 (the first one) and the second one worth €22.
You can see this in the screenshot.
As you can see the first bonus of €200 was lost and counts as "cancelled", and the €22 bonus was wagered by the customer.
Again, according to customer statistics, there were 400 euros worth of deposits at the time of the bonus purchase.
According to the rules of the project, VIP policy, to get 1 VIP lvl you have to make deposits of at least 1000EUR.
According to these statistics the client did not have 2 VIP lvl as he made deposits for 400 EUR.
P.s. at the moment the IT department is still working on this section (VIP) and it is for information only. But any player can clarify his VIP status with CS staff by sending an email to support@icebet.casino.
According to the rules of the project:
1.1. Maximum possible withdrawal amount from no deposit bonuses received in the Bonus Shop: x25 of the amount of bonus or funds received from free spins (depends on the status of the account).
Accordingly, each VIP level equals x5 of the amount of bonus received in the Bonus Shop so that the client can withdraw funds in case of wagering the bonus.
According to the client's VIP level statistics, the client did not have a VIP level at the time the bonus was purchased. Therefore, in this case, the client was also met and left an amount of x5 of the purchased bonus and allowed to withdraw funds as a loyalty.
In the end, the client withdrew 110 euros (22 euros bonus * x5) to his payment method.
The amount of €5,600 stated by the client in the complaint is not valid.
All actions to the client have been completed to the fullest extent according to the project regulations.
If you have any further questions, we will be happy to answer them.
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