Na početku sam izgubio oko 5000. Onda sam uplatio 3000 i dobio 2:1 u ruletu i dobio 9000 od Just Casina. Posle toga igram malo bakaru i osvajam 1000. Na kraju sam povukao 6000 i 4000.
Znam da bih možda želeo da poništim isplate pa razgovaram sa njihovom službom za korisnike da vidim da li mogu da me spreče da poništim na njihovoj strani ili da eskaliraju potragu za povlačenjem radi skraćivanja vremena povlačenja. Služba za korisnike mi nije odgovorila i ćaskanje je zatvoreno. Zatim sam započeo novi razgovor i obavešten sam da je moj nalog zatvoren. Rekli su: „Zatvaranje vašeg naloga je administrativna odluka, jer odgovorni provajder kockanja smo morali da donesemo ovu odluku, naš tim za plaćanje će obraditi uplatu."
Otkrio sam da Just Casino ima uslov za klađenje 3k povlačenja. U mom slučaju to još nisam ispunio, ali moj nalog je već zatvoren. Razgovarao sam sa korisničkom službom i rekli su mi da će iznos koji osvojim biti deo bonusa i neće biti plaćen. Kao da mogu da vratim samo svoj deponovani novac od 3000.
Šokiran sam jer zatvaranje mog računa, što je dovelo do neispunjenja uslova za povlačenje novca, nije moja namera. U međuvremenu, zabrinut sam da je moj račun zatvoren jer Just Casino ne želi da isplatim svoj dobitak.
At the beginning, I lost around 5000. Then I deposited 3000 and won a 2:1 in roulette and got 9000 from Just Casino. After that, I play a little bit baccarat and won 1000. Lastly, I did the withdrawals of 6000 and 4000.
I know that I may want to reverse the withdrawals so I talk to their customer service to see if they can stop me from reversing on their end or escalate the withdrawal quest for shortening the withdrawal time. The customer service did not reply me and the chat was closed. Then, I started a new chat and was informed that my account is closed. They said "Your account closure is an administrative decision as a responsible gambling provider we had to make this decision, our payment team will process the payment."
I found that Just Casino has a 3x withdrawal wagering requirement. In my case, I am not yet fulfill it but my account has already been closed. I talked to the customer service and they told me the amount I win will be part of the bonus and will not be paid. Most like I can only get my deposited money of 3000 back.
I am shocked since the closure of my account, which lead to the unfulfillment for the withdrawal wagering requirement, is not my intention. Meanwhile, I have a concern that my account is closed because Just Casino doesn't want me to pay my winning.
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