Dragi Casino Guru timu,
Hvala vam na žalbi! Razumemo važnost brzog i transparentnog rešavanja ovog pitanja i želimo da pružimo detaljno objašnjenje situacije.
Ranije nas je jedan igrač zamolio da zatvorimo njegov nalog zbog problema sa zavisnošću od kockanja. Kao odgovor na ovaj zahtev, odmah smo zatvorili nalog, preduzimajući sve neophodne radnje u cilju naše posvećenosti podršci odgovornom igranju igara. To je značilo da igrač više nije mogao da pristupi svom nalogu i da ne može da učestvuje u našim igrama.
Nakon nekog vremena, sistem je automatski otkrio kreiranje novog naloga od strane istog igrača, ali koristeći drugu adresu e-pošte. Naši automatizovani alati za verifikaciju otkrili su višestruki nalog. S obzirom da je ovaj nalog kreiran nakon zvaničnog zahteva igrača za samoisključivanje, bili smo primorani da suspendujemo novi nalog. Ova odluka je doneta u skladu sa našim internim politikama i interesima igrača, koji su ranije zahtevali ograničenja pristupa zbog problema sa kockanjem.
Trenutno aktivno radimo na pitanju refundiranja sredstava koje je igrač zaradio preko novog naloga. Trudimo se da proces rešavanja ove situacije bude što pravičan i brži.
Ukoliko imate dodatnih pitanja ili sugestija kako da unapredimo proces rešavanja ovakvih situacija, rado ćemo ih razmotriti i dati sve potrebne informacije.
Hvala unapred na saradnji i podršci!
Dear Casino Guru Team,
Thank you for your appeal! We understand the importance of resolving this issue quickly and transparently and would like to provide a detailed explanation of the situation.
Earlier, a player asked us to close his account due to problems with gambling addiction. In response to this request, we immediately closed the account, taking all necessary actions to our commitment to supporting responsible gaming. This meant that the player could no longer access his account and could not participate in our games.
After some time, the system automatically detected the creation of a new account by the same player, but using a different email address. Our automated verification tools detected the multi-account. Given that this account was created after the player's official request for self-exclusion, we were forced to suspend the new account. This decision was made to comply with our internal policies and the player's interests, who had previously requested access restrictions due to gambling problems.
We are currently actively working on the issue of refunding the funds earned by the player through the new account. We strive to make the process of resolving this situation as fair and quick as possible.
If you have any additional questions or suggestions on how to improve the process of resolving such situations, we will be happy to consider them and provide all the necessary information.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and support!
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