Igrač iz Španije žali se na postupak povlačenja. Također je spomenuo neke probleme s polaganjem novca putem preferiranog načina plaćanja i da kazino traži provjeru, iako je njegov račun verificiran prije mjesec dana.
The player from Spain is complaining about the withdrawal process. He also mentioned some problems with depositing money by the preferred payment method and that the casino is asking for verification, even though his account was verified a month ago.
Igrač iz Španije žali se na postupak povlačenja. Također je spomenuo neke probleme s polaganjem novca putem preferiranog načina plaćanja i da kazino traži provjeru, iako je njegov račun verificiran prije mjesec dana.
To je drugo što me obmanjuju. Prvi bi se mogao riješiti 16 dana nakon obrade povlačenja. Sada prolazi 8 dana i znam da je to kratko vrijeme, ali u chatu me varaju svaki dan, a neki Robert ujutro i još jedan takav Leon popodne, uvijek mi kažu isto: danas novac dobivate bez neuspjeh i tako dalje. dan i još jedan, ali novac nikad ne dolazi.
Također sam želio uložiti žalbu na depozite. Ne postoji način za uplatu na Visa, samo nekoliko puta i kada unesem 20 znamenki i ključ kartice, kaže mi da je moja banka odbila transakciju i razgovarao sam sa svojom bankom i rekli su mi da Visa nema problema, da je problem u kazinu ili platformi za plaćanje.
Također sam htio da vam kažem kako je najjača stvar što sam u petak položio 1500 eura i zaradio 1800, otišao sam po njih i on mi ne dopušta povlačenje, govoreći mi da račun nije ovjeren, kada je račun ovjeren 1 pre mesec dana. Jasno je da je ono što žele zabavljati kako ne bi platili.
It is the second that they deceive me. The first could be solved 16 days after processing the withdrawals. Now 8 days go by and I know it's a short time but in the chat they cheat on me every day and a certain Robert in the morning and another such Leon in the afternoon they always tell me the same thing: today you receive the money without fail and so on. day and another but the money never comes.
I also wanted to make a complaint about the deposits. There is no way to deposit with Visa, only some times and when I enter the 20 digits and card key it tells me that the transaction was rejected by my bank and I spoke to my Bank and they told me that the Visa has no problems, that the problem it is from the casino or the payment platform.
I also wanted to tell you how the strongest thing is that on Friday I deposited 1500 euros and earned 1800, I went to collect them and he does not let me withdraw, telling me that the account is not verified, when the account was verified 1 month ago. It is clear that what they want is to entertain so as not to pay.
Es la segunda que me engañan. La primera se pudo solucionar a los 16 dias de haber procesado los retiros. Ahora pasan 8 dias y ya se que es poco tiempo pero en el chat me engañan todos los dias y un tal Robert por la mañana y otro tal Leon por la tarde me dicen siempre lo mismo: hoy recibe usted el dinero sin falta y asi un dia y otro pero el dinero nunca llega.
Tambien queria poner queja sobre los depositos. No hay forma de depositar con Visa, solo algunas veces y cuando meto los 20 digitos y clave de la tarjeta me dice que la transaccion fue rechazada por mi banco y hable con mi Banco y me dicen que la Visa no tiene problemas, que el problema es del casino o de la plataforma de pago.
Ademas queria decirles como cosa mas fuerte es que el viernes deposite 1500 euros y gane 1800, fui a cobrarlos y no me deja retirar diciendome que la cuenta no esta verificada , cuando la cuenta se verifico hace 1 mes. Esta claro que lo que quieren es entretener para no pagar.
Matej: Nisam razgovarao ni o kakvom postupku otkazivanja, mislim, govorim samo o neplaćanju
Matej: I have not talked about any cancellation process, I think, I only talk about not paying
Matej : yo no he hablado de ningun proceso de baja, creo, de baja solo hablo de que no pagan
Željeli bismo zamoliti kasino Lucky Bar da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Produljujemo tajmer za 7 dana. Ako kasino ne odgovori u zadanom vremenskom roku, prigovor ćemo zatvoriti kao „neriješen".
We would like to ask the Lucky Bar Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Ovaj igrač je imao nekoliko transakcija uplate i isplate sa istim ili vrlo sličnim iznosom, poput položenih 500, a zatim podigao 500 nakon igranja na stolnim igrama. Takvi slučajevi su se događali mnogo puta. Stoga je banka zatražila kopiju njegovog bankovnog računa koji pripada kartici kako bi se izbjegla bilo kakva vrsta pranja novca. Obavijestili smo igrača o tome i on nam je poslao traženi dokument. Tada je banka pustila njegova povlačenja, za koja sam sigurna da ih je već primio.
Što se tiče depozita, mi s tim nemamo nikakve veze. Pokušavao je nekoliko puta dnevno, čak i kad smo ga obavijestili da ga njegova banka odbija. Zbog više od 100 odbijenih transakcija od strane izdavaoca kartice u kratkom vremenskom periodu, kartica je trajno stavljena na crnu listu našeg bankarskog sistema. U ovom trenutku igrač može koristiti samo alternativne načine plaćanja.
This player had several deposit and withdrawal transaction with the same or very similar amount, like deposited 500, then withdraw 500 after playing on table games. Such cases happened many times. Therefore bank requested a copy of his bank account what belongs to the card to avoid any kind of money laundering. We informed the player about this and he sent us the requested document. Then bank released his withdrawals, what I’m sure He already received.
Regarding deposits, we have nothing to do with that. He tried it several times a day even when we informed him it is declined by his bank. Now due to more then 100 declined transaction in a short period of time by the card issuer the card is permanently blacklisted in our banking system. Player can only use alternative payment methods at this moment.
Dokaz da kasino ima grešaka i u depozitima i u podizanju sredstava je da sam primio povlačenje obrađeno 17., ali nisam primio povlačenje obrađeno 16., pretpostavljam da je greška u kasinu ili ne? Pa, u naslagama podjednako propada.
The proof that the casino has errors in both deposits and withdrawals is that I received the withdrawal processed on the 17th but I did not receive the withdrawal processed on the 16th, I suppose that the failure is from the casino or not? Well, in the deposits it fails equally.
la prueba de que el casino tiene fallos tanto en depositos como en retiros es que he recibido el retiro procesado el dia 17 pero no recibo el retiro procesado el dia 16 , supongo que el fallo es del casino ¿ o no ?pues en los depositos falla igualmente.
un saludo
Što se tiče transakcija koje Lucky Bar kaže, ispada da se to dogodilo u nedjelju i pokušao sam, istina, puno puta, ali uvijek je rezultat depozita bio neuspješan, pa sam te nedjelje nazvao Caixabank kartice i rekli su mi da nisam imao problema s vizama i da je bilo dovoljno salda za isplate i da je problem bio u platnoj platformi kasina, na što kasino odgovara nekoliko dana kasnije (istina je da oni reagiraju nekoliko puta ) rekavši da ne mogu deponirati putem viza jer mi je sistem blokirao kartice.
Još jedan dokaz da nešto nije u redu u kasinu je da čak i uplata putem Trustly-a novac dolazi tek nakon jednog dana ili čak dva dana, kada ta uplata putem Trustly-a bude trenutna. Razgovarajte s Trustly i oni kažu da je problem u kazinu i da im se žalim
U svakom slučaju, ima puno grešaka sa Luckyjeve strane i prvi put mi je trebalo 16 dana da mi isplati moja povlačenja
Regarding the transactions that Lucky Bar says, it turns out that this happened on a Sunday and I tried, it is true, a lot of times but always the result of the deposit was unsuccessful, so I called Caixabank cards that Sunday and they told me that I did not I had no problem with the Visas and that there was enough balance for the payments and that the problem was with the casino's payment platform, to which the casino responds a few days later (the truth is that they respond a few times) saying no I could deposit with Visas because the system blocked my cards.
Another proof that something is wrong in the casino is that even depositing through Trustly, the money does not arrive until after a day or even two days, when that payment through Trustly is instantaneous. Talk to Trustly and they say that the problem is with the casino and that I complain to them
Anyway, there are many mistakes on Lucky's part and the first time it took 16 days to pay me my withdrawals
Respecto a las transacciones que dice Lucky Bar resulta que eso ocurrio un domingo y lo intente, es verdad, un monton de veces pero siempre el resultado del deposito era fallido, por lo que llame ese domingo a tarjetas de Caixabank y me dijeron que yo no tenia ningun problema con las Visas y que saldo habia suficiente para los pagos y que el problema era de la plataforma de pagos del casino, a lo que me responde el casino a los pocos dias ( la verdad es que responden pocas veces) diciendo que no podria depositar con Visas porque el sistema me bloqueo las tarjetas.
Otra prueba de que algo falla en el casino es que incluso depositando por Trustly, el dinero no llega hasta pasado un dia e incluso dos dias, cundo ese pago por Trustly es instantaneo. Hable con Trustly y m dicen que el problema es del casino y que reclame a ellos
En fin , son muchos fallos por parte de Lucky y la primera vez tardó 16 dias en pagarme mis retiros
Greške su započele s nekoliko VISA transakcija, gdje je jasno da je izdavač odbio poruku s porukom greške:
'odbio izdavač - ne poštujte'
Pouzdano je trenutno rješenje, ali samo ako vaša banka odobri transakciju. Ako vaša banka ili vi samo ovlastite
transakcija nakon dva dana pouzdano tek tada nam može potvrditi transakciju.
Sve ostale transakcije su odmah obrađene sa svakim od naših ostalih igrača, osim vaših transakcija.
Dakle, sve što mogu reći, da to ovisi i o vašoj banci i mi s tim nemamo nikakve veze.
The errors started with several VISA transaction where we can clearly see it was was declined by card issuer with error message:
'declined by issuer - do not honor'
Trustly is an instant solution but only if your bank authorize the transaction. If your bank or you only authorize
the transaction after 2 days trustly only then can confirm us the transaction then.
All other transactions was processed instantly with each of our other players except your trasnactions.
So all I can say , that it is also depends on your bank and we have nothing to do with it.
Razgovarali smo s Joseom putem e-pošte.
Molimo vas da se dogovorimo oko ovoga.
Jose, molim te izvrši povlačenje preostalog salda i ne polaži više novca - to samo komplikuje situaciju.
Lucky bar kasino, potvrdite da Jose može koristiti svoj račun Trustly za ta povlačenja ili mu dati neko rješenje kako može dobiti preostali saldo.
We had a conversation with Jose via email.
Please lets agree on this.
Jose, please make the withdrawal of the remaining balance and do not deposit more money - it only complicate the situation.
Lucky bar casino, please confirm that Jose can use his Trustly account for those withdrawals or give him some solution how he can get the remaining balance.
Naravno da nemam novca na računu kasina, jer su upravo obradili 300 koliko sam imao, ali još uvijek ne dobivam plaću
Mogu poslati ekran na kojem se vidi da su upravo obradili 300 eura
Of course I don't have money in the casino account, because they just processed the 300 I had, but I still don't get paid
I can send a screen showing that they have just processed the 300 euros
claro que no tengo dinero en la cuenta del casino, porque acaban de procesar los 300 que tenia, pero sigo sin cobrar
Puedo enviar pantalla donde se ve que acaban de procesar los 300 euros
Nažalost, ovaj igrač je u kolovozu zatražio povrat sredstava za svoje depozite.
Započeli smo istragu protiv ovog igrača jer je imao nekoliko dobitaka i isplate nakon njegovih povraćaja sredstava
ono što je već obrađeno.
Unfortunately this player requested chargeback for his deposits in August.
We started investigateion against this player as He had several winnings and withdrawals after his chargebacks
what has been already processed.
Nisam zatražio povrat novca, dogodilo se to što je u ovom kasinu nered i depoziti su naplaćeni na moj račun, a da novac nije stigao do kasina i nije mogao igrati.
Dođe vrijeme kada ne znate gdje ste ili što se događa jer ovaj kazino izluđuje nekoga.
Jasno je i može se pokazati da se nisu niti jednom ispunili uvjete i odredbe, a sada dolaze s istragom radi povraćaja sredstava kad sam izgubio više od 3000 eura u mjesec dana.
Nisam prikupio 600 povlačenja, ali smatram ih izgubljenima i ne želim znati ništa o ovom kasinu što nije legalno.
Sada kada su danas otkrili povrat novca od 300 eura (koji nisam tražio) ...
sad, kažem, ako mi pošalju mailove .... prije niti jedan da mi odgovori kad su mi platili, ali sada, da tvrde, ako napišu.
I have not requested any refund, what happens is that this casino is a mess and deposits have been charged to my account without the money reaching the casino and not being able to play.
There comes a time when you don't know where you are or what is happening because this casino drives anyone crazy.
It is clear and it can be demonstrated that they have not met even once with the terms and conditions and now they come with an investigation for a chargeback when I have lost more than 3000 euros in a month.
I have not collected the 600 withdrawals but I consider them lost and I do not want to know anything about this casino that is not legal.
Now that today they have detected a chargeback of 300 euros (which I have not requested) ...
now, I say, if they send me emails .... before not a single one to answer me when they paid me but now, to claim, if they write.
No he solicitado ninguna devolucion.Lo que ocurre es que este casino es un lioso y se han hecho depositos cargados en mi cuenta sin llegar el dinero al casino y no poder jugar.
Llega un momento en que ya uno no sabe ni donde esta ni que esta pasando porque este casino vuelve loco a cualquiera.
Esta claro y se puede demostrar que no han cumnoido ni una sola vez con los terminos y condiciones y ahora vienen con lo de una investigacion pir devolucion de cargo cuando llevo perdidos mas de 3000 euros en un mes.
No he cobrado los 600 de retiros pero los doy por perdidos y no quiero saber nada de este casino que no es legal.
Ahora que hoy han detectado una devolucion de cargo de 300 euros( que yo no he pedido)....
ahora, digo, si me mandan correos....antes ni uno solo para contestarme cuando me pagaban pero ahora , para reclamar, si escriben.
A ako postoje storniranja, jasno je da su oni krivci jer su se sa svim uplaćenim depozitima, koje je kasino odbio, ali naplatio na moj račun, stvorio užasan nered, budući da su oni krivci, čak su i prepoznali da su imali dovoljno problemi s njihovom platnom platformom, govoreći mi u chatu da će promijeniti banku.
Nadam se da ćete od sada raditi dobro jer je do sada usluga bila katastrofalna i nikada nisu dali objašnjenja ili nikada nisu odgovarali na moju e-poštu
And if there are chargebacks, it is clear that they are the culprits because with all the deposits made, some rejected by the casino but charged to my account, a horrible mess has formed, being they the culprits, they even recognized that they had enough problems with their payment platform, telling me in the chat that they were going to change banks.
I hope you do well from now on because so far the service has been disastrous and they have never given explanations or never answered my emails
Y si hay devoluciones de cargos que conste que ellos son los culpables porque con todos los depositos hechos, algunos rechazados por el casino pero cargados en mi cuenta,se ha formado un lio espantoso, siendo ellos los culpables, incluso reconocieron que tenian bastantes problemas con su plataforma de pago, llegando a decirme en el chat que iban a cambiar de banco.
Espero que les vaya bien de aqui en adelante porque hasta ahora el servicio ha sido nefasto y jamas han dado explicaciones ni contestan nunca a mis correos
ne, nisu mi platili. Čekaju da prikupe 300 + 300 eura, ali juče su to rekli
bilo je naplaćeno 300 eura i već sam komentirao gurua što se događa.
Radije bih se odrekao 600, ali možda će biti više povrata novca za ono što sam rekao jučer.
Možete pročitati gore
no, they haven't paid me. They are pending to collect 300 + 300 euros, but yesterday they said that
there was a chargeback of € 300 and I already commented on guru what is happening.
I prefer to give up the 600 but there may be more chargebacks for what I said yesterday.
You can read it above
no , no me lo han pagado. Quedan pendiente de cobrar 300 + 300 euros, pero ayer dijeron que
habia una devolucion de cargo de 300 € y ya comente en guru lo que esta pasando.
Prefiero renunciar a los 600 pero puede haber mas devoluciones de cargos por lo que ya dije ayer.
Lo puede leer mas arriba
Jučer su poslali e-mail rekavši da je vraćeno 300 sredstava i da mi nisu ništa platili,
Yesterday they sent an email saying that there was a chargeback of 300 and that they did not pay me anything,
Ayer enviaron un correo diciendo que habia una devolucion de cargo de 300 y que no me pagaban nada,
Nikad to nismo rekli. Tražili smo samo od Josea da otkaže ovaj povrat, što je prije moguće, jer je to on zatražio, a banka će zadržati sve zahtjeve za povlačenje sve dok se pokrene storniranje i ne otkaže.
U međuvremenu smo dobili ove informacije:
2020-08-27 07:32:56 EUR300 j******o@gmx.es Roba / usluge nisu primljene / nisu kako je opisano.
Postojale su dvije transakcije koje su kašnjene na račun palyer-a, ali je on primio sve depozite na svoj račun u kazinu. Jedini problem bio je taj što je zatvorio prozor za taloženje prije nego što je potvrđena transnakcija. Uz to, ovaj igrač je isplatio dobitak depozitom koji je vratio, što može biti čak i kriminalna aktivnost. Učinit ćemo potrebne korake.
We never said that. We only requested Jose to cancel this chargback as soon as possible as this has been requested by him and the bank will hold all withdrawal request as long as chargebacks are initiated and not canceled.
We received in the meanwhile this information:
2020-08-27 07:32:56 EUR300 j******o@gmx.es Merchandise/Services Not Received/ Not as described.
There were two transaction what was credited to palyer's account with delay, but He received all of the deposits to his casino account. The only problem was, that He closed the depositing window before the trasnaction was confirmed. Additionally this player had paid winning with the deposit he returned, waht can be even a criminal activity. We will do the necesarry steps .
Oni već počinju ponovo s prijetnjama da je to kriminalna aktivnost. Sada se ispostavlja da oni odgovaraju na sve kad prije nisu odgovorili ni na jedan e-mail od mene.
Želim zatvoriti ovaj problem i kada primim 600 eura, pokušat ću riješiti povrat naknade. Jasno je da testove više nisu plaćali, a sada kada se sve to dogodilo žele to riješiti prijetnjama.
They already start again with threats that it is a criminal activity. Now it turns out that they answer everything when before they didn't answer a single email from me.
I want to close this issue and when I receive the 600 euros then I will try to solve the refund of the charge. It is clear that they no longer paid for the tests, and now that all this has happened they want to solve it with threats.
Ya empiezan otra vez con amenazas de que es una actividad delictiva. Ahora resulta que contestan a todo cuando antes no contestaban a ni un solo correo mio.
Quiero dejar cerrado este tema y cuando reciba los 600 euros entonces intentare solucionar lo de la devolucion del cargo. Esta claro que no pagaban y a las pruebas me remito, y ahora que ha pasado todo esto lo quieren resolver con amenazas.
Jose, spomenuo bih da povraćaji sredstava nisu dozvoljeni ni u jednom kazinu. Ako ikada napravite povrat novca, ovo vam može otežati isplatu u svakom kazinu. Informacije o igračima koji vrše povraćaj sredstava dijele se između kazina / platformi.
Kazino je već izjavio da su spremni platiti vam, zašto ste napravili povrat novca?
Jose, I would like to mention that chargebacks are not allowed in any casino. If you ever make a chargeback then this may comlicate you withdrawals in every casino. Information about players who do chargebacks are shared between casinos/platforms.
The casino already stated that they are willing to pay you, why you did the chargeback?
To je učinjeno zbog mog kvara, a i zbog toga što su mi dugovali 1800 € za podizanje i prošlo je više od 15 dana bez ičega.
It was done due to a failure of mine and also because they owed me € 1800 in withdrawals and it had been more than 15 days without charging anything.
se hizo por un fallo mio y tambien porque me debian 1800 € de retiros y llevaba mas de 15 dias sin cobrar nada.
Razumijem vaša osjećanja, ali povrat sredstava nije rješenje. Kao što sam vam napisao, ako otkažete povraćaj sredstava, kazino će vam poslati preostalih 600 € i možete zatvoriti račun.
I understand your feelings but chargeback isn't a solution. As I wrote you if you cancel the chargebacks the casino will send you remaining €600 and you can close your account.
i kako mogu otkazati?
Morao bih poslati 300 u kasino (trenutno ih više nema), ali vizom ne možete
Kako mi ne daju broj računa i natjeraju ih da ih prebace, ne znam drugu metodu, ili možda pouzdano
and how do i cancel?
I would have to send the 300 to the casino (at the moment there are no more) but by visa you cannot
As they do not give me an account number and make them transfer I do not know another method, or perhaps by trusly
y como cancelo ?
Tendria que enviar al casino los 300 ( de momento no hay mas)pero por visa no se puede
Como no me den un numero de cuenta y les haga transferencia no se otro metodo, o quizas por trusly
Banka u posljednje vrijeme ne dolazi osobno ni putem telefona.
Pada mi na pamet da novac pošaljem Trustly, ako vam se čini dobrim jer oni to ni ne pitaju
Nadam se da ćete mi nešto reći
hvala matej
The bank does not attend lately neither in person nor on the phone.
It occurs to me to send the money by Trustly, if it seems good to you because they do not even ask
I hope you tell me something
thanks matej
El banco no atiende ultimamente ni presencialmente ni al telefono.
Se me ocurre mandar el dinero por Trustly, si a usted le parece bien porque a ellos ni le pregunto
Espero me diga algo
gracias Matej
Sve se ovo ne bi dogodilo da su platili na svoj datum, a ne nakon 20 dana, suprotno odredbama i uvjetima kazina i da su posljednja povlačenja stigla, kako kažu, nakon 5 radnih dana.
Imajte na umu da je povrat troškova od 300 € otkriven jučer i mnogo prije nego što sam morao primiti svoj novac, tako da zadržani novac nije istina ...... to je da oni ne uplaćuju vaš datum.
Mislim da ne griješim jer sam počeo igrati prije više od mjesec dana i tada je već bilo dovoljno problema za prikupljanje, baš kao u Ocean Driveu (sestrinskom kasinu) da sam morao zatvoriti račun jer nisu platili bilo.
Ne znam kako je to klasificirano kao "vrlo dobra reputacija" kad se sve dogodilo zbog njih.
All this would not have happened if they had paid on their date and not after 20 days, contravening the terms and conditions of the casino and if the last withdrawals had arrived, as they say, after 5 business days.
Keep in mind that the refund of the € 300 charge was detected yesterday and long before I had to have received my money, so the money withheld is not true ...... it is that they do not pay your date.
I think I'm not wrong because I started playing more than 1 month ago and at that time there were already enough problems to collect, just like in Ocean Drive (sister casino) that I had to close my account because they didn't pay either.
I do not know how it is classified as "very good reputation" when everything has happened because of them.
Todo esto no hubiera pasado si hubiesen pagado en su fecha y no a los 20 dias, contraviniendo los términos y condiciones del casino y si los últimos retiros hubieran llegado ,como dicen, a los 5 dias habiles.
Tenga en cuenta que los de la devolución del cargo de 300 € fue detectada ayer y mucho antes ya tenia yo que haber recibido mi dinero, por lo que lo del dinero retenido no es verdad......es que no pagan a su fecha.
Creo que no me equivoco porque empecé a jugar hace mas de 1 mes y en esas fechas ya había bastantes problemas para cobrar, al igual que en Ocean Drive (casino hermano) que tuve que cerrar cuenta porque tampoco pagaban.
No se como está catalogado de "muy buena reputación" cuando todo ha ocurrido por culpa de ellos.
Siguran sam da ako im platim 300, neće mi platiti moja povlačenja jer je više laži koje su mi bačene nemoguće, sve laži
I am sure that if I pay them the 300, they will not pay me my withdrawals because more lies that have been thrown at me is impossible, all lies
Estoy seguro que si les pago los 300 , no me van a pagar mis retiros porque mas mentiras que me han echado es imposible , todo mentiras
Ne želimo da nam šaljete ili prenosite novac.
Moramo vas zamoliti da nazovete svoju banku i kažete
njih želite otkazati povrat sredstava.
Odmah ćemo vam poslati vaše povlačenje.
We do not want you to send or transfer us the money.
We jsut want to ask you to call your bank and tell
them you want to cancel that chargeback.
We will send you your withdrawal immediately.
Igrač me putem e-pošte obavijestio da neće htjeti otkazati storniranje.
Više nije imao povjerenja u kazino. Ovim povraćajima sredstava želi nadoknaditi nedostajući dobitak.
Ako dobro razumijem, na računu još uvijek ima 600 eura.
Koliki je iznos od ova dva povraćaja sredstava?
The player informed me via email that he won't want to cancel the chargebacks.
He didn't trust the casino anymore. He wants to compensate the missing winnings with these chargebacks.
If I understand it correctly, he still has €600 in his account.
What is the amount of these 2 chargebacks?
Dobili smo 3x 300 EUR povratne naknade, ukupno 900eur
Naravno da nećemo platiti zadnja 2 zahtjeva za povlačenje u iznosu od 600 eur (2x300) kao
2 povraćaja sredstava dolaze ranije od ovih povlačenja.
Ovaj igrač je do sada imao pobjede i 6 uspješnih povlačenja onoga što smo mu već poslali
i On ih je primio. Ako više neće doći do povrata novca, neće se brinuti za to,
ali ako primimo više povrata novca, kontaktirat ćemo nadležne vlasti jer je to zločin:
položite novac, a zatim osvojite i zatražite povraćaj depozita.
We received 3x 300 EUR Chargeback altogether 900eur
Of course we will not pay the last 2 withdrawal requests the 600 eur (2x300) as
2 chargebacks come earlier then these withdrawals.
This player had winnings and 6 successful withdrawals so far what we already sent him
and He received them. If no more chargebacks will come will not care about it,
but if we receive more chargebacks we will contact proper authorities as this is a crime:
deposit money and then win and then request a chargeback of deposit.
Jose, vjerujem da bi trebao otkazati barem posljednji povraćaj sredstava. Ova situacija nije ugodna i trebali biste barem iznos izjednačiti.
Jose, I believe that you should at least cancel the last one chargeback. This situation is not pleasant, and you should at least make the amount equal.
Već sam vam rekao da postoji samo povratak od 300
Barem su mi platili samo 1 od 300, a također nisam tražio.
Ako ih primim, platit ću im, ali danas postoji jedan od 300, tako da mi i dalje duguju 300
I already told you that there is only a return of 300
At least they only paid me 1 out of 300 and also I did not request it.
If I receive them I will pay them but today there is one of 300 so they still owe me 300
Ya le dije que solo hay una devolucion de 300
Por lo menos a mi solo me abonaron 1 de 300 y ademas yo no la solicite.
Si las recibiera se las pagare pero a dia de hoy hay una de 300 por lo que todavia me deben 300
I sve ovo što pretpostavljam dolazi iz nereda koji je nastao s naslagama, za što ja nisam kriv
And all this I imagine comes from the mess that was formed with the deposits, of which I have no fault
Y todo esto me imagino que viene por culpa del lio que se formo con los depositos, de los que yo no tengo culpa alguna
A ako nastave s prijetnjama, sačuvao sam sve razgovore i e-mailove tamo gdje mi kažu da "sutra" mogu podići svoja povlačenja, a prvi je naplaćen nakon 20 dana.
Uz prijetnje nećete nikamo otići jer mogu početi objavljivati na raznim web lokacijama da kasino nikada ne ispunjava uvjete i da će ga pročitati hiljade korisnika.
Ono što je vraćeno bit će plaćeno ...... možete biti sigurni da će biti plaćeno, ali bez prijetnji ...... a ako im je trebalo 20 dana, tada to neću platiti.
Morat će čekati isto kao i ja, a ja čekam 600.
And if they continue to threaten, I have all the chats and emails saved where they tell me to collect my withdrawals "tomorrow" and the first one was charged after 20 days.
With threats you will not go anywhere because I can start to publish on various sites that the casino never meets the terms and conditions and thousands of users will read it.
What has been returned will be paid ...... you can rest assured that it will be paid but without threats ...... and if they took 20 days I will not pay it at the time.
They will have to wait the same as I wait and I keep waiting for the 600.
Y si siguen amezando, tengo todos los chat y correos guardados donde se me dice que cobrare mis retiros "mañana" y el primero se cobro a los 20 dias.
Con amenazas no se va a ninguna parte porque yo puedo empezar a publicar en varios sitios que el casino nunca cumple con los terminos y condiciones y lo leeran miles de usuarios.
Lo que se haya devuelto se pagara......pueden estar tranquilos de que se pagara pero sin amenazas...... .y si ellos tardaron 20 dias yo no voy a pagarlo al momento.
Tendran que esperar igual que yo espere y sigo esperando los 600.
Gospodo, molim vas, željeli bismo vam pomoći da riješite stvari kako treba.
S jedne strane, Jose optužuje kasino da je bio prisiljen izvršiti povrat novca jer mu kasino nije isplatio dobitak, a s druge strane, kazino je izjavio da odgađaju povlačenje jer je Jose izvršio povrat novca. Druga stvar je da je kasino izjavio da je Jose izvršio 3 povraćaja sredstava u vrijednosti od 300 eura za svakog, a Jose mi je napisao da je izvršio samo jedan povraćaj novca u iznosu od 300 eura. Najzanimljivije je da nijednu stranu ne zanima šta će se dogoditi sa propuštenih 300 €.
Prestanite na trenutak optuživati jedni druge. Dogovorimo se da stvari ispravimo .
Jasno je da Jose ne želi nastaviti igrati u Lucky Bar Casinu, a kasino ionako ne želi da ostane. Razumijem da je sav slučaj prilično zbunjujući, ali možemo li se složiti da na kraju ne bi bilo duga ni na jednoj strani i da svako od vas ide svojim putem?
Možemo li se složiti oko ovoga?
Gentlemans, please we would like to help you to settle things right.
On one side, Jose is blaming the casino that he was forced to make a chargeback because the casino didn't pay him his winnings and on the other side, casino stated that they postpone the withdrawals because the Jose made chargeback. Another thing is that casino stated that Jose made 3 chargebacks, worth €300 each of them and Jose wrote to me that he made just one chargeback of €300. Most interesting is that none of the sides care what happenes with missing €300.
Now for a moment stop blaming each other. Let's make an agreement to set things right.
It is clear that Jose don't want to continue play in Lucky Bar Casino and casino do not want him to stay anyway. I understand that all the case is pretty confusing but can we agree that on the end there would be no debt on any side and each of you goes his way?
Can we agree on this?
Da, ako više nema povraćaja sredstava, dobro smo.
Anayway potvrđujem da je jedno storniranje stornirano,
tako da smo primili samo 2x300 eur povraćaja, dakle
nećemo poslati zahtjev za povlačenje 2x300 eur. Sve su očišćene s naše strane.
Yes as , if no more chargeback is coming we are ok .
Anayway I confirm, that one chargeback was cancelled ,
so we only received 2x300 eur chargeback, so
we will not send the 2x300 eur withdrawal request. All are cleared from our side.
Ponavljam da su mi platili samo 300 €. Ostalih 300 se odričem izgubljenih
Oni koji moraju poslati dokaze su oni, PONAVLJAM Samo imam povrat u iznosu od 300 €
Sa svoje strane sam zaključio slučaj, jer u tom kasinu više nikada ne bih igrao
I repeat that they only paid me € 300. The other 300 I give up for lost
Who has to send proofs are them, I REPEAT I only have a chargeback of € 300
For my part I closed the case since in that casino I would never play again
vuelvo a repetir que solo me abonaron 300 €. Los otros 300 los doy por perdido
Quien tiene que enviar pruebas son ellos, yo REPITO solo tengo un contracargo de 300 €
Por mi parte cierre el caso ya que en ese casino jamás jugaria otra vez
Od predstavnika kazina dobio sam dokaz da su izdana dva povraćaja sredstava.
Ali ako se Jose složi, zatvorit ću ovaj slučaj i smatrat ću ga neriješenim.
I received from casino representative the proof that 2 chargebacks has been issued.
But if Jose agree, I will close this case and will consider it as a draw.
Na mom računu ima samo 300 eura kredita i po tko zna koji put to ponavljam (za 300 eura neću stvarati više sporova).
Sa moje strane, možete zaključiti slučaj
Ne znam kako su poslali dva povraćaja sredstava od po 300, kad postoji samo jedan, ali sretan sam što ne stvaram još kontroverzi i završavam ovo zauvijek.
There is only a € 300 credit in my account and it is the umpteenth time that I repeat it (for € 300 I will not create more disputes).
For my part, you can close the case
I do not know how they have sent two chargebacks of 300 each when there is only one, but I am happy not to create more controversy and end this forever.
Solo hay un abono de 300 € en mi cuenta y es la enesima vez que lo repito ( por 300 € no voy a crear mas disputas).
Por mi parte puede cerrar el caso usted
No se como le han enviado dos contracargos de 300 cada uno cuando solo hay uno, pero me quedo conforme por no crear más polémica y terminar con esto para siempre.
Budući da nemamo klasifikaciju za ovu situaciju - zaključujem ovu žalbu statusom - "Odbijeno - Ostalo".
Nadam se da su obje strane zadovoljne.
Because we don't have a classification for this situation - I am closing this complaint with status - "Rejected - Other."
I hope that both parties are satisfied.
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