Igrač iz Španije ima teškoća da primi svoja sredstva.
10. avgusta sam se registrovao u ovom kazinu. Depozit 1.600,00 €.
Na 11. su me obradili 276 eura, a na 14. 1500 €.
Šalju mi poštu uz uplatu putem bankovnog prijenosa i pročitao sam odredbe i uvjete koji su od 2 do 5 radnih dana.
Pošto sam već proveo 9 dana od prvog podizanja i vidio da novac ne stiže, kontaktiram ih i oni kažu da je novac trebao stići, ali ne stiže.
Danas i nakon mnogih e-mailova do Lucky bara odgovaraju mi da kažem da pogledam IBAN mog računa da vidim je li ispravno i je li sve u redu, odnosno sve je u redu, ali novac ne dopire do mene
Mislim da je trik ne platiti jer mi nijedan casino do sada nije rekao da ako je IBAN u redu.
Sa Ocean Driveom (kockarnicom za koju kažete da su braća i istog vlasnika) mi se dogodila ista stvar, a ja vam šaljem žalbu i na tu kasinu.
Nadam se da ćete mi pomoći da prikupim povlačenja koja nisu zarada s obzirom da je taj novac već položen)
On August 10 I registered at this casino. Deposit € 1,600.00.
On the 11th they processed me 276 euros and on the 14th it was € 1,500.
They send me mail with the payment through bank transfer and I read the terms and conditions that are from 2 to 5 business days.
Having already spent 9 days since the first withdrawal and seeing that the money does not arrive, I contact them and they say that the money should have arrived, but it does not arrive.
Today and after many emails to Lucky bar they answer me saying to look at the IBAN of my account to see if it is correct and everything is OK, that is, everything is fine, but the money does not reach me
I think it is a trick not to pay because no casino so far has told me that if the IBAN is fine.
With Ocean Drive (casino that you say are brothers and of the same owner) the same thing happened to me and I also send you a complaint about this casino.
I hope you help me to collect my withdrawals, which are not earnings since that money had already been deposited)
El dia 10 de agosto me registre en este casino .Deposite 1.600,00 €.
El pasado dia 11 me procesaron 276 euros y el dia 14 fueron1500 €.
Me mandan correo con el pago a traves de transferencia bancariay leo en los terminos y condiciones que son de 2 a 5 dias habiles.
Habiendo pasado ya 9 dias desde el primer retiro y viendo que no me llega el dinero me pongo en contacto con ellos y dicen que ya tenia que haber llegado el dinero, pero no llega.
Hoy y despues de muchos correos a Lucky bar me contestan diciendo que mire el IBAN de mi cuenta a ver si es correcto y esta todo OK, es decir, que está todo bien , pero el dinero no me llega
Creo que es una argucia para no pagar porque ningun casino hasta ahora me he dicho que si esta bien el IBAN.
Con Ocean Drive ( casino que dicen ustedes que son hermanos y del mismo dueño ) me ha pasado lo mismo y os mando una queja tambien de este casino.
Espero me ayudeis a poder cobrar mis retiros , que no son gananciaspuesto que ese dinero ya lo habia depositado)
Dragi Jose,
Hvala vam puno na podnošenju žalbe. Žao mi je što čujem o vašem problemu. Možete li potvrditi da je transakcija u potpunosti obrađena (novac je napustio vaš račun u kasinu)?
Sasvim je uobičajeno za povlačenje, potrebno je nekoliko dana ili čak sedmica da se potpuno prerade. To znači da može proći neko vrijeme prije nego što se novac pojavi na vašem računu. Zato savjetujemo igračima da budu strpljivi i da sačekaju najmanje 14 dana nakon što zatraže povlačenje prije nego što podnesu žalbu. Ako do tada ne dobijete dobitak, javite nam se i mi ćemo pokušati da vam pomognemo.
Hvala vam na razumijevanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Jose,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I’m sorry to hear about your problem. Could you please confirm that the transaction was completely processed (the money left your casino account)?
It’s quite usual for withdrawal, to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. That’s why we advise players to be patient and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before they submit a complaint. If you don’t receive your winnings by then, please, let us know and we will try to help you.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Novac prema njima poslan je 11. 276 €, a 14. 1500 €
Ali sada kažu da im ih je vratio finansijski tim kad svi znamo da je IBAN tačan i nisu mi ništa drugo rekli.
Što se tiče druge sestrinske kockarnice (Ocean Drive) s koje mi ne odgovarate, novac je izašao 13. na 1500 eura, a na 15. drugi 300 € i kažu mi da sam ih već trebao primiti, ali nije stigao .
Oni će reći da se vratio i za finansije.
Položio sam 1600 eura u jednom i 1.750 eura u drugom i potpisao sam se za njih jer casino guru kaže da je jedno jako dobro, a drugo dobro
Mogu reći Cristini da je činjenica da im je uzvraćena lažna, jer da je to tačno, jučer bi mi poslali hitan transfer
Imam ekrane za sve u slučaju da su vam potrebni
Hvala vam puno
The money according to them was sent on the 11th the 276 € and on the 14th the 1500 €
But now they say that it has been returned to them by the finance team when we all know that the IBAN is correct and they have not told me anything else.
Regarding the other sister casino (Ocean Drive) of which you do not answer me, the money came out on the 13th for € 1500 and on the 15th another € 300 and they tell me that I should have received them already but it did not arrive.
They will say that it has also come back for finances.
I have deposited € 1600 in one and € 1,750 in the other and I signed up for them because casino guru says that one is very good and the other good
a greeting
I can tell Cristina that the fact that it has been returned to them is false because if it were true they would have sent me an urgent transfer yesterday
I have screens of everything in case you need them
Thank you very much
El dinero segun ellos lo enviaron el dia 11 los 276 € y el dia 14 los 1500 €
Pero ahora dicen que les ha sido devuelto por el equipo de finanzas cuando todos sabemos que el IBAN es el correcto y ya no me han dicho mas nada.
Respecto al otro casino hermano ( Ocean Drive)del que ustedes no me contestan nada, el dinero salio el dia 13 los 1500 € y el dia 15 otros 300 € y me dicen que los tenia que haber recibido ya pero no me llegado.
Diran que tambien les ha llegado devueltos por finanzas.
He depositado en uno 1600 € y en el otro 1.750 € y me registre en ellos porque casino guru dice que uno es muy bueno y el otro bueno
Un saludo
Le puedo decir Cristina que eso de que les ha llegado devuelto es falso porque si fuera verdad me hubieran enviado ayer una transferencia urgente
Tengo pantallas de todo por si usted las necesita
Muchas gracias
Jose, prije svega, molim vas zadržite jedan casino po prigovoru, kako ne bismo sve zbunili.
Želio bih napomenuti da se to ponekad dogodi kada banka odbije transakciju. Je li vaše povlačenje vraćeno na račun igrača?
Jose, first of all, please keep it one casino per complaint, so we don't get it all confused.
I would like to point out, that sometimes this happens, when the transaction is refused by your bank. Was your withdrawal returned back to your player's account?
Možete li, molim vas, prenijeti mi komunikaciju između vas i Lucky Bar Casino, molim vas? Moja adresa e-pošte je kristina.s@casino.guru .
Could you please forward me the communication between you and the Lucky Bar Casino, please? My email address is kristina.s@casino.guru.
Zdravo Jose,
Hvala vam puno na vašoj e-pošti. U ovom slučaju preporučio bih vam da pričekate još malo. Shvaćam da je to frustrirajuće, ali čini se da kasino radi na tom pitanju. Ne brinite, žalbu ćemo zadržati otvorenom i ako ne bude bilo napretka u roku od naredne sedmice, pokušat ćemo stupiti u kontakt s kasinom. Puno hvala na razumevanju.
Hello Jose,
Thank you very much for your email. In this case I would recommend you to wait a little bit more. I understand this is frustrating, but it seems that the casino is working on the issue. Don't worry, we will keep the complaint opened and if there isn't any progress within the next week, we will try to get in touch with the casino. Thank you very much for understanding.
hvala na odgovoru. Rekao sam im jer to rade oko 14 dana i oni mi uvijek govore da ću novac dobiti u kratkom vremenu, ali ga nikada ne primam. Danas sam ih pitao i oni mi u Lucky Baru kažu da ću ga uskoro dobiti i u Ocean Driveu (obje sestre kockarnice) da ću ga i ja uskoro primiti, ali pitam ih kada je „uskoro", a oni više ništa ne kažu .
Između 2 kockarnice oni su 3.527 eura, ali već sam položio 3.350 eura i ne usuđujem se nastaviti igrati dok mi ne isplate moji povlačenja.
thanks for answering . I have told them because they have been doing this for about 14 days and they always tell me that I will receive the money in a short time but I never receive it. Today I have asked them and they tell me at the Lucky Bar that I will receive it soon and at Ocean Drive (both sister casinos) that I will also receive it soon, but I ask them when is "soon" and they say nothing more.
They are 3,527 euros between the 2 casinos, but I have already deposited 3,350 euros and I don't dare to continue playing until they pay me my withdrawals.
gracias por contestar . Se lo he dicho porque asi llevan ya unos 14 dias y siempre me dicen que recibire el dinero en breve tiempo pero nunca lo recibo. Hoy les he preguntado y me dicen en el Lucky Bar que la recibire pronto y en el Ocean Drive ( ambos casinos hermanos) que tambien la recibire pronto, pero les pregunto que cuando es "pronto" y no dicen mas nada.
Son 3527 euros entre los 2 casinos, pero es que he depositado 3.350 euros ya y no me atrevo a seguir jugando mientras no me paguen mis retiros.
Player nas je putem e-maila obavijestio da su sva njegova povlačenja bila uspješna i ovu žalbu možemo zatvoriti.
Prigovor zatvaramo kao "riješen".
Player informed us via email that all his withdrawals were successful and we can close this complaint.
We are closing this complaint as "solved".
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
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