Izvršena su tri odvojena isplate u ukupnom iznosu od 1760,00 (složili su ih u jedno) s tim da je prvo bilo 9. septembra 2024. Kažu da su mi prebacili novac, ali ja nisam dobio novac od njih. Zatražili su moje bankovne podatke da pokažu da nisam primio žičana sredstva koja sam im dao. Moja banka je zatražila UMAR broj i neće dati ove podatke ni meni ni mojoj banci. To nije bilo ništa drugo do trčkaranje sa njima. Uradio sam ono što se tražilo od mene, ali oni, međutim, neće zauzvrat učiniti ono što moja banka traži. Moja banka kaže da ako je novac poslat, davanje ovog broja ne bi trebalo da bude problem.
Three separate withdrawals were made totaling the amount of 1760.00 (they put them together as one) with the first being September 9th 2024. They say they wired the money to me however, I did not get the money from them. They requested my bank info to show I did not not receive the wired funds in which I gave them. My bank has requested the IMAD number and they will no give this info to me or my bank. It has been nothing but the run around with them. I have done what was asked of me but they however, will not in return do what my bank is asking. My bank says if the money has been sent then giving this number should be no problem.
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