Igrač se bori da povuče svoj balans zbog tekuće verifikacije.
Već neko vrijeme pokušavam da podignem svojih 500 eura. Već sam uplatio 1000 eura i također sam u potpunosti verifikovan. Ali sada se mojih zadnjih 500 eura trajno poništava i iznova i iznova me šalju kroz novoizmišljene verifikacije.
Tako da napravim isplatu, UVIJEK traje 5 radnih dana, onda se poništi i treba da se ponovo verifikujem, što sam već uradio skoro 10 puta. U međuvremenu su isključili podršku uživo i ne dobijam ništa putem e-pošte.
Sad sam se ponovo u potpunosti verifikovao, ali i dalje ne mogu da platim jer treba da se verifikujem iako je sve zeleno i pošto podrška više nije dostupna, ne mogu ni njemu da pišem.
I've been trying to withdraw my 500 euros for some time. I have already paid out 1000 euros and was also fully verified. But now my last 500 euros are being permanently canceled and I'm being sent through newly invented verifications again and again.
So I create a payout, it ALWAYS takes 5 working days, then it is canceled and I am supposed to verify myself again, which I have already done almost 10 times. They have switched off live support in the meantime and I am not receiving anything by email.
Now I've fully verified myself again, but I still can't pay out because I'm supposed to verify myself even though everything is green and since support is no longer available, I can't write to him either.
ich versuche schon seit einiger Zeit meine 500 Euro auszuzahlen. Ich habe schon 1000 Euro ausgezahlt und war auch voll verifiziert. Nun werden aber meine letzten 500 Euro permanent storniert und ich werde immer wieder durch neu erfundene Verifikationen geschickt.
Ich erstelle also eine Auszahlung, diese dauert IMMER 5 Werktage dann wird diese Storniert und ich soll mich wieder verifizieren, was ich aber schon knapp 10x gemacht habe. Den live support haben sie inzwischen abgeschaltet und per Mail kommt nichts bei mir an.
Jetzt habe ich mich wieder voll verifiziert aber kann trotzdem nicht auszahlen weil ich mich verifizieren soll obwohl alles grün ist und da kein Support mehr da ist , kann ich den auch nicht anschreiben.
Zdravo DerKoenig,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Lucky Draw Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego što krenemo naprijed.
Možete li mi reći od kada je vaš račun u potpunosti verifikovan? Da li ste akumulirali svoje dobitke sa pravim novcem ili ste koristili bonus? Kada ste zadnji put razgovarali sa kazinom i o čemu se radilo?
Kakva je nova verifikacija potrebna, možete li navesti?
Radujem se vašem odgovoru.
Hello DerKoenig,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Lucky Draw Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise since when is your account fully verified? Did you accumulate your winnings with real money or did you use a bonus? When was the last time you spoke to the casino and what was it about?
What kind of new verification is it required, can you please specify?
Looking forward to your answer.
moj nalog je u potpunosti verifikovan skoro 2 meseca. Sa svakom isplatom moram se verifikovati iznova i iznova. Što nema nikakvog smisla. Dobici su bili pravi novac.
Kasino je prošle sedmice odgovorio da sam ponovo u potpunosti verifikovan i sada ponovo čekam isplatu koja bi trebala biti sljedećeg ponedjeljka/utorka. Ako ne moram ponovo da se proveravam.....
Stranica je deaktivirala live chat i možete ih kontaktirati samo putem e-pošte.
Javio sam se tamo, ali na moje pitanje nije direktno odgovoreno, samo je potvrđena moja verifikacija.
Moram da potvrdim svoju osobu ( ID ) svaki put. Ali uvijek smisle nešto drugo. Već sam morao da slikam sa ličnom kartom ili samo sa ličnom kartom ili samo ja kao osoba... vrlo čudno
my account has been fully verified for almost 2 months. With every payout I have to verify myself again and again. Which doesn't make any sense. The winnings were real money.
The casino replied last week that I was fully verified again and now I'm waiting for my payout again which should be next Monday/Tuesday. If I don't have to verify myself again......
The site has deactivated the live chat and you can only contact them by email.
I got in touch there, but my question was not answered directly, only my verification was confirmed.
I have to verify my person ( ID ) every time. But they always come up with something else. Already had to take pictures with ID of me or just ID or just me as a person... very weird
seit knapp 2 Monaten war mein Konto schon voll verifiziert. Bei jeder Auszahlung muss ich mich wieder und wieder verifizieren. Was keinen Sinn ergibt. Die Gewinne waren mit Echtgeld.
Das Casino hatte mir letzte Woche geantwortet, dass ich wieder mal voll verifiziert wurde und nun warte ich erneute auf meine Auszahlung welche nächsten Montag/Dienstag erfolgen sollte. Wenn ich mich nicht schon wieder verifizieren muss......
Den Live chat hat die Seite deaktiviert und man kann nur noch per Mail Kontakt aufnehmen.
Dort habe ich mich gemeldet, aber direkt auf meine Frage wurde nicht eingegangen, sondern nur meine Verifizierung bestätigt.
Ich muss jedes mal meine Person ( ID ) verifizieren. Die lassen sich aber immer was anderes einfallen. Musste schon Bilder mit ID von mir machen oder nur ID oder nur ich als Person... sehr komisch
sada je moja isplata ponovo otkazana iako sam ponovo u potpunosti verifikovan. Takođe, nisam ni dobio svojih 500 evra nazad. Oni su jednostavno nestali i nisam dobio nikakvu e-poštu ili druge informacije. 500 eura također dolazi od ukupne sume od 1500 eura gdje sam već isplatio 1000 eura. Tako da ni ja nisam mogao prekršiti Uslove. Veoma sumnjivo i čudno šta se ovde dešava.
now my payout has been canceled again even though i was fully verified again. Also, I didn't even get my 500 euros back. These simply disappeared and I did not receive any email or other information. The 500 euros also come from the total sum of 1500 euros where I have already paid out 1000 euros. So I can't have violated Terms either. Very dubious and strange what is happening here.
jetzt wurde meine Auszahlung wieder storniert obwohl ich wieder voll verifiziert wurde. Außerdem habe ich jetzt nicht mal meine 500 Euro wieder zurück bekommen. Diese sind einfach verschwunden und ich habe auch keine E-Mail oder sonstige Info erhalten. Die 500 Euro stammen auch aus der Gesamtsumme der 1500 Euro wo ich schon 1000 Euro von ausgezahlt habe. Ich kann also auch nicht gegen Terms verstoßen haben. Sehr unseriös und merkwürdig was hier passiert.
Upravo sam dobio odgovor putem mejla.
Navodno sam prekršio uslove i zloupotrebio bonuse, iako kao što je gore napisano, to je još uvek novac koji sam godinama želeo da podignem.... Tako da to nema nikakvog smisla. Također sam uvijek vodio računa da novu uplatu izvršim tek nakon što je odbijena i tek onda ponovo uplatim bonus. ... Kazino ponovo pokušava da ne isplati novac. Ne znam zasto
I just got a reply via email.
Supposedly I broke the terms and did bonus abuse, although as written above it's still the money I've been wanting to withdraw for ages.... So that makes absolutely no sense. I have also always made sure that I only make the new payment after it has been rejected and only then deposit again with a bonus. ... The casino tries again not to pay out money. Do not know why
Ich habe eben noch eine Antwort erhalten per E-Mail.
Angeblich soll ich ja die Terms gebrochen haben und Bonus Abusing betrieben haben, obwohl das ja wie oben geschrieben immer noch das Geld ist welches ich schon seit Ewigkeiten auszahlen lassen will.... Das macht also absolut keinen Sinn. Ich habe auch immer darauf geachtet das ich erst die neue Auszahlung tätige nachdem sie abgelehnt wurde und dann erst wieder mit einem Bonus einzahle. ... Das Casino versucht wieder mal Geld nicht auszuzahlen. Keine Ahnung wieso
Dragi DerKoenig,
Možete li pojasniti koji bonus ste koristili? Da li je kazino precizirao koji ste tačno termin prekršili? Također, da li možete pristupiti svojoj historiji klađenja i proslijediti je na nikolas.b@casino.guru?
Dear DerKoenig,
Can you please clarify what bonus did you use? Did the casino specify which exact term did you breach? Also, are you able to access your betting history and forward it to nikolas.b@casino.guru please?
To je bilo sve od mog bonusa na prvi depozit.
Zatim sam iskoristio ostale bonuse na depozit nakon toga. Pa kako bi trebalo da zloupotrebljavaš bonuse? Apsolutno nema smisla.
Navedene su samo stvari koje se mogu prekršiti i tada je rečeno da sam ja nešto prekršio i da je zato moj dobitak nevažeći. Kao što rekoh, nema smisla jer je dio sume već isplaćen.....
That was all from my first deposit bonus.
Then I used the other deposit bonuses of the site after that. So how are you supposed to do bonus abusing? Makes absolutely no sense.
Only things that can be violated were listed and it was then said that I had violated something and that is why my winnings are invalid. As I said, it makes no sense because part of the sum has already been paid out.....
Das war alles von meinem ersten Einzahlungsbonus.
Dann habe ich halt danach die weiteren Einzahlungsboni der Seite verwendet. Wie soll man dann also Bonus abusing betreiben? Macht absolut keinen Sinn.
Es wurden nur die Sachen aufgezählt die die man verstoßen kann und man meinte dann halt dass ich gegen was verstoßen habe und deswegen meine Gewinne ungültig sind. Macht wie gesagt auch keinen Sinn weil schon ein Teil von der Summe ausgezahlt wurde .....
Dragi DerKoenig,
U gore pomenutoj e-poruci – da li je kazino spomenuo koji ste rok prekršili? Možete li proslediti taj e-mail na nikolas.b@casino.guru Molimo vas?
Dear DerKoenig,
In the e-mail mentioned above - did the casino mention which term did you breach? Can you forward that e-mail to nikolas.b@casino.guru please?
Zdravo, nažalost to neće uspeti. Zatražio sam ga e-poštom, ali kazino odbija i ističe da mogu i sam da ga pogledam na svom profilu...
Hello, unfortunately that won't work. I had requested it by email, but the casino refuses and points out that I can look at it myself in my profile...
Hallo, das wird leider nichts. Ich hatte das Per Mail angefordert, aber das Casino weigert sich und verweist darauf das ich es ja selber in meinem Profil anschauen kann...
Dragi DerKoenig,
Svakako će nam trebati više informacija pa će vaša žalba sada biti prosleđena kolegi Mateju koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Dear DerKoenig,
We will definitely require more information so your complaint will be now forwarded to my colleague Matej who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Zdravo DerKoenig.
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše nevolje.
Želeo bih da pozovem predstavnika kazina u slučaj:
Možete li molim vas da objasnite šta se dogodilo?
Zašto DerKoenig mora da prolazi verifikaciju iznova i iznova?
Hello DerKoenig.
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
I would like to invite the casino representative into the case:
Could you please explain what happened?
Why must DerKoenig pass the verification again and again?
Zdravo Matej,
to je najmanji problem...
Moj problem je u tome što moja isplata iz moje prve pobede nije isplaćena mesecima i otkazivana je iznova i iznova, a onda na kraju označena kao bonus prevara, iako je to još uvek bio profit od početka gde je deo već isplaćen. .. To Dakle, apsolutno nema smisla da su moji dobici poništeni
Hello Matej,
that's the least of the problems...
My problem is that my payout from my first win hasn't been paid out for months and was canceled again and again and then finally stamped as a bonus fraud although it was still the profit from the beginning where a part was already paid out.... That So it makes absolutely no sense that my winnings were cancelled
Hallo Matej,
das ist doch nun wirklich das geringste Problem....
Meine Problem ist doch das meine Auszahlung von meinem ersten Gewinn seit Monaten nicht ausgezahlt und immer wieder storniert wurde und dann zum Schluss als Bonus Betrug abgestempelt wurde obwohl es immer noch der Gewinn vom Anfang war wo ein Teil auch schon ausgezahlt wurde.... Das macht also absolut keinen Sinn das mein Gewinn anulliert wurde
We would like to ask the Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, we will close the complaint as ‘unresolved’.
Zdravo DerKoenig.
Uspeo sam da kontaktiram predstavnika kazina preko Skajpa. Predstavnik kazina je obećao da će uskoro odgovoriti na ovu žalbu.
Hello DerKoenig.
I was able to contact the casino representative via Skype. The casino representative promised to answer this complaint shortly.
Žao mi je DerKoenig, što traje tako dugo.
Ponovo sam poslao poruku predstavniku kazina na Skipe-u i ako on ne odgovori na vašu žalbu u roku od 24 sata, biću primoran da zatvorim ovu žalbu kao nerešenu.
I am sorry DerKoenig, that it takes so long.
I messaged the casino's representative on Skype again, and if he does not reply to your complaint in 24h, I will be forced to close this complaint as unresolved.
Žao mi je DerKoenig. Pokušali smo da damo maksimum, ali kazino nije reagovao. Obično preporučujem da se u ovoj situaciji obratite organu za izdavanje dozvola; međutim, ovaj kazino nema licencu. Jedino što možemo da uradimo je da ovu žalbu zatvorimo kao nerešenu. To ima negativan uticaj na rejting kazina.
Žao mi je što nismo mogli više da vam pomognemo.
I am sorry DerKoenig. We tried to do our maximum, but the casino was non-responsive. Usually, I recommend contacting the licensing authority in this situation; however, this casino has no license. The only thing we can do is to close this complaint as unresolved. It has a negative impact on the casino's rating.
I am sorry that we were unable to help you more.
Ponovo smo otvorili ovu žalbu na zahtev kazina. Želeli bismo da ovom slučaju damo još jednu šansu da se reši i pomognemo obema uključenim stranama da dođu do zadovoljavajućeg zaključka.
We’ve reopened this complaint as per the casino's request. We would like to give this case one more chance to get resolved and help both involved parties to reach to a satisfactory conclusion.
Dragi DerKoenig.
Kazino me je kontaktirao i objasnio da ste u ovom slučaju prekršili pravilo 2.5.7
traženje besplatnih bonusa koji premašuju odnos bonusa i depozita od 3:1 (besplatni bonusi uključuju, ali nisu ograničeni na besplatne okrete, bonuse iz kalendara, bonuse za greb kartice, turnirske nagrade, nagrade za trke, Mailer bonuse, bonuse dobre volje koje dodeljuju menadžeri naloga itd. )
Zatražili ste 11 bonusa i napravili samo tri depozita, čime ste premašili odnos.
Dear DerKoenig.
The casino contacted me and explain that in this case, you breached rule 2.5.7
claiming free bonuses that exceed a 3:1 bonus to deposit ratio (free bonuses include but are not limited to Free Spins, Calendar bonuses, Scratch Card bonuses, Tournament prizes, Race prizes, Mailer bonuses, Goodwill bonuses awarded by account managers, etc.)
You claimed 11 bonuses and only made three deposits, thus exceeding the ratio.
Ali kao što sam rekao, to nema apsolutno nikakve veze sa mojom otkazanom uplatom. To je još uvek 500 evra od prve zarade koja godinama nije isplaćena i uvek je bez razloga poništena i gurnuta sam u trajnu verifikaciju.
Samo da mi plate preostalih 500 evra i to je to
But as I said, that has absolutely nothing to do with my canceled payment. That's still 500 euros from the first profit that hasn't been paid out in ages and has always been canceled without a reason and I've been pushed into permanent verification.
They should just pay my remaining 500 euros and that's it
das hat doch aber wie gesagt absolut nichts mit meiner stornierten Auszahlung zu tun. Das sind doch immer noch 500 Euro von dem ersten Gewinn der ewig nicht ausgezahlt wurde und immer ohne Grund storniert wurde und ich in permanente verifizierungen geschoben wurde.
Die sollen einfach meine restlichen 500 Euro zahlen und gut ist
Žao mi je, ali ovo je moguće samo uz potvrdu predstavnika kazina.
Ne delimo nikakve informacije sa strane kazina, samo uz njihovu dozvolu.
I am sorry, but this might be possible only with a confirmation from the casino representative.
We do not share any information from the casino side, only with their permission.
Zamolio sam kazino putem e-pošte da odgovori na žalbu. Kazino je ponovo otvorio žalbu pa se nadam da ćemo dobiti odgovor u narednih 7 dana.
I asked the casino via email to respond on the complaint. It was a casino who reopen the complaint so I hope we get a response in next 7 days.
Dragi DerKoenig.
Žao mi je, ali ovaj slučaj oduzima previše vremena, a predstavnik kazina ne reaguje. (ne znam zašto)
Ako se slažete, želeo bih da zatvorim žalbu kao nerešenu, a kada žalba negativno utiče na rejting kazina, možda će predstavnik kazina biti pričljiviji.
Dear DerKoenig.
I am sorry, but this case takes too much time, and the casino representative is non-responsive. (I don't know why)
If you agree, I would like to close the complaint as unresolved, and when the complaint negatively impacts the casino's rating, maybe the casino representative will be more talkative.
da možemo to učiniti i zatvoriti slučaj kao nerešen. Ne može biti da traje tako dugo...
yes we can do that and close the case as unsolved. It can't be that it's taking that long...
ja können wir so machen und den Fall als ungelöst schließen. Kann ja nicht sein das es so lange dauert ...
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