Upotreba nejasnih formulacija i manipulacija sa legitimnim dobitkom igrača od strane Luckivilds kazina
Igrao sam u Luckivilds kazinu koristeći njihov bonus. Nakon što sam podigao 665 evra, dobio sam sledeću poruku iz kazina:
„ Kontaktiramo vas iz korisničke podrške kompanije Luckivilds.
Dobio sam potvrdu od relevantnog odeljenja, i čini se da su zaplenili vaš dobitak jer se, očigledno, niste pridržavali pravila o bonusima kazina.
Prema tumačenju kazina, važi sledeće pravilo:
„Aktivacija bonusa i igranje podrazumevaju da se slažete sa našom politikom bonusa. U našoj politici, pod 'Doprinos klađenja', jasno je navedeno da svaka igra sa bonusom 'kupi funkciju' ima doprinos od 0%. Klađenje na ovu grupu igara može rezultirati konfiskacijom i bonus novca i svih dobitaka ostvarenih od bonusa.
Sada bi se moglo pretpostaviti da je zabranjena kupovina bonus funkcije dok igrate sa bonusom. Međutim, ovde je problem: prema neobičnoj logici Luckivilds kazina, zabranjeno je i igranje igara koje samo sadrže tu funkciju. Ne morate da koristite ovu funkciju; samo igranje na slotu će neizbežno dovesti do gubitka vaših dobitaka (svih njih).
Smatram da je ovo pravilo, u najboljem slučaju, nejasno. U stvari, čini se da je to mehanizam dizajniran da nepravedno oduzme legitimno zarađene dobitke od igrača (stotine slotova danas sadrže funkciju kupovine bonusa).
Nadam se da kazino može da prizna činjenicu da se nikada nisam uključio u kupovinu funkcije bonus kupovine (čak ni jednom). Jednostavno igranje igre koja sadrži tu funkciju kao opciju - po mom mišljenju ne bi trebalo da rezultira konfiskacijom mog dobitka. Čini mi se evidentnim da ako odluče drugačije, možda imaju na umu skrivene motive (iako se i dalje nadam da je ovo samo nesporazum i da ću na kraju dobiti dobitak koji sam s pravom zaradio)."
Use of vague wording and manipulation with legitimate player’s winning by Luckywilds casino
I played at the Luckywilds casino using their bonus. After I withdrew 665 euros, I received the following message from the casino:
"We are contacting you from Luckywilds customer support.
I have received confirmation from the relevant department, and they seem to have confiscated your winnings because, apparently, you did not comply with the casino's bonus rules.
According to the casino's interpretation, the following rule applies:
"Bonus activation and play imply your agreement with our bonus policy. In our policy, under 'Wagering contribution,' it is clearly stated that any game with a bonus 'buy feature' has a 0% contribution. Wagering on this group of games can result in the confiscation of both the bonus money and any winnings generated from the bonus."
Now, one might assume that what is prohibited is purchasing a bonus feature while playing with the bonus. However, here is the issue: According to Luckywilds casino's peculiar logic, playing games that merely contain the feature is also prohibited. You don't have to use the feature; just playing the slot itself will inevitably lead to the forfeiture of your winnings (all of them).
I find this rule to be, at best, vague. In fact, it appears to be a mechanism designed to unjustly take away legitimately earned winnings from players (hundreds of slots today contain Bonus buy feature).
I hope that the casino can acknowledge the fact that I never engaged in buying bonus buy feature (not even once). Simply playing a game that contains the feature as an option - should not, in my opinion, result in the confiscation of my winnings. It seems evident to me that if they decide otherwise, they might have ulterior motives in mind (although I still hope this is merely a misunderstanding, and I will eventually receive the winnings I rightfully earned)."
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