Povlačenje igrača se odlaže više od 2 mjeseca. Na kraju smo zatvorili žalbu kao 'neriješenu' jer kazino nije odgovorio.
Pozdrav već više od 2 mjeseca čekam svoju uplatu koju sam tražio, mailom sam obaviješten da može potrajati 7-21 dan i kad god pitam dobijem odgovor da još nije obavljeno jer će pažljivo provjeriti mora li uvijek biti isti odgovor uvijek ću biti pogođen. Jučer sam se prijavio i za depozit od 500 eura u kazinu Oceanbreez i čini mi se da su svi zajedno i neće biti drugačije za mene. Zaista bih volio da imam svoje isplate i depozit ide bez ikakvih problema.
Hello for over 2 months now I have been waiting for my payment that I had requested, I was informed by email that it could take 7-21 days and whenever I ask, I get the answer that it has not yet been completed because it will be checked carefully must it is always the same answer I will always be hit. Yesterday I also applied for a 500 euro deposit at Oceanbreez casino and it seems that they all belong together and it won't be any different for me. I would really like to have my withdrawals and the deposit goes without any problems.
Hallo seit über 2 Monaten warte ich nun auf meine Auszahlung die ich beantragt hatte, es wurde mir per Mail mitgeteilt das es 7-21 Tage dauern kann und immer wenn ich Nachfrage bekomme ich zur Antwort das es noch nicht abgeschlossen ist weil es genau geprüft werden muss es ist immer die selbe Antwort ich werde dauernd hingehauen. Auch habe ich gestern bei Oceanbreez casino 500 Euro Anzahlung beantragt und scheinbar gehören die alle zusammen und da wird es mir nicht anders ergehen. Ich hätte wirklich gerne meine Auszahlungen den Einzahlung gehe ja schließlich auch ohne Probleme.
zdravo madeleineknapik,
Hvala vam puno što ste podnijeli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Lucky Wins Casino. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja prije nego što krenemo naprijed.
Da li je vaša verifikacija u kazinu u potpunosti završena? Ako da, od kada? Da li ste koristili neki bonus da akumulirate svoje dobitke? Kada vam je zadnji put kazino odgovorio i šta je to bilo?
Ako nije iskorišten bonus i vaš račun. je verifikovan Ne vidim razlog zašto bi kazino odgodio plaćanje za toliko vremena. Nadam se da ćemo vam moći pomoći.
Molimo vas da prosledite bilo koji relevantan dokaz kao snimak ekrana, razgovore ili e-poštu na nikolas.b@casino.guru.
Hello madeleineknapik,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Lucky Wins Casino. Allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Is your verification in the casino fully complete? If yes, since when? Did you use any bonus to accumulate your winnings? When was the last time the casino responded to you and what was it?
If there wasn't any bonus used and your acc. is verified I do not see any reason why would the casino delay the payment by that much time. I hope we will be able to help you out.
Please forward any relevant proof as screenshot, chats or e-mails to nikolas.b@casino.guru.
Draga madeleineknapik,
Nismo se čuli neko vrijeme. Imajte na umu da će žalba biti odbijena ako ne dobijemo nikakav odgovor u narednih 7 dana.
Dear madeleineknapik,
We haven't hear from you in a while. Please note that the complaint will be rejected if we won't get any respond within the next 7 days.
zdravo Nick,
Prije dva dana poslao sam e-mail sa potrebnim odgovorima na Vašu email adresu.
Ne piše da nije prošao, ako ga još uvijek niste primili, javite mi gdje mogu ponovo poslati.
Mnogo pozdrava
Hello Nick,
Two days ago I sent an email with the necessary answers to your email address.
It doesn't say that it didn't go through, if you still haven't received it, please let me know where I can send it again.
Many greetings
Hallo Nick,
Ich habe vor 2 Tagen eine E mail mit den notwendigen Antworten an eure e mail Adresse geschickt.
Bei mir steht nicht dabei das diese nicht durchgegangen ist, solltest du diese dennoch nicht bekommen haben bitte mir kurz bescheid geben wo ich sie noch mal hinschicken darf.
Viele Grüße
Hvala madeleineknapik za sve informacije. Sada ću proslediti Vašu žalbu kolegi Petru koji će Vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rješavanju.
Thank you madeleineknapik for all the information. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Peter who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Draga madeleineknapik,
Pogledao sam vaš slučaj i shvatio sam situaciju. Ja ću kontaktirati kazino i vidjeti mogu li pomoći. Pozivam Lucky Wins Casino u razgovor da učestvujem u rješavanju ove žalbe.
Dear madeleineknapik,
I have looked at your case and understand the situation. I will contact the casino and see if I can help. I would like to invite Lucky Wins Casino to the conversation to participate in the resolution of this complaint.
zdravo Peter,
Hvala vam puno na tome. Imam i 500 eura isplate u oceanbreeze casinu i 280 eura u Maximalwins kazinu i nadam se da neću morati da računam na poteškoće sa isplatom tamo, jer imam osjećaj da su svi zajedno.
Jako se nadam da ću konačno dobiti svoj dobitak jer je vrlo nepravedno da depozit radi za nekoliko sekundi i isplata ide brzinom puža, ako uopće. Pohvaljujem Merkur online jer imate svoje dobitke na raspolaganju istog ili sljedećeg dana.
Srdačan pozdrav i hvala vam puno
Hi Peter,
Thank you very much for that. I also have 500 euros in the payout at oceanbreeze casino and 280 euros at Maximalwins casino and I hope that I don't have to reckon with difficulties with the payout there, because I have the feeling that they all belong together.
I very much hope that I finally get my winnings because it is very unfair the deposit works in seconds and the payout goes at a snail's pace, if at all. I praise Merkur online because you have your winnings available on the same day or the next day.
Kind regards and thank you very much
In advance.
Hallo Peter,
Vielen lieben Dank dafür. Ich habe auch noch bei oceanbreeze casino 500 Euro und bei Maximalwins casino 280 Euro in der Auszahlung und hoffe das ich dort nicht auch mit Schwierigkeiten bei der Auszahlung rechnen muss, den ich habe das Gefühl das die alle zusammengehören.
Ich hoffe sehr das ich meinen Gewinn endlich mal bekomme den es ist schon sehr unfair die Einzahlung klappt in Sekunden schnelle und die Auszahlung geht im Schneckentempo wenn überhaupt voran. Da lobe i h mir Merkur online den da hat man seinen Gewinn am selben Tag bzw am nächsten Tag schon zur Verfügung.
Ganz liebe Grüsse und vielen Dank
Hvala Madeleine na ažuriranju.
Željeli bismo zamoliti Lucky Wins Casino da odgovori na ovu žalbu. Tajmer produžavamo za 7 dana. Ako kazino ne odgovori u zadanom roku, prigovor će postati 'neriješen' što može negativno uticati na njegov rejting.
Thank you Madeleine for the update.
We would like to ask Lucky Wins Casino to reply to this complaint. We are extending the timer by 7 days. If the casino fails to respond in the set time frame, the complaint will become ‘unresolved’ which may negatively affect its rating.
zdravo Peter,
Zaista se nadam da ću uskoro moći dobiti isplatu. Ponovo sam tražio isplatu.......nažalost sa uvijek istim ili sada izjava je bila da je bila dupla provjera, zašto sam sve zadržao pa tako nešto. U međuvremenu sam dobio 500 od oceanskog breeze-a i 280 od maximalwinsa. Ali mislite da su svi zajedno i da se veći iznosi jednostavno nerado plaćaju, prošlo je više od 2 mjeseca. Ovo je prosto nepristojno.
Hvala na podršci.
Hi Peter,
I really hope that I can still get a payout soon. Had asked again for my payout.......unfortunately with always the same or now the statement was that there was a double check, why I kept everything and then something like that. In the meantime I have received the 500 from ocean breeze and the 280 from maximalwins. But think that they all belong together and that higher amounts are simply reluctant to be paid, it's been over 2 months now. This is just rude.
Thanks for his support.
Hallo Peter,
Ich hoffe doch sehr das ich doch noch an eine baldige Auszahlung komme. Hatte mal wieder nach meiner Auszahlung angefragt.......leider mit immer das selbe bzw jetzt war die Aussage das es zu einer doppelprüfung kommt, warum auch immer habe mich an alles gehalten und dann sowas. Mittlerweile habe ich die 500 von ocean breeze und die 280 von maximalwins bekommen. Denke aber das die alle zusammengehören und das höhere Beträge einfach ungern bezahlt werden es ist jetzt schon über 2 Monate. Das ist einfach eine Unverschämtheit.
Danke für seinen Support.
Draga Madeleine,
Više puta sam pokušavao da stupim u kontakt sa kazinom, ali bez uspeha. Budući da kazino nema važeću licencu i ne odnosi se ni na jednu ADR uslugu, nema ovlaštenja za igre kojoj se možete obratiti. Bojim se, ne može se mnogo učiniti bez saradnje sa njegove strane. Označit ću žalbu "neriješenom" u našem sistemu. Razumijem da ovo nije zadovoljavajuće rješenje za vaš problem. Međutim, smanjenje rejtinga uzrokovano neriješenim žalbama moglo bi pomoći da se promijeni pristup kazina. Ako kazino odluči reagirati, ponovo ćemo otvoriti žalbu i o tome ćete biti obaviješteni putem e-pošte. Mogu vam samo preporučiti da u budućnosti birate kockarnice prema njihovim recenzijama i ocjenama kako biste izbjegli ovakve situacije. Voleo bih da mogu biti od veće pomoći.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Madeleine,
I tried to get in touch with the casino repeatedly but had no success. Since the casino has no valid license and doesn't refer to any ADR service, there is no gaming authority to turn to. I’m afraid, there is not much that can be done without cooperation from its side. I will mark the complaint "unresolved" in our system. I understand this isn't a satisfactory solution to your issue. However, the decrease in rating caused by unresolved complaints could help to change the casino's approach. If the casino decides to react, we will reopen the complaint and you will be notified by email. I can only recommend you choose casinos by their reviews and ratings in the future to avoid situations like this. I wish I could be of more help.
Best regards,
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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