Zdravo, Dragi kiran1040 i Casino Guru!
Hvala što ste čekali. Dobili smo odgovor iz odeljenja za finansije.
Transakcija UTR 413294577260 je knjižena na račun igre 172050979 dana 12.05.2024. godine, pošto je sa ovog računa podnet zahtev za uplatu depozita platnom sistemu. Pošto je zahtev jedinstven, utr se izdaje isključivo korisniku u platnom sistemu. Do kreditiranja drugog naloga za igru može doći u slučaju da je korisnik nenamerno dao utr za depozit trećim licima, a oni zauzvrat koriste jedinstveni kod i deponuju na svoj račun.
Da bismo rešili situaciju i pomogli, igrač treba da potvrdi slanje novca na podatke našeg agenta za plaćanje. Da biste to uradili, pošaljite izvod iz banke za period maj 2024. godine, kada ste poslali novac za dopunu računa za igru. Pošaljite nam izjavu u pdf formatu na .
ugodan dan!
Srdačan pozdrav, Mostbet.
Hello, Dear kiran1040 and Casino Guru!
Thank you for waiting. We have received a response from the finance department.
Transaction UTR 413294577260 was credited to the game account 172050979 on 12.05.2024, as the request for deposit crediting to the payment system was made from this account. Since the request is unique, utr is issued strictly to the user in the payment system. Crediting to another game account may occur in case the user unintentionally has provided utr for deposit to third parties, and they in turn used the unique code and deposited to their account.
In order for us to sort out the situation and help, the player needs to confirm sending money to the details of our payment agent. To do this, please send a bank statement for the period of May 2024, when you sent money to replenish your game account. Send the statement in pdf format to us at sermsupport@mostbet.com.
Have a nice day!
Best regards, Mostbet.
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