Igrač je zatražio povraćaj svog depozita pošto mu je račun zatvoren zbog višestrukog računa. Kazino je ostavio jedan od njegovih računa otvoren i nadoknadio jedan neiskorišćeni depozit sa duplikata računa na otvoreni. Žalba je rešena.
The player requested a refund of his deposit as his account got closed for multi-accounting. The casino left one of his accounts open and compensated one unused deposit from a duplicate account to the open one. The complaint is resolved.
Igrač je zatražio povraćaj svog depozita pošto mu je račun zatvoren zbog višestrukog računa. Kazino je ostavio jedan od njegovih računa otvoren i nadoknadio jedan neiskorišćeni depozit sa duplikata računa na otvoreni. Žalba je rešena.
Dobro jutro,
Registrovao sam se u Mr Bet Casino u nedelju 20.11.2022 i iskoristio sam 10 evra bez depozita. Uspeo sam da uložim iznos i na kraju sam dobio 50 evra pravog novca. Za povlačenje novca potreban je minimalni depozit. Uplatio sam minimalni depozit od 10 evra, sada sam imao 60 evra. Zatim sam se prijavio za isplatu od 60 evra. Nešto kasnije sam dobio informaciju da mi je nalog blokiran zbog višestrukog naloga i da neću dobiti isplatu dobitaka. I to razumem, da ne dobijam dobitak. Primetio sam da sam tamo već registrovao nalog pre dobrih godinu dana. Ako si glup, ne možeš ništa. Nisam znao za ovaj višestruki nalog.
Dakle, pređimo na stvarnu stvar:
Kazino mi je takođe odbio depozit od 10 evra. Nisam uradio nijedno okretanje sa 10 evra i punih 60 evra (10 evra depozit + 50 evra profita) je uvek bilo vidljivo na mom korisničkom nalogu.
Može li kazino odbiti i moj depozit od 10 evra? Da li je to legalno? Razumem da ne dobijam svoj dobitak, ali smatram da je veoma upitno da oni sami čuvaju novac, gde ja nikada nisam imao priliku da ga iskoristim. Znam da je iznos smešno mali, ali ovo je stvar principa. Možete li pogledati? Hvala!
Good morning,
I registered at Mr Bet Casino on Sunday 11/20/2022 and used the 10 euros without deposit. I managed to wager the amount and ended up with €50 real money. A minimum deposit is required to make a withdrawal. I made the minimum deposit of 10 euros, I now had 60 euros. I then applied for a payout of 60 euros. A little later I got the information that my account was blocked due to a multi account and that I will not get my winnings paid out. And I understand that too, that I don't get the winnings. I noticed that I had already registered an account there a good year ago. If you're stupid, you can't do anything. I was not aware of this multi accounts.
So let's get to the real point:
The casino also refused me the 10 euro deposit. I didn't do a single spin with the 10 euros and the full 60 euros (10 euros deposit + 50 euros profit) were always visible in my user account.
Can the casino also refuse my deposit of 10 euros? Is that legal? I understand that I don't get my winnings, but I find it very questionable that they keep the money themselves, where I never had the chance to use it. I know the amount is ridiculously small, but this is a matter of principle. Can you take a look? Thanks!
Guten Morgen,
ich habe mich im Mr Bet Casino am Sonntag, den 20.11.2022 registriert und die 10 Euro ohne Einzahlung verwendet. Ich habe es geschafft, den Betrag umzusetzen und hatte am Ende 50 Euro Echtgeld. Um eine Auszahlung tätigen zu können, ist eine Mindesteinzahlung erforderlich. Ich tätigte die Mindesteinzahlung in Höhe von 10 Euro, ich hatte nun 60 Euro. Im Anschluss habe ich eine Auszahlung beantragt in Höhe von 60 Euro. Etwas später bekam ich die Information, dass mein Konto gesperrt wurde, aufgrund eines Multi Accounts und dass ich meine Gewinne nicht ausgezahlt bekomme. Und das verstehe ich auch, dass ich die Gewinne nicht bekomme. Ich habe festgestellt, dass ich vor gut einem Jahr dort bereits einen Account registriert hatte. Dumm gelaufen, kann man nichts machen. Ich war mir dieses Multi Accounts nicht bewusst.
Kommen wir daher nun zum eigentlichen Punkt:
Das Casino verweigert mir ebenfalls die 10 Euro Einzahlung. Ich habe mit den 10 Euro keinen einzigen Spin gemacht und die kompletten 60 Euro (10 Euro Einzahlung + 50 Euro Gewinn) waren jederzeit in meinem Nutzerkonto zu sehen.
Darf das Casino mir auch meine Einzahlung in Höhe von 10 Euro verwehren? Ist das rechtens? Dass ich meine Gewinne nicht bekomme verstehe ich, aber dass sie selbst das Geld behalten, wo ich nie die Chance hatte es zu nutzen finde ich sehr fragwürdig. Ich weiß, der Betrag ist lächerlich gering, aber es geht mir hier ums Prinzip. Könnt ihr euch das mal anschauen? Danke!
Zdravo BluePrint,
Hvala vam puno što ste podneli žalbu i zaista mi je žao što čujem za vaš problem sa Mr Bet kazinom. Dozvolite mi da vam postavim još nekoliko pitanja pre nego što krenemo dalje.
Možete li da nam kažete kada je vaš nalog zatvoren? Da li je kazino već potvrdio da nećete dobiti nazad svoj depozit?
Radujemo se Vašem odgovoru.
Hello BluePrint,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint and I'm really sorry to hear about your issue with Mr Bet Casino. Please allow me to ask you a few more question before we would move forward.
Could you please advise when did your account get closed? Did the casino already confirm that you won't receive back your deposit?
Looking forward to your answer.
Dobro jutro,
puno hvala na odgovoru.
Moj nalog je zatvoren 21. novembra 2022. godine, odnosno juče.
Kazino me je obavestio e-poštom da neću dobiti nazad svoj depozit od 10 evra.
Puno pozdrava
Good morning,
many thanks for the answer.
My account was closed on November 21st, 2022, i.e. yesterday.
The casino informed me by email that I would not get my deposit of 10 euros back.
Many greetings
Guten Morgen,
vielen Dank für die Antwort.
Mein Account wurde am 21.11.2022, also gestern geschlossen.
Das Casino hat mir per Mail mitgeteilt, dass ich meine Einzahlung in Höhe von 10 Euro nicht zurück erhalte.
Viele Grüße
Zdravo BluePrint i hvala vam na svim pruženim informacijama. Najverovatnije ćemo morati da kontaktiramo kazino za dodatni dokaz višestrukosti naloga. Vašu žalbu ću sada proslediti kolegi Branislavu ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam od sada pomagati.
Želim vam puno sreće u rešavanju.
Hello BluePrint and thank you for all the information provided. We will most likely need to contact the casino for additional proof of account multiplicity. I will now forward your complaint to my colleague Branislav (branislav.b@casino.guru) who will be assisting you from now on.
Wish you best luck resolving it.
Zdravo, BluePrint,
Žao mi je što čujem za vašu situaciju. Kontaktiraću kazino i potrudiću se da rešim problem što je pre moguće. Sada bih želeo da pozovem predstavnika Mr.Bet kazina da se pridruži ovom razgovoru i učestvuje u rešavanju ove žalbe.
Dragi Mr.Bet Casino timu,
Možete li nam dati detaljnije objašnjenje situacije igrača? Kada je registrovan prvi nalog? Da li kazino može da vrati igraču njegov depozit u slučaju da je njegov prvi nalog odavno registrovan? To može značiti da je igrač jednostavno zaboravio na prethodni nalog.
Unapred hvala na pružanju informacija.
Hello, BluePrint,
I am sorry to hear about your situation. I will contact the casino and try my best to resolve the issue as soon as possible. Now I would like to invite Mr.Bet Casino's representative to join this conversation and participate in the resolution of this complaint.
Dear Mr.Bet Casino Team,
Could you please provide us with an explanation of the player's situation in more detail? When was the first account registered? Is the casino able to refund the player his deposit in case his first account was registered a long time ago? It may mean that the player just really forgot about the previous account.
Thank you in advance for providing the information.
Zdravo Branislave,
Prvi korisnički nalog je registrovan 18.08.2021, drugi 20.11.2022.
Poslednja prijava korisnika na prvi nalog bila je 21.08.2021, prema internim evidencijama. To znači da korisnik ima pristup ovom prvom kreiranom nalogu koji ostaje otvoren. Korisnik može da nastavi da igra na svom početnom nalogu.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Hello Branislav,
The first user's account was registered 18.08.2021 the second one 20.11.2022.
The last user's login on the first account was 21.08.2021, according to internal logs. That means user has access to this first created account that remains open. User can continue playing on his initial account.
Best regards,
Mr.Bet Casino team
Dragi Mr.Bet Casino timu,
Možete li još jednom da proverite date informacije i potvrdite da su zaista tačne? Da li je moguće da je greška u navedenim datumima?
Prema datom objašnjenju, izgleda da se igrač poslednji put prijavio na prvi nalog više od 15 meseci pre nego što je drugi registrovan.
Dear Mr.Bet Casino Team,
Could you please double-check the provided information and confirm it is really correct? Is it possible there is a mistake in the given dates?
According to the provided explanation, it looks like the player last logged in on the first account more than 15 months before the second one was registered.
Zdravo Branislave,
Podaci za prijavu i registraciju su tačni, ali to ne negira činjenicu da je korisnik odmah nakon blokade novog naloga već sledećeg dana mogao da se prijavi na otvoreni stari nalog. To znači da korisnik i dalje ima pristup njemu i pamti akreditive za prijavu.
Takođe, proverili smo istoriju bonusa na oba naloga. Na oba naloga korisnik je koristio besplatnih 10 evra bonusa za potvrdu telefona i e-pošte. Pošto mu besplatni bonus nije bio dostupan na starom nalogu, korisnik je mogao da kreira novi da dobije ovaj bonus i ponovo ga iskoristi. Ovo direktno krši pravila našeg igračkog kluba.
Podsećamo da je stari nalog ostao otvoren kao izuzetak i korisnik može da nastavi da igra na njemu i da više ne krši naša pravila.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Hello Branislav,
The login and registration data are correct, but this does not negate the fact that immediately after the blocking of the new account, the user was able to log into the open old account the next day. That means the user still has access to it and remembers the credential for the login.
Also, we checked the bonus history of both accounts. On both accounts the user used the free 10 euro bonus for confirming the phone and email. Since the free bonus was not available to him on the old account, the user could create a new one to receive this bonus and reuse it. This directly violates the rules of our gaming club.
We remind you that the old account remained open as an exception and the user can continue to play on it and no longer violate our rules.
Best regards,
Mr.Bet Casino team
Ali u vašem postu od 1. decembra postoji informacija da je „ Poslednja prijava korisnika na prvi nalog bila 21.08.2021 , prema internim evidencijama ". Kao što sam pomenuo, to bi značilo da je poslednja prijava na prvi nalog bila više od 15 meseci pre nego što je drugi registrovan.
Da li ste mislili na 21.8.2022 umesto na 21.8.2021 za prijavu poslednjeg korisnika na prvi nalog, molim? Ako jeste, da li je ovo prijavljivanje bilo pre ili posle zatvaranja njegovog drugog naloga i kada je obavešten o razlogu? Kada se poslednji put prijavio na prvi nalog pre 21.8.2022? Da li kazino može da vrati igraču neiskorišćeni depozit?
But in your post from December 1, there is the information that "The last user's login on the first account was 21.08.2021, according to internal logs". As I mentioned, it would mean that the last login on the first account was more than 15 months before the second one was registered.
Did you mean 21.8.2022 instead of 21.8.2021 for the last user's login on the first account, please? If yes, was this login before or after the closure of his second account and being informed of the reason? When was the last time he logged into the first account before 21.8.2022? Is the casino able to refund the player's unused deposit?
Dragi Branislave,
Proverili smo informacije i izvinjavamo se što smo vas doveli u zabludu.
Prvi nalog je registrovan 18.08.2021, poslednji login, po sistemu 21.11.2022.
Drugi nalog koji je sada blokiran je kreiran 20.11.2022, poslednja prijava je bila 20.11.2022.
Na oba naloga je aktiviran bonus bez depozita od 10 evra za potvrdu mejlom i telefonom.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Dear Branislav,
We have checked the information, and we apologize for misleading you.
The first account was registered on 18.08.2021, the last login, according to the system on 21.11.2022.
The second account that is now blocked was created on 20.11.2022, the last login was 20.11.2022.
On both accounts, the No-deposit bonus of 10 euros for email and phone confirmation was activated.
Best regards,
Mr.Bet Casino team
Pozdrav svima. Prijavio sam se na prvi nalog kreiran nakon što je drugi blokiran da proverim da li sam zaista napravio prvi nalog pre nekog vremena, što sam već priznao.
Postoji samo jedna jednostavna činjenica koju bih želeo da znam:
da li je legitimno da kazino čuva moj depozit uplaćen na 2. račun? Nikada nisam igrao ni jedan od depozitnih fondova, samo je zatvoren. Znam da su dobici nestali, ali molim vas recite mi da li je legalno da kazino može zadržati depozite koji nikada nisu odigrani.
ako jeste, obavestite me o paragrafu u TC, a takođe, uz pomoć kazino gurua, obavestite me da li je ovo nešto što kazino može da uradi.
Hvala unapred.
Hello everyone. I logged into the first account created after the second one was blocked to check if I indeed created the first account a while back ago, which I already admitted.
There is just one simple fact I would want to know:
is it legit that the casino keeps my deposit made on the 2nd account? I never played any of the deposit funds, it just got closed. I know that the winnings are gone, but please tell me if it’s legit that a casino can keep deposits which have never been played.
if so, please let me know the paragraph in the TCs, and also, with the help of casino guru, let me know if this is something the casino is just able to do.
thanks in advance.
pozdrav svima,
Izvinjavam se zbog zakašnjelog odgovora.
Dragi Mr.Bet Casino timu,
Možete li mi dati kompletnu istoriju prijavljivanja za oba naloga igrača? Možete li takođe da podelite sa mnom istoriju transakcija i igranja sa njegovog drugog naloga? Slobodno koristite moju e-poštu ( branislav.b@casino.guru ).
Kao što vidimo, igrač je verovatno zaboravio na prvi nalog i priznao da je to moglo da se desi. Stoga je moguće da je pokušao da se prijavi tamo nakon što je o tome obavešten. Nažalost, bez istorije prijavljivanja, nismo u mogućnosti da je dovoljno razmotrimo.
Igrač ne pita za dobitke od bonusa bez depozita. Sporni iznos je postavljen samo na iznos njegovog depozita. Pored toga, prema Uslovima i odredbama kazina (dostupni OVDE ), pravila 7.13. i/ili 7.15., kazino može dodirnuti dobitke igrača. Kazino ima pravo da zatvori račun igrača ili da konfiskuje bonus dobitke, ali nema ništa o konfiskaciji depozita. Dakle, predmetni depozit se može vratiti ako uopšte nije iskorišćen.
Ako je igrač deponovao na drugi račun nakon što je ispunio uslove za ulaganje bonusa i nije ga uopšte koristio, da li je kazino u mogućnosti da kreditira ovaj neiskorišćeni depozit na njegov prvi nalog koji ostaje otvoren?
Greetings all,
I am sorry for the delayed reply.
Dear Mr.Bet Casino Team,
Could you please provide me with a complete login history for both of the player's accounts? Can you also share with me a transaction and gameplay history from his second account? Feel free to use my email (branislav.b@casino.guru).
As we see, the player likely forgot about the first account and admitted that it could have happened. Therefore, it is possible he tried to log in there after he was informed about it. Unfortunately, without the login history, we are not able to sufficiently consider it.
The player does not ask about the winnings from the no-deposit bonus. The disputed amount was set only to the amount of his deposit. In addition, according to the casino's Terms and Conditions (available HERE), rules 7.13. and/or 7.15., the casino can touch the player's winnings. The casino has the right to close the player's account or confiscate the bonus winnings, but there is nothing about deposit confiscation. So, the deposit in question may be returned if it has not been used at all.
If the player deposited to the second account after meeting the wagering requirements of the bonus and has not used it at all, is the casino able to credit this unused deposit to his first account which remains open?
Dragi Branislave,
Korisniku je naplaćen depozit od 10 evra na otvoren račun. Recite mi, da li ovo rešava problem ili još uvek moramo da pružimo dokaze o povezanosti naloga?
Biće nam potrebno dodatno vreme da primimo informacije o prijavljivanju, istoriji igara i depozitima.
Hvala vam puno unapred na strpljenju!
Srdačan pozdrav,
Mr.Bet Casino tim
Dear Branislav,
A deposit of 10 euros was compensated to the user on an open account. Tell me, does this solve the issue or do we still have to provide evidence of the connection between the accounts?
We will need additional time to receive information on logins, game history and deposits.
Thank you very much in advance for your patience!
Best regards,
Mr.Bet Casino team
Zdravo, Mr.Bet Casino tim,
Hvala vam puno na odgovoru i ažuriranju.
Ne, u ovom slučaju, kada igrač to potvrdi, više ništa nije potrebno.
Poštovani BluePrint,
Možete li potvrditi da je depozit od 10 € nadoknađen na račun koji je ostao otvoren? Mogu li smatrati da je vaš problem rešen?
Hello, Mr.Bet Casino Team,
Thank you very much for your reply and the update.
No, in this case, once the player confirms it, nothing more is needed at all.
Dear BluePrint,
Can you please confirm the deposit of €10 was compensated to the account that has remained open? Can I consider your issue resolved?
Dear BluePrint,
We are extending the timer by 7 days. Please, be aware that in case you fail to respond in the given time frame or don’t require any further assistance, we will reject the complaint.
Hvala, BluePrint, na potvrdi i korišćenju centra za rešavanje žalbi Casino Guru. Veoma mi je drago što ste dobili svoja sredstva. Pošto je problem uspešno rešen, sada ćemo vašu žalbu označiti kao „rešenu" u našem sistemu. Iako se iskreno nadam da se to neće dogoditi, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate u budućnosti ako naiđete na bilo kakve probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kazinom. Tu smo da pomognemo.
Hvala vam puno, Mr Bet Casino timu, na pomoći i saradnji.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Branislav, Casino.guru
Thank you, BluePrint, for confirmation and for using the Casino Guru complaint resolution centre. I am very glad you have received your funds. As the issue has been successfully resolved, we will now mark your complaint as 'resolved' in our system. Although I sincerely hope it will not happen, please do not hesitate to contact us in the future if you run into any issues with this or any other casino. We are here to help.
Thank you very much, Mr Bet Casino Team, for your help and cooperation.
Best regards,
Branislav, Casino.guru
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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