Zdravo svima,
Hvala vam na strpljenju dok smo pokušavali da rešimo ovaj problem.
Prvo i najvažnije, želimo da potvrdimo da je zahtev za povlačenje tog igrača za 1000 ZAR uspešno plaćen ranije jutros i želimo da mu čestitamo na dobitku!
Drugo, želeli bismo da damo neka dodatna pojašnjenja o problemima koji su se desili u vezi sa prethodnim povlačenjem igrača.
Nakon detaljne diskusije koju smo nedavno vodili sa našim timovima za finansije i pozadinu u vezi sa ovim slučajem, došli smo do sledećih nalaza:
- U skladu sa zahtevom kazina igraču da napravi minimalni depozit kod InstantEFT-a kako bi nastavio sa isplatom, igrač je 16.2.2024. izvršio depozit od 150 ZAR. U našoj evidenciji možemo videti da su sredstva zapravo ručno doznačena na igračev račun za igru 18.2.2024. i da je igrač već koristio nalaze za igru. Na zahtev možemo da obezbedimo relevantnu istoriju transakcija i klađenja koja to odražava.
- Potvrđeno nam je da je depozit od 150 ZAR bio uspešan, ali je „zapeo" i morao se ručno ažurirati u sistemu kako bi sredstva ušla u stanje igrača. Međutim, ručni kredit je izazvao probleme sa registracijom podataka o računu za plaćanje, što je u suštini bilo potrebno da bismo obradili povlačenje.
Sada kada je ovo sređeno, mogli smo da završimo proces povlačenja i izvršimo uplatu.
Imajući sve navedeno na umu, želeli bismo da se još jednom izvinimo zbog napornog procesa povlačenja koji se pokazao i da uverimo igrača da ovo nije uobičajena pojava, ali se ponekad može desiti zbog tehničkih poteškoća.
Takođe bismo se izvinili zbog nesporazuma u vezi sa depozitom igrača, koji je ipak bio uspešan i igrač je mogao da ga iskoristi.
Ako su za rešavanje ove žalbe potrebni dodatni detalji ili informacije, ne ustručavajte se da nas kontaktirate.
Srdačan pozdrav,
MrFortune Casino
Hello all,
Thank you for your patience while we were trying to sort out this matter.
First and foremost, we would like to confirm that player's withdrawal request for 1000 ZAR was successfully paid earlier this morning and we would like to congratulate him on his winnings!
Secondly, we would like to provide some further clarifications about the issues that had occurred in relation to player's withdrawal previously.
Following a detailed discussion we recently had with our Finance and back office teams regarding this case , we have come up with the below findings:
- As per the casino's request to the player to make a minimal deposit with InstantEFT in order to proceed with the withdrawal payment, the player made a deposit of 150 ZAR on 16/02/2024. In our records we can see that the funds were actually credited manually to the player's gaming account on 18/02/2024 and the player used the finds for play already. Upon request we can provide the relevant transaction and betting history reflecting this.
- It was confirmed to us that the deposit of 150 ZAR was successful, but got "stuck" and had to be updated manually in the system in order to for the funds to enter player's balance. However, the manual credit caused issues with registering the payment account details which is what was essentially required in order for us to process the withdrawal.
Now that this has been sorted, we were able to finalize the withdrawal process and execute the payment.
With all the above in mind, we would like to apologize once again for the onerous withdrawal process this turned out to be and assure the player that this is not a common occurrence , yet it may sometimes happen due to technical difficulties.
We would also like to apologize for the misunderstanding regarding player's deposit, which was after all successful and player was able to utilize it.
If any further details or information is required for the resolution of this complaint, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards,
MrFortune Casino
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