The player from Norway passed the KYC and tried to withdraw his winnings. He informed the casino about his gamlbing problem and they decided to confiscate part of player's winnings. Based on the player's bet history, we rejected the case since the player had not managed to fully wager his deposit amount, therefore we considered the casino's behaviour as fully justified.
Igrač iz Norveške je prošao KYC i pokušao da podigne svoj dobitak. Obavijestio je kazino o svom problemu s kockanjem i odlučili su zaplijeniti dio dobitaka igrača. Na osnovu istorije klađenja igrača, odbili smo slučaj jer igrač nije uspio u potpunosti okladiti iznos svog depozita, te smo smatrali da je ponašanje kazina potpuno opravdano.
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