Pišem da tražim vašu pomoć u rešavanju problema sa Nalu kazinom gde sam imao značajne probleme sa jednom od njihovih slot igara, Leprechaun Riches. Uprkos tome što sam izrazio zabrinutost direktno kazinu, nisam dobio zadovoljavajuće rešenje i verujem da situacija zahteva dalju istragu.
Evo detalja moje žalbe:
1. Problemi sa performansama igre:
Od četvrtka, 2. januara, slot igra Leprechaun Riches radi nenormalno.
Konkretno, okretanjima je potrebno oko 5 sekundi da se završe, što je mnogo sporije nego inače.
Prikupio sam dokaze, uključujući video snimke, koji pokazuju koliko sporo igra igra.
Pokušao sam da rešim problem sa moje strane testiranjem igre na četiri različita uređaja, više mreža, pa čak i brisanjem keša pregledača i istorije podataka. Nijedan od ovih pokušaja nije rešio problem.
2. Problemi u vezi sa funkcionalnošću:
Kao Megavais slot, igra treba da odvoji odgovarajuće simbole i da ih zameni novim.
Međutim: od 2. januara, igra je izgubila zamah, a mehanika izgleda poremećena.
Besplatni okreti su postali neobično retki, a kada ih dobijem, dobici su mnogo manji od onoga što sam ranije iskusio.
3. Finansijski uticaj: Između četvrtka, 2. januara, i vremena ove žalbe, deponovao sam £840 na platformu. U početku sam mislio da možda samo doživljavam niz loše sreće, što je uvek mogućnost kada igrate slotove. Međutim, nakon što sam nastavio da polažem i igram, shvatio sam da to nije stvar sreće — sama igra očigledno ne funkcioniše kako treba.
4. Odgovor kazina: Izneo sam svoju zabrinutost u Nalu kazinu ubrzo nakon što sam primetio ove probleme. Međutim, rečeno mi je da je igra „u redu". Kao iskusan igrač slotova, u potpunosti se ne slažem sa ovom procenom i smatram da kazino nije adekvatno rešio moju zabrinutost.
Moj zahtev:
tražim sledeće:
Potpuni povraćaj £840 koje sam deponovao od četvrtka, 2. januara, pošto igra nije funkcionisala kako treba.
Detaljna istraga o performansama slot igre Leprechaun Riches kako bi se osiguralo da funkcioniše kako je predviđeno.
Drago mi je da pružim dokaze koje sam prikupio, uključujući snimke koji jasno pokazuju spore performanse igre i snimke ekrana niskih dobitaka od besplatnih okretaja.
Nadam se da možete pomoći u rešavanju ovog problema, jer osećam da kazino odbacuje moju zabrinutost.
I am writing to seek your assistance in resolving an issue with Nalu Casino where I have been experiencing significant problems with one of their slot games, Leprechaun Riches. Despite raising my concerns directly with the casino, I have not received a satisfactory resolution and I believe the situation warrants further investigation.
Here are the details of my complaint:
1. Game Performance Issues:
Since Thursday, 2nd January, the Leprechaun Riches slot game has been performing abnormally.
Specifically The spins are taking approximately 5 seconds to complete, which is far slower than usual.
I have collected evidence, including video recordings, that demonstrate how slow the game is running.
I have tried resolving the issue on my end by testing the game on four different devices, multiple networks, and even clearing my browser cache and data history. None of these attempts have resolved the problem.
2. Functionality Concerns:
As a Megaways slot, the game should break away matching symbols and replace them with new ones.
However: Since 2nd January, the game has lost its momentum, and the mechanics seem disrupted.
Free spins have become unusually rare, and when I do receive them, the winnings are much lower than what I have previously experienced.
3. Financial Impact: Between Thursday, 2nd January, and the time of this complaint, I have deposited £840 on the platform. Initially, I thought I might just be experiencing a streak of bad luck, which is always a possibility when playing slots. However after continuing to deposit and play, I realised that this was not a matter of luck—the game itself is clearly not functioning correctly.
4. Casino’s Response: I raised my concerns with Nalu Casino shortly after noticing these issues. However I was told the game is "fine." As an experienced slot player, I strongly disagree with this assessment and feel the casino has not adequately addressed my concerns.
My Request:
I am requesting the following:
A full refund of the £840 I deposited since Thursday, 2nd January, as the game was not functioning correctly.
A thorough investigation into the performance of the Leprechaun Riches slot game to ensure it is functioning as intended.
I am happy to provide the evidence I have gathered, including recordings that clearly show the slow performance of the game and screenshots of the low winnings from free spins.
I hope you can help mediate this issue, as I feel my concerns are being dismissed by the casino.
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