Dragi CasinoGuru,
Zaista mi treba pomoć da rešim svoj slučaj sa ovim užasnim izgovorom kazina. Osvojio sam mnogo novca sa 100% bonusa na depozit prošlog proleća i od tada pokušavam da podignem novac. Pokušavao sam da verifikujem svoj nalog, ali kazino samo traži sve više i više čudnih dokumenata i mnogo puta sam se osećao kao da sam zaglavio u petlji dok traže iste dokumente iznova i iznova, iako sam poslao njih pre.
Priložiću datoteku sa najnovijom porukom e-pošte sa kazinom kako biste mogli dalje da razumete problem, ali ukratko, uzeli su moj dobitak i tvrdili da sam prekršio njihove uslove iako nisam uradio ništa slično.
Javite mi se ako imate još pitanja. Kazino je takođe prestao da odgovara na moje imejlove.
Dear CasinoGuru,
I really need help with solving my case with this terrible excuse of a casino. I won a lot of money with a 100% deposit bonus last spring and I have been trying to make a withdrawal since then. I have been trying to verify my account but the casino just ask for more and more weird documents and many times it has felt like I've been stuck in a loop as they ask for the same documents over and over, even though I have sent them before.
I will attach a file with the latest email thread with the casino so you can further understand the problem, but in short they took my winnings and claimed I have breached their terms even though I have done nothing of the sort.
Please get back to me if you have any more questions. The casino has stopped responding to my emails also.
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