Nakon nekoliko depozita, posrećilo mi se i osvojio oko 11 000 eura. Bez bonusa i bez korištenja VPN-a (kako čitam druge se optužuju za)
27. aprila moji dokumenti su odobreni. Vozačke dozvole, dokaz adrese, kreditne kartice i bankovnog računa. Tada je proces započeo (kao što sam pročitao i mnogi drugi).
- Isplata na 1000 evra izvršena 27. aprila (odbijeno 28. aprila)
- Novo podizanje na 500 eura napravljeno 28. aprila (odbijeno 29. aprila)
- 2 nova povlačenja po 500 eura izvršena 29. aprila (odbijeno 29. aprila)
- 29. april, dobija mejl da im moram poslati selfi kada imam vozačku dozvolu
o 29. april, šalje im selfie. Dobije odobrenje.
- 2. maja, čini novo povlačenje 1000 eura
o Povlačenje odbijeno
- U periodu od 1. maja do 5. maja napravio sam 5 ili 6 isplata na 1000 eura koje se poništavaju
- 2. maj, traži registraciju na mobitelu.
- 2-4 maja šaljem neke mejlove u vezi sa tim da imamo porodičnu pretplatu i da je telefonski broj na ime moje supruge.
- 4 maja- postavlja telefonski račun od operatera na kojem je broj registrovan. Odobreno.
5. maj dobija e-poštu da je moje povlačenje poništeno i da je račun zatvoren za isplate. Račun je privremeno suspendovan i račun će biti pregledan od strane relevantnog odjela iz sigurnosnih razloga. Obavještavaju da mi ne mogu dati tačan vremenski okvir.
11 mogu li da kažu da moraju sprovesti dalje istrage.
Sada su prošle 2 sedmice i nakon što sam pročitao druge koji imaju isti problem, zaista mi treba pomoć oko ovoga. Znajte da je MGA ili ADR Madre drugi način, ali se nadamo da nećete morati ići tim putem.
Igrao u mnogim kockarnicama, ali ranije nisam imao ovakvih problema. Verifikacija obično traje jedan dan. Znam da je KYC važan, ali ovo je nešto drugo. Čitajte toliko da izgleda da ima problema sa procesom verifikacije u kockarnicama u istoj grupi.
Može dati snimke ekrana/dokumente ako je potrebno.
After some deposits i got lucky and won up to around 11 000 euro. Without bonus and not using VPN (as i read others get accused for)
At 27 apr my docs docs were approved. Drivers licens, proof of adress, creditcard and bank account. Then the process started (as i read many others been through too).
- Withdrawl on 1000 euro made 27april (denied 28 april)
- New withdrawl on 500 euro made 28 april (denied 29 april)
- 2 New withdrawl on 500 euro each made 29 april (denied 29 april)
- 29 april, gets an email that i need to send them a selfie when i hold my drivers licence
o 29 april, sends them the selfie. Gets it approved.
- 2 of may, makes a new withdrawl 1000 euro
o Withdrawl denied
- Between 1 may-5 may i made 5 or 6 withdrawls on 1000 euro that gets cancelled
- 2 may, asks for mobile registration.
- 2-4 may i sends some emails regarding that we have a family subscprition and that the phonenr is in my wifes name.
- 4 may- uploads a phonebill from the operator were the nr is registrated. Approved.
5 may gets an email that my withdrawl is cancelled and that the account is closed for withdrawls. The account is temporarily suspended and the account will be reviewed by the relevant department for security reasons. They inform that they can´t give me an exactly time frame.
11 may they say they have to make further investigations.
Now its been 2 weeks and after reading others having the same problem i really need help with this. Know MGA or ADR Madre is another way but hope not having to go that way.
Played at many casinos but havent had this problems before. Verification normally goes with one day. I know KYC is important but this feel like something else. Read so many that seems to have problem with the verification process at the casinos in the same group.
Can provide screenshots/docs if needed.
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