Igrač iz Španije nezadovoljan je politikom bonusa i vjeruje da ima pravo na povrat depozita. Problem je riješen.
Uložio sam dva depozita u casino power casinu i prihvatio bonuse čitajući ove uvjete:
Što se tiče vaše žalbe na bonuse. Kako to funkcionira, jasno je navedeno u bonus pravilima. Pogledajte paragraf 4: "Nakon prihvatanja bonusa, iznos depozita kombinuje se sa iznosom bonusa, a zatim se knjiži na saldo bonus sredstava." Ovdje ne razumijem da moj stvarni novac postaje bonus, s tim što to podrazumijeva da moram uložiti 30 puta veći iznos od moje strane, nije logično položiti 100 eura da se to pretvori u bonus, da se zatvori dok ne dobiju ono što traže. Uvjet nije jasan, ne znači da novac postaje obveznica i predstavlja zamku. Iz tog razloga tražim povrat od 100 eura.
recite da sam ovu situaciju shvatio u drugom depozitu, a to je kada sam unosio svoje podatke da vidim svoje stanje
I made two deposits in the casino power casino and accepted the bonuses reading the conditions that are these:
Regarding your complaint about bonuses. How it works is clearly stated in the bonus rules. Please refer to paragraph 4: "After accepting the bonus, the deposit amount is combined with the bonus amount and then credited to the balance of the bonus funds." Here I do not understand that my real money becomes a bonus, with what that entails that is having to bet 30 times the amount invested on my part, it is not logical to deposit 100 euros to convert it into a bonus, to have it imprisoned until they get what they request. The condition is not clear, it does not mean that the money becomes a bond, and it is a trap. For this reason, I request a refund of the 100 euros.
say that I realized this situation in the second deposit which was when I entered my data to see my balance
hice dos depositos en el casino power casino y acepte los bonos leyendo las condiciones que son estas:
Respecto a su queja sobre las bonificaciones. Está claramente establecido en las reglas de bonificación cómo funciona. Consulte el párrafo 4: "Después de aceptar el bono, el monto del depósito se combina con el monto del bono y luego se acredita al saldo de los fondos del bono". Aqui no entiendo yo que mi dinero real se convierta en bono,con lo que conlleva eso que es tener que apostar 30 veces la cantidad invertida por mi parte no es logico depositar 100 euros convertirlo en bono,para tenerlo encarcelado hasta conseguir lo que solicitan. La condicion no es clara, no pone que el dinero se convierta en bono, y es una trampa. por ello solicito me devuelvan los 100 euros.
decir que me di cuenta de esta situación en el segundo deposito que fue cuando entre en mis datos para ver mi saldo
Dragi Jotam1976,
Hvala vam što ste podnijeli žalbu. Žao mi je zbog vašeg negativnog iskustva. Nažalost, mnogi bonusi rade ovako i zahtjevi za klađenje postavljeni su i na iznose bonusa i depozita. Možete li potvrditi da je vaš saldo ostao netaknut nakon što ste zatražili drugi bonus?
Radujem se vašem javljanju.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Dear Jotam1976,
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. I am sorry to hear about your negative experience. Unfortunately, a lot of bonuses work like this and have wagering requirements set to both bonus and deposit amounts. Could you please confirm that your balance stayed untouched after you claimed the second bonus?
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Razumijem da to tako funkcionira, ali neka to jasno objasne, jer kako je napisano to dovodi do zabune kod bonusa koje su mi dali, shvatio sam kako su postupili u drugom bonusu da je već bilo kasno, pitali su me da se moram kladiti 2500 eura, u koju glavu stane da položim 50 eura i brave dok se ne kladim 2500 eura, to je prevara i tražim od kasina da naplati 105 eura
I understand that it works like that but let them make it clear, as it is written it gives confusion the bonuses they gave me, I realized how they acted in the second bonus that it was already late, they asked me that I had to bet 2500 euros, in which head it fits that I deposit 50 euros and the locks until I bet 2500 euros, that is a scam and I ask the casino to return the 105 euros charged
Entiendo que funcione asi pero que lo dejen claro, tal como esta escrito da a confusion los bonos me los dieron, me di cuenta como actuaban en el segundo bono que ya era tarde,me pedian que tenia que apostar 2500 euros , en que cabeza cabe que deposito 50 euros y los bloqueos hasta apostar 2500 euros, eso es una estafa y solicito al casino que me devuelvan los 105 euros cobrados
Dodatni komentari od Jotam1976:
"Želio sam se odjaviti s weba, izbrisati svoj račun rekavši im zašto to želim i jer sam imao problema s kockanjem, a ne samo da to nisu učinili, već su me ohrabrili da mi i dalje nudi da nastavim smanjivati iznos svojih depozita , "
Additional comments from Jotam1976:
"I wanted to unsubscribe from the web, delete my account telling them why I wanted to and because I had problems with gambling and not only have they not done so but they have encouraged me to continue offering me to continue reducing the amount of my deposits , "
Additional comments from Jotam1976:
"me he querido dar de baja de la web, eliminar mi cuenta diciendo les que porque queria y porque tenia problemas con el juego y no solo no lo han hecho si no que me han incitado a seguir ofreciendo me seguir reduciendo el importe de mis depositos, "
Jotam1976, prije svega, želio bih naglasiti, da je bonus nešto poput poklona od kasina, i kazino ima puno pravo da odluči koja će se pravila primjenjivati na njihove bonuse. Igrači se slažu s pravilima aktiviranjem ponude. Kazino ne skriva termin na koji se žalite, kao što je jasno navedeno u Bonus Uvjetima i pravilima. Izvinjavam se, ali ne možemo vam pomoći u ovome.
Drugo, provjerio sam odjeljak Odgovorno kockanje u kazinu ( https://helpdesk.powercasino.bet/en/support/solutions/articles/43000590731 ) i evo što sam našao:
Možete kontaktirati naš tim za podršku na support@powercasino.bet i obavijestiti nas o svojoj odluci da zaustavite kockanje na web lokaciji na određeno vrijeme ili zauvijek. Poduzet ćemo sve mjere da vam blokiramo pristup računu i pobrinemo se da ne primate promotivni materijal. "
Umjesto toga kontaktirali ste chat uživo, a u kasinu se ne spominje da je i ovo opcija. Jeste li zatražili samoisključenje i putem e-pošte? Da li biste bili ljubazni i potvrdili da vaš račun još uvijek nije blokiran?
Jotam1976, first of all, I'd like to point out, that a bonus is something like a gift from the casino, and the casino has the full right to decide which rules are applied to their bonuses. Players agree with the rules by activating the offer. The casino doesn't hide the term you are complaining about as it is clearly stated in the Bonus T&Cs. I apologize, but we cannot help you with this.
Secondly, I checked the casino's Responsible Gambling section (https://helpdesk.powercasino.bet/en/support/solutions/articles/43000590731) and this is what I found:
You may contact our support team at support@powercasino.bet and inform us about your decision to stop gambling at the Website for a certain period of time or forever. We will take all measures to block your access to your account and make sure that you receive no promotional materials."
You've contacted the live chat instead, and the casino doesn't mention that this is an option too. Have you requested the self-exclusion via email as well? Would you be so kind and confirm that your account still hasn't been blocked?
Ne, još uvijek sam u igri, sam kasino je u redu, ali sada imam problema s povlačenjem novca, oni provjeravaju, slučajno uvijek postoje problemi s povlačenjem i nikad s polaganjem, a kad izgubite nikad ništa ne provjere, imam dva povlačenja, 1200 i druga 1100 eura, a moja zarada je 700 eura.
No, I am still in the game, the casino itself is fine, but now I have problems withdrawing my money, they are verifying, coincidence there are always problems to withdraw and never to deposit and when you lose they never verify anything, I have two withdrawals one 1200 and another 1100 euros and my profit has been 700 euros.
No, sigo en juego, el casino en sí está bien, pero ahora tengo problemas en retirar mi dinero, están verificando, casualidad siempre hay problemas para retirar y nunca para depositar y cuando pierdes nunca verifican nada, tengo dos retiradas una 1200 y otra 1100 euros y mi beneficio ha sido 700 euros.
jotam1976, spomenuli ste provjeru. Da li dobro razumijem da ste trenutno u procesu verifikacije vašeg računa? Da li ste pružili sve potrebne dokumente, molim vas?
jotam1976, you mentioned verifying. Do I understand correctly that you are currently in the process of verifying your account? Have you provided all the necessary documents, please?
Hvala na razjašnjenju. Ova vrsta provjere može biti malo dugotrajna. Preporučio bih vam da pričekate još nekoliko dana (recimo 7 dana) kako bi kasino imao dovoljno vremena da ga završi.
Zamolio bih vas da nas obavijestite o ishodu, kako bismo u skladu s tim mogli nastaviti s ovim slučajem. Hvala vam unaprijed.
Thank you for clarifying. This type of check can be a little time-consuming. I would recommend you waiting for a few more days (let's say 7 days) so the casino has enough time to finish it.
I would like to ask you to inform us about the outcome, so we can move forward with this case accordingly. Thank you in advance.
Čekao sam tjedan dana da uplate dva neočekivana podizanja novca koja imam jedan za 1200 eura i drugi za 1100 eura, kažu mi da imaju problema s procesorom plaćanja i inzistiraju na ecopayzu, razumijem da naplaćuju nešto za to putem ecopayza. Kada sam izvršio povlačenje, imali su mogućnost moje kartice i sada se samo opravdavaju da imaju problema sa svojim procesorom plaćanja. Da vidimo mogu li mi pomoći.
I have been waiting a week for them to make the deposit of two pending withdrawals that I have one for 1200 euros and another for 1100 euros, they tell me they have problems with the payment processor and they insist with ecopayz, I understand that they charge something for doing it through ecopayz. When I made the withdrawal they had the option of my card and now they only make those excuses that they have problems with their payment processor. Let's see if they can help me.
Llevo esperando una semana para que me hagan el ingreso de dos retiradas pendientes que tengo una de 1200 euros y otra de 1100 euros, me dicen que tienen problemas con el procesador de pagos e insisten con ecopayz, entiendo que cobran algo por hacerlo por ecopayz. Cuando realice la retirada tenían la opción de mi tarjeta y ahora solo ponen esas excusas que tienen problemas con su procesador de pagos . A ver si pueden ayudarme.
Sve sređeno. Kazino je položio novac za mene. Morao sam inzistirati, ali na kraju su to učinili.
All arranged. The casino has deposited the money for me. I have had to insist but in the end they have done it.
Todo arreglado. El casino me ha depositado el dinero. He tenido que insistir pero al final lo han realizado.
Sjajne vijesti! Kako je žalba uspješno riješena, sada ćemo je zatvoriti kao "riješenu" u našem sustavu. Zahvaljujemo na saradnji i ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas ako u budućnosti naiđete na probleme sa ovim ili bilo kojim drugim kasinom. Ovdje smo da pomognemo.
Awesome news! As the complaint has been successfully resolved, we will now close it as ‘resolved’ in our system. Thanks for your cooperation and don’t hesitate to contact us if you run into any issues with this or any other casino in the future. We are here to help.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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