Da sam mogao da dam MGM-u apsolutno NIKAKVU ZVEZDU, definitivno bih. Ljudi molim vas poslušajte moj savet i nemojte čak ni gubiti vreme na prijavljivanje čak i ako su besplatni, ONI SU GORI!!
** Ne morate to da mi uzimate, ALI imajte na umu da sam ja tip osobe koja okušava sreću sa mnogo različitih onlajn kazina (čak i onih sa nižom kategorijom zvezdica)!!!
Ovaj kazino će na svakom koraku naći NOVI izgovor da VAM NE ISPLATI Vašu poštenu pobedu!
U stvari, prvo je to bilo skraćeno ime (koje su konačno prihvatili kada sam pokazao VIŠE stavki za potvrdu!
Onda je bilo da „CAF" obrazac koji oni zahtevaju mora da bude „odštampan i potpisan rukom, a ne elektronski" .... pa sam to uradio više puta, i poslednji izgovor je sledeći......
"" Zahtevamo od vas da otkažete svoje trenutno povlačenje i napravite novo u Bitcoin metodu jer trenutno obrađujemo povlačenja samo preko Bitcoin.""!
Ovo je tako sranje niže klase, jer ovo traje skoro mesec dana i oni su imali BANKOVSKA ŽICA kao opciju kada sam tražio isplatu.
Planiram da ih prijavim na svakom sajtu koji pronađem, uključujući BBB.
If I could give MGM absolutely NO STAR I most definitely would. People please take my advice & don't even waste your time signing up for even if a freebie , THEY ARE THE WORSE!!
** You don't have to take it from me, BUT please note I am the type of person who tries my luck with A lot of different online casinos(even those with the lower star catagory)!!!
This casino will make up a NEW excuse every step of the way in order NOT TO PAY YOU your fair win!
Infact first it was the abbreviated first name (in which they finally accepted when I showed MULTIPLE items to validate!
Then it was that the "CAF" form they require has to be "printed out & signed by hand,not electronically" ....so I did that multiple times ,And last excuse is the following.......
"" We request you to cancel your current withdrawal and make a new one in Bitcoin method as currently we are processing withdrawals only through Bitcoin.""!
This is such LOW CLASS bullshit because This has been going on for almost a month and they had BANK WIRE as an option when I requested payout.
I plan to report them on every site I can find ,including BBB.