Zdravo. Već neko vrijeme igram u online kazinu i nedavno sam se suočio sa vrlo neugodnom situacijom. Osvojio sam 6,89 LTC i bio sam jako sretan zbog toga, naravno. Nisam tako često osvajao novac u kazinu. Međutim, pokazalo se da osvajanje novca nije najteže. Nikad nisam mogao da podignem svoj dobitak.
Prvo sam pokušao da podignem novac bez dokumenata, ali su me odbili. U redu, uploadovao sam pasoš i potvrdu adrese i stavio novac na povlačenje, ali moj račun je blokiran. Sada je u procesu verifikacije. Zamolili su me da napravim selfi sa pasošem i ja sam to uradio. Tražili su 48 sati za provjeru, ali kao rezultat nisam dobio odgovor.
Ne znam da li je ovo normalna situacija. Možda im samo treba više vremena, ali prošlo je dosta vremena i ja sam zabrinut. Zaista se nadam da će moj problem biti riješen.
Hello. I have been playing at an online casino for some time and recently faced a very unpleasant situation. I won 6.89 LTC and was very happy about it, of course. I haven't won money at the casino that often. However, it turned out that winning money was not the most difficult. I was never able to withdraw my winnings.
At first, I tried to withdraw money without documents and they refused me. Okay, I uploaded my passport and address confirmation, and put money on withdrawal, but my account was blocked. Now it's in the process of verification. They asked me to take a selfie with my passport and I did it. They demanded 48 hours for verification, but I did not receive an answer as a result.
I do not know if this is a normal situation. Maybe they just need more time, but it's been a long time and I'm worried. I really hope that my problem will be solved.