Povlačenje se ne može izvršiti
Imam depozit od £1500 i onda pokušavam da se kladim, ali mi nije dozvoljeno i rekli su mi da kontaktiram njihov Live Chat (tim za bezbedno kockanje). Prošli su kroz mnoga pitanja, a zatim su postavili ograničenje od 1000 funti na moj račun gde će mi dodatnih 500 funti za koje kažu da će biti vraćeno. U tom trenutku mi se čini da je sve ok. Zatim počinjem da igram i osvajam 1200 funti, što je dovelo do toga da moj račun ima stanje od 2200 funti i hteo sam da podignem deo novca, ali onda se tražilo da učitam dokaz o identitetu + debitnu karticu koja je korišćena za deponovanje sredstava … Uradio sam sve što su tražili zajedno sa mojim dokazom adrese i dokazom o mojoj plati. Onda počinjem da kontaktiram njihov Live Chat, ali niko ne odgovara, pa čak ni da im šaljem mejlove… Niko uopšte ne odgovara… Ne znam da li ću dobiti svoj novac nazad, ali iskreno molim vas KLONITE SE OD NjIH. Ne znam zašto još uvek mogu da imaju licencu kada je toliko pritužbi protiv njih… Siguran sam da ljudi ne prave priče…
Withdrawal Cannot Be Made
I have deposit £1500 and then I try to bet but was not allowed and instructed me to contact their Live Chat (Safe Gambling Team). They went through lots of questions and then set up a limit of £1000 to my account where the extra £500 they say will refund back to me. It seems all ok to me at that time. Then I start playing and won £1200 which made my account to have a balance of £2200 and I was going to withdraw some part of the money but then it ask me to upload Proof of Identity + Debit Card which was used to deposit the funds … I did whatever they requested along with my proof of address and evidence of my salary. Then I start contact their Live Chat but no one responding and even send them emails … No one is responding at all … I don’t know will I get my money back but honestly please STAY AWAY FROM THEM. I don’t know why they can still have their license running when so many complaints are made against them … I’m sure people aren’t making stories …