Podrška nije bila ljubazna prema meni jednom. Bilo je prilično tužno jer sam napravio povlačenje, a zatim otišao u podršku, ali su mi rekli da nema transakcije. Poslao sam im snimak ekrana iz svoje kase, ali su stalno govorili da nema ništa. Na kraju mislim da su otvorili pogrešan račun. Nakon što sam se vratio 1 sat kasnije sa drugom osobom za podršku, sve je bilo u redu. Možda je to bio prvi dan ovog agenta.
The support was not kind with me one time. It was quit sad as I made a withdrawal and then went to the support but they told me there is no transaction. I send them a screenshot from my cashier but they were keep saying there is nothing. In the end I think they had just the wrong account opened. After I came back 1h later with a different support person, everthing was fine. Maybe it was the first day of this Agent.