pausilva91 recenzije

Casino Guru

Želimo da igrači razumeju kockanje.

pre 11 meseciOriginalPrevod
Ne preporučujem! Loša služba za korisnike. Ne znaju ni kako da odgovore korisnicima. Deponovao sam 10 € preko mbvai-a (nedavna opcija na sajtu) i novac nije stigao. Koriste razne izgovore, uključujući da je problem na mojoj strani. Koristio sam mbvai u drugim kockarnicama i nikada nisam imao problema. Osećam se prevarenim! Ne preporučujem ovu stranicu nikome!!!
  • Mnogo igara
  • Ne znaju kako da odgovore korisnicima na ono što pitaju
  • nedostatak transparentnosti
Automatski prevedeno:
Fairspin Casino
pre 11 meseci

We are sorry that you have such a type of experience with Fairspin.
But we really appreciate your review.

Gaming platform team understands how important safety and the correct way of completion of the transaction is for every member of the Fairspin.
We always do all of our best to guarantee safety of your withdrawal and deposits.
If your transaction has faced any difficulties - we are always ready to help you.
But some transactions can not be controlled from the side of the gaming platform.
In situations of this type we can only recommend to you some of the steps that you can take to return funds of your transaction.

We are sure that our Support Department already provided you with all available information.
If there is any additional question or doubts - you can always contact our Support Department in the live chat or through email.

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