Zdravo, video sam jutros da su mi otkazali isplate radi overe dokumenata, poslao sam mejl sa svime što su me pitali, jako sam radoznao s obzirom da sam deponovao samo sa jednom karticom a isplata je na istoj kartici, šta bi moglo da mi nađu izgovor, jer je to prilično velika suma, valjda će naći nešto sa mnom, videćemo na kraju koliko su u pravu! Sad vidimo koliko traje verifikacija, koliko je trajala za tebe?
Hello, I saw this morning that they canceled my withdrawals for document verification, I sent an email with everything they asked me, I'm very curious, considering that I deposited with only one card and the withdrawal is on the same card, what could to find me an excuse, because it's quite a large amount, I suppose they'll find something wrong with me, we'll see how correct they are in the end!Now we see how long the verification takes, how long did it take for you?