pre 1 godinuOriginalPrevod
Rajan je bio fantastičan, uvek brzo odgovara na sva pitanja, ljubazan je i profesionalan
Ryan has been fantastic, always responds quickly to any questions, he’s polite and professional

ZotaBet Casino
pre 1 godinu
Zdravo, joannekennedi1966!
Hvala što ste podelili svoje iskustvo, veoma cenimo to.
Zahvalni smo vam što ste istakli nivo naše korisničke podrške, posebno VIP tima. Naši predstavnici su profesionalci sa strašću da pomognu klijentima u svim vrstama njihovih zahteva. Drago nam je da znamo da ste uživali u svom iskustvu rada sa Rajanom.
Daćemo sve od sebe da tako i ostane i pružićemo samo veliku pomoć. Usput, budite uključeni da ne biste propustili specijalne ponude od nas :)
Ugodan ostatak dana i srećno!
S 'ljubavlju,
ZotaBet tim.
Hvala što ste podelili svoje iskustvo, veoma cenimo to.
Zahvalni smo vam što ste istakli nivo naše korisničke podrške, posebno VIP tima. Naši predstavnici su profesionalci sa strašću da pomognu klijentima u svim vrstama njihovih zahteva. Drago nam je da znamo da ste uživali u svom iskustvu rada sa Rajanom.
Daćemo sve od sebe da tako i ostane i pružićemo samo veliku pomoć. Usput, budite uključeni da ne biste propustili specijalne ponude od nas :)
Ugodan ostatak dana i srećno!
S 'ljubavlju,
ZotaBet tim.
Hello there, joannekennedy1966!
Thanks for sharing your experience, we appreciate it a lot.
We are grateful to you for pointing out the level of our customer support, especially VIP team. Our representatives are professionals with passion to assist clients with all kinds of their request. We are glad to know that you have enjoyed your experience dealing with Ryan.
We will do our best to keep it that way and provide only great assistance. By the way, stay turned on in order not to miss special offers from us :)
Have a nice rest of the day, and good luck!
With Love,
ZotaBet team.
Thanks for sharing your experience, we appreciate it a lot.
We are grateful to you for pointing out the level of our customer support, especially VIP team. Our representatives are professionals with passion to assist clients with all kinds of their request. We are glad to know that you have enjoyed your experience dealing with Ryan.
We will do our best to keep it that way and provide only great assistance. By the way, stay turned on in order not to miss special offers from us :)
Have a nice rest of the day, and good luck!
With Love,
ZotaBet team.