Potrošio sam preko 2000 na vatru Egipta jer je 3oaks pravio raj za nagradu. Bio sam 8., pa srušen na 26., pa 30.. Trebalo je ipak da osvojim 112,50 što mi je bilo u redu.
Onda me je slučajno jedan /igrač/ izbacio sa trećeg sa preko 2000 poena više od mene kada su bili preko 500 poena iza mene. Znam, proverio sam. Ni dobijanje poena nije lako.
Bio sam ok sa tim. Šta god. Daj mi mojih 75 i biću srećan.
Dobijem iskačući prozor, dva puta, koji potvrđuje direktno iz izzi kazina da sam se plasirao na 31. mesto i da ću dobiti 75,00 za 72 sata. Iskačući prozor se desio baš kada sam ponovo otišao da igram Egipt fire. Dvaput istog dana.
Prođe 3 dana, ništa.
Zato sam kontaktirao Irenu u ćaskanju uživo i ona me pita da li imam snimke ekrana ovog događaja. Ne, igrao sam ga a ne snimao ekran.
Zato joj dajem snimke ekrana liste događaja i igre koju sam igrao.
Pita me da li sam dobio imejl sa obaveštenjem o pobedi. Ne, nisam. Proverio sam samo iskačuće prozore koji su potvrdili da sam na 31. mestu i da ću dobiti 75,00. To je mesto gde sam se postavio.
Ona kaže da su ti iskačući prozori samo demonstrativni i da bih ZAPRAVO pobedio morao sam da dobijem e-poštu.
NE gubite vreme i novac ovde. Bet365 se zapravo ne isplati. Oni vas prevare.
I spent over 2000 on Egypt fire because 3oaks was doing prize paradise. I’d been 8th, then knocked down to 26th, then 30th. I should have still won 112.50 which was fine with me.
Then coincidentally a /player/ knocked me out of 3th with over 2000 more points than me when they were over 500 points behind me. I know, I’d checked. Getting points isn’t easy either.
I was ok with that. Whatever. Give me my 75 and I’d be happy enough.
I get a pop up, twice, confirming directly from izzi casino that I had placed 31st and that I’d get 75.00 in 72 hours. The pop up happened just as I went to play Egypt fire again. Twice that same day.
3 days pass, nothing.
So I contacted Irene on live chat, and she asks if I have screenshots of this event. No, I was playing it not screenshoting it.
So I give her screenshots of the event listing and the game I played.
She asks if I got an email notifying me of my win. No, I didn’t. Just the pop ups that confirmed I was in 31st place and would get 75.00 I’d checked. That was where I’d placed.
She says those pop ups are only demonstrative and that to ACTUALLY have won I would have to have gotten an email.
Do NOT waste your time and money here. Bet365 actually not pays out. They scam you.