Nadam se da će nekome pomoći sve informacije iz mog ličnog iskustva na mostbet.
u početku na veb stranici moju pažnju je privukao tako promišljen vizuelni dizajn. odličan posao! takođe sa pozitivnih strana koje sam ovde našao, to je svakako koristan tehničar. Imao sam problem sa verifikacijom i on je to skoro odmah rešio.
ne želim baš da pričam o tome, ali negativni aspekti su tu i verifikacija traje dosta vremena 2-3 dana. nije u redu. dodajući ovome, gotovo da nema bonusa dobrodošlice ili drugih specijalnih ponuda koje bi vas mogle motivisati.
Hope, it will help somebody all info from my personal exp on mostbet.
at first on the website my attention was caught by so thoughtful visual design. great job! also from the positive sides I found here it's def helpful tech guy. I had a problem with verification and he fixed it almost right away.
don't really want to talk about it, but negative aspect are here as well verification takes a lot of time 2-3 days. it's not okay. adding to this there are almost no welcome bonuses or other special offers that may motivate one.