Pridružio sam se Betmaku očekujući nešto slično Betti kazinu, ali to je daleko od toga. Borio sam se da pronađem slot koji sam želeo da igram jer oni jedva da ga imaju. Uopšte nema pragmatičnih mesta. Na kraju sam igrao Mahjong vaiz bi Pg soft oko 2 sata uzastopno i jednostavno nije bilo bonusa i igrao sam užasno, jedva da je bilo ikakvih pobeda. Mnoge igre se ne bi učitale zbog ograničenja zemlje, pitao sam, nije dozvoljena upotreba vpn-a, tako da me je zaista ostavilo zaglavljenim jer je izbor tako loš. Kazino uživo je isti, nema mnogo izbora, a ono što postoji, nije baš dobro. Oseća se kao da igrate u napola završenom kazinu. Kontaktirao sam ih i obavestio ih o ovim problemima i odmah zatvorio svoj nalog i smanjio gubitke. Da sam nov, nije licenciran, ionako se ne bih mučio. Moj savet je odbacio.
I joined Betmac expecting something similar to Betti casino but it's a far far cry from that. Struggled to find a slot I wanted to play as they hardly have any. There's no pragmatic slots at all. In the end I played Mahjong wayz by Pg soft for about 2 hours straight and it just would not bonus and played terribly hardly any wins at all. A lot of the games wouldn't load due to country restrictions, I asked, no vpn use allowed so it really left me stuck as choice is that poor. Live casino is much the same not much to choose from and what there is ,is well err yea not very good. It feels like playing in a half finished casino. I contacted them informing them of these issues and promptly shut my account and cut my loses. If I new it was un licensed I wouldn't of bothered anyway. My advice swerve it.