To je sranje. Naterali su me da uradim sve ove stvari za proveru da bih dobio svoj dobitak. Onda sam to uradio i odjednom su nedelju dana kasnije hteli da položim 10 dolara pre nego što me isplate.. Pokušao sam to da uradim..Prošao sam kroz gomilu bs-a da bih dobio bitkoin, a onda nikada nisam dobio svoj dobitak i bio sam samo 7 dolara vraćeno od 10. Ne verujte im.
It sucked. They had me do all this verify stuff to get my winnings . Then I did that and all the sudden a week later they wanted me to deposit 10 dollars before they cash me out .. I tried to do that ..I went thru a bunch of bs to get bitcoin then I never got my winnings and was only 7 bucks returned of the 10. Don't trust them.