Imao sam dobre stvari za reći o ovom kasinu kad sam prvi put počeo igrati u njemu, kao moja povlačenja kada bih osvojio 1.000 ili više dolara, dali smo mi u roku od 24 do 48 sati, a ovo koristi Bitcoin, ali u posljednja tri do četiri mjeseca Stalno sam se igrao s njima. Također sam VIP član, imajte na umu da ste prilično visoko rangiran i zar ne biste to znali? Pokušao sam da moja povlačenja položim u svoj Bitcoin novčanik i trenutno čekam na povlačenje kažu 48 sati do 72 sata vrhovi i pripazite da je ovo Bitcoin. Čekam već 9 dana i stalno razgovaram sa korisničkom službom na chatu uživo koji oni imaju i stalno mi govore da postoji greške u njihovom sustavu su tamo prebačeni na novi sistem i u njemu ima nekih grešaka, ali imajte na umu da ovo traje posljednja 3 do 4 mjeseca, tako da osobno mislim da su gomila prevaranata, sam casino je sjajan ali korisnička služba koju vam daju Rezač kolačića odgovara kao da jesu čitajući ih s palube, nemaju ličnog dodira kada je u pitanju korisnička usluga, a biti VIP član je puno novca jer sam potrošio ljude koje sam preporučio i doveo u njihov kasino da bi se tretirali onako kako sam tretiran po njima je kukuruz *** idi na bovadu idi u divlji kasino idi u kafe kafe svi bolji izbori po mom mišljenju pogotovo ako si igrač pokera ovdje nema živih igara i kao što sam rekao njihova su vremena isplate apsolutno najgore što sam ikad vidio Mislim da ne zarađuju dovoljno novca da ponekad isplaćuju ljude i to je razlog što je toliko spor, jer je manji kasino koliko ja razumijem, zato se klonite ovog mjesta ako ne želite pogoršanje i sporo vremena isplate # činjenica
Had good things to say about this casino when I first started playing at it as my withdrawals when I would win $1,000 or more we're gave to me within 24 to 48 hours tops and this is using Bitcoin but within the last three to four months I've been consistently playing with them I'm also a VIP member mind you quite a high ranking one at that and wouldn't you know it I tried to have my withdrawals deposited to my Bitcoin wallet and I'm currently waiting on a withdrawal they say 48 hours to 72 hours tops and mind you this is Bitcoin I've been waiting for 9 days now and I keep talking to customer service on live chat which they do have and they keep telling me that there is an there was an error in their system are there switched over to a new system and there's some bugs in it but mind you this has been going on for the last 3 to 4 months so personally I think they're a bunch of con artists the casino itself is great but the customer service they give you Cookie cutter answers like they're reading them off a roll of decks they have no personal touch when it comes to customer service and being a VIP member is much money as I have spent the people I have recommended and brought to their casino to be treated the way that I have been treated by them is a crock of s*** go to bovada go to wild casino go to Cafe casino all better choices in my opinion especially if you're a poker player there's no live games here and like I said their payout times are absolutely the worst I've ever seen I don't think they make enough money to pay out people sometimes and that's the reason it's so slow as it's a smaller casino from my understanding so please stay away from this place if you do not want aggravation and slow payout times #facts