I meni se to desilo kao i svima ostalima. Tokom 4 meseca uplatio sam preko 1.700,00€ na BetFlip.io, isključivo koristeći svoju Visu. Trenutno sam u procesu povraćaja sredstava za ove depozite koji su za sada uspešni. Ako je NEKO imao BILO KAKVE informacije o ljudima koji stoje iza tog sajta, molim vas da mi kažete. Narednih dana ću se obratiti nadležnima i treba mi sve što bi moglo pomoći.
It happened to me the same way it happened to everybody else. Over the course of 4 months I have deposited over 1.700,00€ on BetFlip.io, exclusively using my Visa. I am currently in the process of chargebacks for these deposits which as of now seem to be successful. If ANYBODY had ANY information about the people behind that site, please let me know. I will contact the authorities in the coming days and I need everything that might help.