Prijavio sam se za Betti pre samo nekoliko dana i bio sam tako impresioniran od samog početka. Osvojio sam nešto novca i bio sam prijatno iznenađen što sam ga dobio u roku od nekoliko sekundi od zahteva za isplatu. Od tada igram i stvarno je dobro! Oni svakodnevno daju poene za besplatne okrete i imali su nekoliko promocija depozita u kojima dobijate više besplatnih okretaja ako uložite samo mali iznos novca (20-50 USD). Od tada sam probao još dva sajta, ali se držim Betti!
I signed up for Betty just a few days ago and I was so impressed right from the beginning. I won some money and was pleasantly surprised that I received it within seconds of requesting the payout. I have been playing since and it's really good! They give away points for free spins on a daily basis and they have had a few deposit promotions where you get more free spins if you deposit just a small amount of money ($20-50). I have tried two other sites since but I'm sticking with Betty!