Dva puta su me uhvatili. Pogrešio sam što sam im dao još jednu šansu, ali oni su prevaranti. Nemam problema da uložim hiljade, ali kada dođe vreme za povlačenje, one ne postoje. Ignorišu i ignorišu, niko se nikada ne javlja na telefon, niti vam uzvraća poziv. Kažu da postoji problem sa metodom povlačenja, učinite novac dostupnim u nadi da ćete ga prokockati, toliko je fiksiran da ga gubite. Sada kada sam izgubio sve, oni odgovaraju na moje mejlove
Twice now they got me. I was wrong for giving them another chance but they are scammers. I have no problem depositing thousands but when it's time to withdraw, they don't exist. They ignore and ignore, no one answers the phone ever, or returns your call. They say there's a problem with the withdrawal method, make the money available hoping you will gamble it away, it's so fixed that you lose it. Now that I lost it all they are responding to my emails