Problem za problemom
Imao sam problema sa ovom web stranicom samo kada sam pokušao da podignem svoj dobitak, vrlo je očigledno da žele da blokiraju bilo koga da povuče, pa samo da odustanete od tentacije i počnete da igrate sve.
Uplatio sam svoj novac i igrao 30 minuta i osvojio dobar iznos novca. Odlučio sam prestati igrati i povući se, ali da bih to učinio morao sam proći KYC verifikaciju.
Prvo izdanje: KYC verifikacija
Poslao sam sve tražene dokumente, ličnu kartu, selfie sa ličnom kartom, račun za komunalije itd...
Moj prijatelj koji nije dobio pobjedu je verifikovan za manje od 2 sata, ali ja? Morao sam čekati 15 sati i kontaktirati podršku.
Njihov chat uživo čini sve mogućim da vam daju najnejasnije moguće odgovore, nema prave pomoći.
Stalno govore da ne mogu ništa učiniti kada kontaktirate njihov live chat. Ali nakon nekog vremena, iz nekog razloga njihov chat uživo može vam pomoći. Ali tek kada sam rekao da ću postaviti žalbu na CasinoGuru
Drugo izdanje: Dodan nasumični bonus
Nakon moje KYC verifikacije, konačno sam mogao da se povučem, ali je chat uživo odlučio da dodam bonus na moj nalog.
Bonus koji nisam tražio i što je najnevjerovatnije od svega, koji nisam mogao otkazati.
Koji je bio jedini način da otkažete, pitate? Kontaktirajte podršku, ali ovaj put putem e-pošte. Live chat je odbio da mi pomogne i ukloni ovaj bonus koji su dodali.
Live chat je čak rekao da mi je "fizički nemoguće" pomoći. Ali nakon nekog vremena izgovaranja live chat je uspio učiniti nemoguće i konačno ukloniti bonus koji nisam tražio.
Treće pitanje: Povući se
Njihov T&C samo kaže da proces povlačenja bankovnih transfera traje 3 dana. Što je samo po sebi već apsurdno u odnosu na sve druge kazino web stranice.
Znajući ove informacije, odlučio sam da se povučem sa bitcoinom, ništa nije brže od kriptovaluta, zar ne? Barem mnogo brže od bankovnog transfera
Pa ne u slučaju ove web stranice, to je vrlo užasno iskustvo i nikada nisam imao ovu vrstu bijesa protiv kazina u kojem sam osvojio novac, normalno bi to bilo zato što sam izgubio novac.
Žao mi je što sam se prijavio na ovu web stranicu i gubio vrijeme nesposobnom podrškom.
Smatra se da su ovi problemi bili u roku od 2 dana, oni čine sve što je u njihovoj moći da ne povučete svoj novac.
Ova web stranica nudi bonus za pozitivnu recenziju, tako da već pokazuje koliko su riblji.
Problem after problem
I've only had issues with this website when i tried to withdraw my winnings, it's very obvious that they want to block anyone from withdrawing , so just that you give up to tentation and start playing everything.
I deposited my money and played for 30min and won a good amount of money. Decided to stop playing and withdraw , but to do that i needed to pass the KYC verification.
First issue : KYC Verification
I sent all the asking documents , ID , Selfie with ID , Utility Bill, etc...
My friend that didnt get a win , was verified in less than 2 hours , but me? I had to wait 15 hours and contact support.
Their live chat makes everything possible to give you the vaguest answers possible , there's no real help.
They keep saying that they cant do anything when you contact their live chat. But after some time , for some reason their live chat is actually capable of helping you. But only when i said i was going to set up a complaint on CasinoGuru
Second Issue : Random Bonus Added
After my KYC verification , i was finnaly able to withdraw, but the live chat decided to add a bonus to my account.
A bonus that i didnt ask and most amazing of all , that i was unable to cancel .
What was the only way to cancel you ask? Contact the support , but by email this time. Live chat refused to help me and remove this bonus that they added.
Live chat even said it was "physically impossible" to help me. But after some time of ranting the live chat was able to do the impossible and finally remove the bonus that i didnt ask.
Third issue : Withdraw
Their T&C just says that the withdraw process for bank transfers takes 3 days. Wich by itself is already absurd compared to all the other casino websites.
So knowing this information , i deciced to withdraw with bitcoin , nothing is faster than crypto right? At least much faster than a bank transfer
Well not in case of this website , it's a very awfull experience and i never had this type of rage against a casino where i won money , normaly it would be because i lost money .
I regret having sign up to this website and wasting my time with incompetent support.
Take is made that these issues were all withing 2 days , they do everything in their power to make you not withdraw your money.
This website does offer bonus for a positive review , so it already shows how fishy they are.