Najgori kazino ikad tako da su korisničke usluge tako patetične. Imao sam brojne probleme u prošlosti, ali ostavio sam to iza sebe, a onda sam 17. decembra napravio depozit, sredstva nisu bila dodijeljena na moj račun, trebalo mi je 4 dana da progovorim konsultantu niko mi tada nije pomogao nakon što sam poslao sve svoje izjave i pop oni su rekli maksimalno 2 dana da će proći skoro 4 dana i postoji izgovor da ga nemaju ovo je pa sranje kazino ne igraj ovdje u svakom slučaju nikada nećeš ništa osvojiti
Worst casino ever so customer services are so pathetic I've had numerous problems in the past but put it behind me then on the 17 th December I've made a deposit the funds were not allocated to my account it took me 4 days to speak to a consultant no one then really assisted me after I sent through all my statements and pop they said 2 days max it will take its been nearly 4 days now and there excuse is they don't have one this is so shit casino do not play here in any case you will never win anything also