Kao što su drugi rekli, smatram da je promocija usluga i bonusa koje promiču skoro svi provajderi jako dobra, ali kako ih je bilo u recenziji, ova stranica to opisuje. Ne dobijam bonus koji imam.
Mislim da je to slučaj.
U mom slučaju, zapravo sam napravio depozit 1. Bonus DOBRODOŠLI (100% + 1 dan 20FS x 10 dana ukupno 200FS) i 2. Koji jubilarni 5 x 5 bonus (25FS dnevno do 11. 4. svaki dan) koji sam pokušao iskoristiti nešto što je dostupno), ali iz nekog razloga bonus od 1 više nije dostupan nakon 2 dana.
Bonus od 2 se može iskoristiti samo na dan i ne može se koristiti od sljedećeg dana.
Stoga sam kontaktirao kupca i potvrdio razlog i uzrok, ali
"Izgleda da je bonus o kojem govorite već iskorišten."
Samo jedna riječ.
Štaviše, e-mail za koji sam se raspitivao ujutro je vraćen noću nakon otprilike 12 sati.
Tada sam ponovo postavio pitanje, ali odgovora nije bilo.
U mom slučaju, već sam predao sve dokumente za verifikaciju identiteta prije i nakon igranja, tako da je moj identitet trebao biti jasan, i pitam se da li je to previše glupo za visoko ocijenjen kazino. Osetio sam to.
Ne zanimaju me jedan ili dva bonusa, ali ako nešto nije u redu sa gore navedenim mjerama, neću to učiniti kako treba ako je problematično, pa ću lično, sudeći da je nepouzdan, suzdržati se od korištenja u budućnost.
Na kraju krajeva, ako igrate, želite da igrate udobno, tako da ne želite da se osećate negativno jer to nije važno.
Nadam se da će onima koji su ga vidjeli biti od pomoći.
As others have said, I think that the promotion of services and bonuses that are touted by almost all providers is very good, but as there were some in the review, this site describes it. I don't get the bonus I have.
I think this is the case.
In my case, I actually made a deposit 1. WELCOME bonus (100% + 1 day 20FS x 10 days total 200FS) and 2. What anniversary 5 x 5 bonus (25FS a day until 4/11 every day) I tried to use something that is available), but for some reason the bonus of 1 is no longer available after 2 days.
The bonus of 2 can only be used on the day and cannot be used from the next day.
Therefore, I contacted the customer and confirmed the reason and cause, but
"It looks like the bonus you're talking about has already been used."
Only one word.
Moreover, the email I inquired about in the morning was returned the night after about 12 hours.
At that time, I asked the question again, but there was no reply.
In my case, I had already submitted all the identity verification documents before and after playing, so my identity should have been clear, and I wonder if it's too stupid for a highly rated casino. I felt that.
I don't care about one or two of the bonuses, but if there is something wrong with the above measures, I will not do it properly if it is troublesome, so personally Judging that it is unreliable, I will refrain from using it in the future.
After all, if you play, you want to play comfortably, so you don't want to feel negative because it doesn't matter.
I hope that those who have seen it will find it helpful.