Loš kazino. Iskreno govoreći, imaju dobre kvote i mnogo utakmica, imaju 7/24 live chat što zaista pomaže. Ali povlačenje je katastrofa. Deponovao sam mnogo i osvojio mnogo. Ali kada želite da podignete, svaki dan možete podići samo 500 eura, a ukupno možete imati samo 3 isplate na čekanju. Potrebno im je 3 dana do čekanja izmjena obrade, a opet je trebalo više od 1 dana da novac dođe na moj bankovni račun. I sljedeće povlačenje će se razmatrati tek nakon još 3 dana. Hteo sam da me brzo povuku, ali to je presporo. Bio sam nestrpljiv i igrao depozit i konačno, osim prvih 500 evra, izgubio sam sav novac koji sam osvojio, kao i ostatak svog depozita. Žao mi je takvog kazina, koji koristi ovaj način da izgubi igrače.
Bad casino. Fairly speaking, they have good odds and many games, they have 7/24 live chat which really helps. But the withdrawl is a disaster. I deposited a lot and have won a lot. But when you want to withdrawl, each day you can only withdrawl 500 euros, and in total you can only have 3 pending withdrawls. It needs them 3 days to until pending changes to processing, and again it took more than 1 day for the money coming to my bank account. And next withdrawl will only be considered after 3 more days. I wanted to get withdrawled quickly, but that is far too slow. I got unpatient and played the deposit and finally, except the first 500 Euros, I lost all the money I have won and also the rest of my deposit. I feel sorry for such a casino, which uses this way to make players lost.