Pišem da bih zvanično izrazio svoje nezadovoljstvo vođenjem mog naloga, Sa*****@icloud.com. Dana 11. februara, položio sam preko £1400 na svoj račun sa namerom da uživam u vašim uslugama. Međutim, ubrzo nakon depozita, moj nalog je zaključan bez ikakvog prethodnog objašnjenja i nisam dobio nikakav odgovor od vašeg tima za korisničku podršku uprkos višestrukim pokušajima da se obratim.
Do sada, moj nalog ostaje nedostupan i nije mi vraćen iznos depozita. Izuzetno sam razočaran nedostatkom komunikacije i rešenja po ovom pitanju.
Zahtevam sledeće radnje:
Trenutačno otključavanje mog naloga, ili u najmanju ruku, jasno objašnjenje zašto je zaključan.
Potpuni povraćaj od £1400 koje sam položio na račun ako otključavanje nije moguće.
Brz odgovor na ovo pitanje sa jasnim rokom za rešavanje.
Molim vas da ovo pitanje tretirate sa hitnošću koju zaslužuje, jer već čekam nerazumno dug period bez ikakvog rešenja. Cenio bih odgovor što je pre moguće, po mogućnosti unutar
Ako se ovaj problem ne reši na vreme, bićem primoran da eskaliram ovo pitanje tako što ću ga prijaviti odgovarajućem organu za igre na sreću i preduzeti dalje korake da zaštitim svoja prava potrošača.
Radujem se vašoj hitnoj pažnji na ovo pitanje.
I am writing to formally express my dissatisfaction with the handling of my account, Sa*****@icloud.com. On 11 Feb, I deposited over £1400 into my account with the intention of enjoying your services. However, shortly after the deposit, my account was locked without any prior explanation, and I have not received any response from your customer support team despite multiple attempts to reach out.
As of now, my account remains inaccessible, and I have not been refunded the deposit amount. I am extremely disappointed with the lack of communication and resolution regarding this matter.
I request the following actions:
Immediate unlocking of my account, or at the very least, a clear explanation as to why it was locked.
A full refund of the £1400 I deposited into the account if the unlocking is not possible.
A prompt response to this issue with a clear timeline for resolution.
Please treat this issue with the urgency it deserves, as I have already been waiting for an unreasonably long period without any resolution. I would appreciate a response at the earliest convenience, preferably within
If this issue is not resolved in a timely manner, I will be forced to escalate this matter by reporting it to the appropriate gaming authority and taking further steps to protect my consumer rights.
I look forward to your immediate attention to this matter.
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