Tako da se žalim samo na 50 okretaja koje mi je sistem kazina automatski izgubio kada sam izgubio prvi deo svog bonusa. Evo uslova tako da sam izgubio meč i kada sam izgubio dobitak od prvih 50 okretaja nakon što je sistem kazina izgubio bonus u potpunosti na mene.
Odigrao sam bonus do poslednjeg centa na otkačenoj pandi...logično zašto bih onda nastavio da ulazim i otkazujem bonus kada znam da čekam sledeću polovinu sledećeg dana...
U svakom slučaju, evo mog transkripta ćaskanja sa podrškom ako pomaže...
Transkript ćaskanja
Ime Brandon Belong
Željeni jezik 🇬🇧 Engleski
Eli Sun, 09/03/23 23:05:12 am America/Vancouver
Zdravo. Kako vam mogu pomoći?
Brandon Belong 23:05:44 popodne
Hej, juče sam položio za 100 okretaja, juče je trebalo da bude 50, a danas 50, ali još nisam dobio drugih 50
Nisam otkazao bonus, samo nisam uspeo
Eli 23:06:35 popodne
Možete li da navedete adresu e-pošte koja je povezana sa vašim nalogom?
Brandon Belong 23:06:56 popodne
B cbelong@hotmail.com
Eli 23:11:51 popodne
Izvinjavam se, vaš bonus kaže otkazan. Nažalost, u skladu sa našim Uslovima i uslovima, kada otkažete bilo koji deo bonusa, ceo bonus će biti otkazan, kao i besplatni okretaji, molimo vas, budite obavešteni i pažljivi sa svojim budućim bonusima, nemojte otkazivati nijedan deo ako ste želite da igrate ceo bonus.
Brandon Belong 23:11:57 popodne
Nikad ga nisam otkazao
Čekao sam da dođu ostali besplatni okreti, znam da ne mogu otkazati bonuse
Jednostavno je nestao sa mog naloga kada nisam uspeo
Nije fer da nisam otkazao
Molim vas, nemojte me terati da se bavim žalbom preko kazino gurua preko 50 okretaja lol
Eli 23:14:10 popodne
U potpunosti poštujemo ako želite da uložite žalbu.
Brandon Belong 23:14:22
Ne želim
Eli 23:14:25 popodne
Molim vas navedite naziv bonusa za mene da bih mogao još jednom da proverim
Brandon Belong 23:14:31 popodne
Samo sekundu
Eli 23:15:31 popodne
Samo par minuta molim
Brandon Belong 23:15:37
Ok ti
Eli 23:23:57 popodne
Da, dvaput sam proverio. Ovaj bonus kaže "otkazan"
Brandon Belong 23:24:14 popodne
Pogledajte moju gamr istoriju
Igrao sam do poslednjeg centa
Poslednja igra koju sam igrao bila je otkačena panda za 1 cent
Zašto bih logično otišao i otkazao bonus nakon toga bih samo zatvorio pretraživač
Što sam i uradio
Eli 23:25:22 popodne
Pogledajte vašu karticu Bonus. Bonus bi tamo rekao isto
Brandon Belong 23:25:40 popodne
Bonus je nestao nakon što sam ga izgubio
Sistem je to otkazao, a ne ja
To nije moja krivica
Trebalo je da dobijem još 50 okretaja danas
Kao što sam rekao zašto bih otkazao bonus kada čekam da se otključa druga polovina
Pretpostavljam da ću se samo požaliti da me boli glava... U pravu sam, iako nije velika stvar, verovatno ću je izgubiti, ali je samo nekako glupo što je sistem to prepustio meni
Nisi ti kriva eithrr
Pretpostavljam da je to ono što jeste
Ima li nešto što mi možeš dati? Mogao bi i pitati
Eli 23:29:06 popodne
Nažalost, trenutno vam ne možemo ponuditi bonus ili besplatne okrete
Brandon Belong 23:29:16 popodne
U redu, dobar dan
Arhivirali ste ćaskanje
23:29:19 popodne
Ostavili ste sledeći komentar: Odgovori nisu krivi. Sistem mi je izgubio polovinu okretaja, tako da sam malo ugušen.
23:30:10 popodne
Ocenili ste našu korisničku uslugu kao lošu
23:30:10 popodne
So I'm only complaining over 50 spins the casinos system automatically forfeited on Me when I lost the first part of my bonus. Here's the terms so I lost the match and when I lost the winnings from the first 50 spins after the casinos system forfeited the bonus entirely on me.
I played the bonus down to the last cent on wacky panda...logically why would I then proceed to go in and cancel the bonus when I know I'm waiting for the next half of it the following day...
Anyway here's my chat transcript with support if it helps...
Chat transcript
Name Brandon Belong
Preferred Language 🇬🇧 English
Eli Sun, 09/03/23 11:05:12 pm America/Vancouver
Hello. How may I help you?
Brandon Belong 11:05:44 pm
Hey I deposited for 100 spins yesterday it was supposed to be 50 yesterday and 50 today but I haven't gotten the second 50 yet
I didn't cancel rhe bonus just failed it
Eli 11:06:35 pm
Could you please provide the email address associated with your account?
Brandon Belong 11:06:56 pm
Eli 11:11:51 pm
Apologies, your bonus says canceled. Unfortunately, in accordance with our T&C, once you cancel any part of a bonus, the whole bonus will be canceled, free spins as well, please, be informed and attentive with your future bonuses, don't cancel any part of it if you want to play the whole bonus.
Brandon Belong 11:11:57 pm
I never cancelled it
I was waiting for the rest of the free spins to come I know not to cancel bonuses
It just disappeared out of my account when I failed it
That's not fair I didn't cancel it
Pls don't make me deal with a complaint through casino guru over 50 spins lol
Eli 11:14:10 pm
We respect it completely if you wish to file a complaint.
Brandon Belong 11:14:22 pm
I don't want to
Eli 11:14:25 pm
Please state the name of the bonus for me so that I could double check
Brandon Belong 11:14:31 pm
One sec
Eli 11:15:31 pm
Just a few minutes please
Brandon Belong 11:15:37 pm
Ok ty
Eli 11:23:57 pm
Yes, I double checked. This bonus says "canceled"
Brandon Belong 11:24:14 pm
Look at my gamr history
I played it down to the last cent
Last game I played was wacky panda for 1 cent
Why would I logically go and cancel a bonus after that I'd just close the browser
Which I did
Eli 11:25:22 pm
Please take a look at the Bonus tab of yours. The bonus would say the same there
Brandon Belong 11:25:40 pm
The bonus disappeared after I lost it
The system cancelled it not me
That's not my fault
I was still supposed to get 50 more spins today
Like I said why would I cancel a bonus when I'm waiting for the second half to unlock
Guess I'll just complain it's a headache...I'm right though it's not a huge deal likely lose it anyway but just kinda stupid the system forfeited it on me
Not your fault eithrr
Just is what it is I guess
Is there anything you can give Me? Might as well ask
Eli 11:29:06 pm
Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a bonus or free spins at the moment
Brandon Belong 11:29:16 pm
Ouch okay havr a good day
You archived the chat
11:29:19 pm
You left the following comment: Not the responders fault. The system forfeited half my spins on me so I'm slightly choked.
11:30:10 pm
You rated our customer service as bad
11:30:10 pm
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