Posle dugog traženja, shvatio sam da sam, kao i mnogi drugi, prekoračio njihovo pravilo maksimalne opklade prema sajtu kazina i tako mi je novac zaplenjen.
Pre svega, želim da istaknem da je veb lokacija na kojoj sam igrao Slotti.com, za koju nisam siguran da li je Slotti Casino ista kompanija ili ne. Njihov izgled izgleda sličan, ali ne prepoznajem u potpunosti njihovu veb stranicu.
Napravio sam depozit od 400 evra i odigrao bonus koji mi je dao 50 besplatnih okretaja, što je rezultiralo pobedom od 13,97 evra. Očigledno sam tada igrao sa opkladom koja je premašila njihov limit od 5€ i, po njima, prekršila pravila, a oni tvrde da se svi dobici nakon toga mogu oduzeti. Problem je u tome što sam izgubio ceo saldo, uključujući i bonus novac, i napravio dva dodatna depozita, jedan od 400€ i drugi od 1000€. Nakon nekoliko sati igranja, konačno sam napravio povlačenje od 5.190€ na koje tvrde da nemam pravo jer sam prekršio pravila koja su se desila sa prvim depozitom. Dobio sam „dobru volju" od 400€ kao izvinjenje za nesporazum, što smatram sve samo ne logičnim i razumnim. Oni tvrde da bi trebalo da znam za ovo jer sam pristao na njihovu politiku pre više od 2 meseca.
Smatram da je potpuno nelogično da čak mogu da napravim više depozita i da se kladim na iznose koje radim ako sam zaista prekršio pravila. Zar veb lokacija ne bi trebalo da ima obavezu da me upozori tokom igre ako je to slučaj?
Mislim da je proporcija bonusa u iznosu od 13,97€ u srazmeri sa povlačenjem suluda da to uopšte mogu da urade. Potrošio sam i izgubio nekoliko hiljada evra na njihovoj veb stranici poslednjih meseci i osećam da je ovakav tretman prema meni kao mušteriji užasan.
Još uvek sam potpuno potresen.. Imam račune koje treba da platim i kasnim sa raznim fakturama, sedim ovde u nadi da će se iskupiti da bih mogao da vratim svoj um na mesto.
Ovo je veliki novac za mene, i osećam se potpuno prevarenim zbog cele situacije. Obraćam se vama jer se osećam potpuno nemoćno i ne znam kako da ovo rešim. Zaista se nadam da mogu nešto da uradim.
Molim vas, javite mi ako vam treba još nešto.
S poštovanjem,
Ismail ****
After much searching, I have realized that, like many others, I have exceeded their maximum bet rule according to the Casino site and thus had my money confiscated.
First of all, I want to point out that the website I played on is Slotti.com, which I'm unsure if Slotti Casino is the same company or not. Their layout seems similar, but I don't completely recognize their website.
I made a deposit of 400 euros and played a bonus that gave me 50 free spins, resulting in a win of 13.97€. Apparently, I then played with a bet that exceeded their limit of 5€ and, according to them, violated the rules, and they claim that all winnings after that can be confiscated. The problem is that I lost my entire balance, including the bonus money, and made two additional deposits afterwards, one of 400€ and the other of 1000€. After several hours of playing, I finally made a withdrawal of 5,190€ which they claim I am not entitled to because I broke the rules that occurred with the first deposit. I received a "goodwill" of 400€ back as an apology for the misunderstanding, which I find anything but logical and reasonable. They argue that I should know about this since I agreed to their policies more than 2 months ago.
I find it completely illogical that I should even be able to make multiple deposits and bet the amounts I do if I have indeed violated the rules. Shouldn't the website have any obligation to warn me during the game if that's the case?
I think the proportion of what the bonus paid at 13.97€ in proportion to the withdrawal is insane that they can even do this. I have spent and lost several thousand euros on their website in recent months and feel that this type of treatment towards me as a customer is terrible.
I am still completely shaken.. I have bills that need to be paid and I am behind on various invoices, sitting here hoping they will make amends so I can get my mind back in place.
This is a lot of money for me, and I feel completely deceived by the whole situation. I turn to you because I feel completely powerless and don't know how to resolve this. I really hope there's something I can do.
Please let me know if there's something else you need.
Ismail ****
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