The player from Spain faced difficulties with a withdrawal of 360 euros, as the casino refused to pay and had not provided any response. The Complaints Team kept the complaint open, allowing additional time for the casino to process the withdrawal. However, due to the player's lack of response to inquiries and messages, the investigation could not proceed, leading to the rejection of the complaint.
Igrač iz Španije se suočio sa poteškoćama sa podizanjem 360 evra, pošto je kazino odbio da plati i nije dao nikakav odgovor. Tim za žalbe je držao žalbu otvorenom, dajući dodatno vreme kazinu da obradi povlačenje. Međutim, zbog nedostatka odgovora igrača na upite i poruke, istraga nije mogla da se nastavi, što je dovelo do odbijanja žalbe.
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