Igrač iz Južna Afrika je zatražio isplatu za manje od dve nedelje pre nego je poslao prigovor. Nije još dobio svoj novac.
. Osećam da je ovaj slučaj tako očigledno namešten da zahteva apsolutnu pažnju za rešavanje jer su me SPARTANSLOTS namerno reklamirali mejlovima o besplatnom bonusu \25 besplatnih okretaja i bili su prilično neumoljivi u slanju e-pošte, u stvari skoro svakodnevno, bez prestanka tražeći to da bude poklon. Poklon na njihovoj veb stranici je bonus besplatnih okretaja gde se jednom založeni dobici mogu povući i zadržati (pogledajte prilog „SPARTANSLOTSBONUSFREESPINS"), ali nisu poštovali ovu izjavu kada je došlo vreme i kada sam pobedio. Tako da su mi, u suštini, poslali e-poštu mamaca da me namame tamo sa namerom da od mene izvuku depozite bez ikakve namere da isplatim dobitke ako se to dogodi. To je za mene zamka i reklamni zločin.
Imao sam račun ovde mnogo godina, ali nisam deponovao neko vreme. Nedavno je SPARTAN SLOT počeo da mi šalje mejlove sa personalizovanim bonusima za besplatne okrete. Sećam se problema prošli put zbog čega sam prestao da igram na neko vreme, ali oni su bili prilično uporni sa svojim reklamiranjem i poplavom mejlova pa sam pomislio zašto da ne, nakon što sam pročitao na sajtu koje informacije su bile dostupne, odlučio sam da igram malobrojni. Dovoljno je reći da sam uspeo da se posreći rano nakon što sam završio svoje besplatne okrete i osvojio prilično pristojan iznos u rundi bonusa besplatnih okretaja i to je olakšalo ispunjavanje zahteva za klađenje.
Na 8400 ZAR odlučio sam da zatražim povlačenje 10. septembra 2022. u subotu u ranim satima. Nakon konsultacija u ćaskanju, rečeno mi je da je potrebno 5 dana za pregled pre obrade, iako se navodi da su povlačenja bitkoina trenutna na sajtu. Pa sam čekao. Konsultovao sam se o statusu jednom ili dvaput u ćaskanju uživo i u jednoj fazi mi je rečeno da se obrađuje i da ću ga dobiti sledećeg petka, 16. septembra 2022. Tog petka sam primio e-poruku u kojoj se navodi da sam prekršio neku kršenje uslova za bonuse nešto oko 3 do 1 obroka za besplatne bonuse po depozitu (pogledajte prilog „SPARTANSLOTSEKSCUSEFORNONPAIMENT". Rečeno mi je da sam označen kao zloupotrebitelj bonusa i da su moji dobici poništeni. Ovo je krajnje smeće i želeo bih da postavim Neću tolerisati da mi se ukrade legitimni dobitak i da u isto vreme, od strane samih prevaranta, budem označen pogrdnim izrazom kao što je zloupotreba bonusa. Prvo
A) Ovaj termin kršenja koji su citirali nije bio na veb lokaciji u vreme kada sam igrao i dodao sam snimke ekrana da pokažem informacije o bonusu koje oni imaju na svom sajtu .nema referenci na ovaj izgovor koji su koristili u to vreme. Njihova e-pošta koja navodi razlog je priložena. POGLEDAJTE PRILOG- „SPARTANSLOTSEKSCUSEFORNEPLAIMENT"
B) Prestao sam da igram tamo pre nekog vremena zbog sličnog tipa problema koji je počeo da postaje očigledan. Tako da me je kazino hvalio i slao mi e-poruke koje su me skoro bombardovale SVAKODNEVNO NEKOLIKO NEDELjA kada sam ih u početku ignorisao, ali su ustrajali i dosledno su mi slali mejlove sa ovim poklonom za besplatno okretanje unutra. (pogledajte prilog „SPARTANSLOTSFREEGIFTEMAIL")
C) Čak i pored toga što su uz OVAJ IZGOVOR KOJI SU koristili, loš je izgovor ovaj odnos 3 prema 1 za bonuse i depozite jer je svaki drugi aspekt od uslova klađenja do maksimalne opklade do dozvoljenih igara do vremenskih okvira itd. sve je bilo u redu i tako da verujem da su ovo iskoristili kao novi izgovor, ali čak i to kaže da nema šanse da uopšte ispadnem iz ovih parametara koje oni koriste jer je mojih poslednjih osam depozita prikazano u mom prilogu označenom sa "SPARTANSLOTSCASHIERACCOUNT" i ne postoji način na ovo planete da sam odigrao 24 bonusa što bi me onda izbacilo iz tako citiranog odnosa 3 prema 1 koji tvrde. Igrao sam samo nekolicinu i nisam prekršio čak ni to pravilo, tako da oni nemaju pravo da proglase mene ili moj nalog kao zloupotrebu bonusa ili zloupotrebu i stoga ne mogu poništiti dobitak. Sve je zasnovano na Bull-u... i laže kazino pod bilo kojim izgovorom ili cenom da se ne isplati.
Ja nisam zloupotreba bonusa, oni su mi nemilosrdno slali ovaj poklon e-poštom i kada sam ga konačno iskoristio i pobedio, označili su me kao zlostavljača bonusa. Kakva je to uvreda i uvredljiva radnja za bilo koga- svoje klasično zlostavljanje- zlostavljač okrivljuje zlostavljane. Uporno su me prozivali. Nikada ni u jednom trenutku nisam aktivno tražio ovaj bonus, nisam ga tražio i nisam ga tražio. Ja nisam zloupotreba bonusa. KAKO MOGU ISTRAJNO DA MI NUDE BONUS, ONDA KADA GA KORISTIM & POBEDI MI OZNAČI BONUS ZLOUPOTREBNIK. CELA OVA RADNjA JE POTPUNO ODVRATNA I JASNA DA SE VIDI KOJA JE OVO GREŠKA OPERACIJA.
. I feel like this case is so blatantly set up that it warrants absolute attention for resolve because SPARTANSLOTS deliberately touted me with emails about a free bonus \25 free spins and they were fairly relentless in sending emails, almost everyday in fact, non stop claiming it to be a gift. A gift on their website is a free spins bonus where once wagered winnings are withdrawable to keep (see attachment "SPARTANSLOTSBONUSFREESPINS") but they did not honor this statement when the time came and i had won. So basically theY sent me bait emails to lure me there with the intention of squeezing deposits from me with absolutely no intention whatsoever of paying out winnings should it occur .That to me is a trap and an advertising crime.
Ive had an account here for many years but had not deposited in a while. Recently SPARTAN SLOT has begun sending me emails with personalized free spins bonuses. I recall a problem the last time which is why I stopped playing for a while but they were pretty persistent with their touting and flooding of emails so I thought why not, after reading up on the site what information was available, I decided to play a few. Suffice to say I managed to get lucky early on after finishing my free spins and won a fairly decent amount on a free spin bonus round and this made it easier to complete the wagering requirements.
At ZAR8400 I decided to request a withdrawal on September 10th 2022 Saturday in the early hours. After consulting on chat I was told it takes 5 days to review before processing, although it states bitcoin withdrawals are instant on the site. So I waited. I consulted as to the status once or twice on live chat and at one stage I was told it's being processed and that I'll receive it the following Friday 16th September 2022. On that Friday I received an email stating that I had broken some breach of terms for bonuses something about a 3 to 1 ration for free bonuses per deposit (see attachment "SPARTANSLOTSEXCUSEFORNONPAYMENT". I was told I had been labelled a bonus abuser and that my winnings were voided. This is utter rubbish and I would like to set it out in point form for you. I will not tolerate being defrauded of legitimate winnings and at the same time, by the very fraudsters themselves, be labelled a derogatory term such as a bonus abuser . Firstly
A) This breach term which they quoted was not on the website at the time I played and I've added screenshots to show the bonus information that they do have on their site .there is no reference to this excuse they used at the time. Their email which states the reason is attached.SEE ATTACHMENT- "SPARTANSLOTSEXCUSEFORNONPAYMENT"
B) I stopped playing there a while ago because of similar type issue that began to become apparent. So the casino touted me and sent me emails almost bombarding me DAILY FOR SEVERAL WEEKS when I initially ignored them, but they persisted and consistently kept on sending me emails with this free spin gift inside.(see attachment "SPARTANSLOTSFREEGIFTEMAIL")
C) Even still they WITH THIS EXCUSE THEY used, it is a poor excuse this one of 3 to 1 ratio for bonuses to deposits because every other aspect from wagering requirements to bet max to allowed games to time frames etc. everything was in order and so i believe they used this as a new excuse, but even that said there is no way that i even fall out of these parameters they use because my last eight deposits are shown in my attachment marked "SPARTANSLOTSCASHIERACCOUNT" and there is no way on this planet that i played 24 bonuses which would then put me out of the so quoted 3 to 1 ratio they claim. I played only a handful and did not breach even that rule so they have no right to declare me or my account as bonus abuser or abuse and therefore cannot void the winnings. It's all based on Bull... and lies by the casino at any excuse or cost not to payout.
In summary:
I am not a bonus abuser, they sent me this email gift relentlessly and when I finally used it and won they label me the bonus abuser . What kind of insult and offensive action is that for anyone to do- its classic abuse- the abuser blaming the abused. They persisted in touting me I never at any point went out actively to seek this bonus, I did not ask for it and I did not look for it. I am not a bonus abuser.HOW CAN THEY PERSISTENTLY OFFER ME A BONUS ,THEN WHEN I USE IT &WIN LABEL ME A BONUS ABUSER.THIS ENTIRE ACTION IS UTTER DISGUSTING AND CLEAR TO SEE WHAT SINSITER OPERATION THIS IS.
Thank you very much for submitting your complaint. We are sorry to hear about the issue with your withdrawal and understand your concern. However, please bear in mind that it’s quite usual for withdrawals to take a couple of days or even weeks to get fully processed. This means that it may take some time before your money appears in your account. This delay may be caused by unfinished KYC verification or a high volume of withdrawal requests.
That’s why we advise players to be patient, cooperate fully with casino, and wait at least 14 days after requesting their withdrawals before submitting a complaint.
If your account has been successfully verified, your game history checked, your withdrawal approved by the casino, and you still haven't received your winnings by 14 days since requesting the withdrawal, we will intervene and do our best to help you.
Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.
Best regards,
Complaints Resolution Center
Zdravo Krstina
Nisam siguran da li potpuno razumete moju pritužbu. Moj način igre je proveren i čekao sam 10 dana da obrađuju povlačenje. Ali u poslednjem trenutku nakon što su ga izvukli koliko su mogli, otkazali su i potpuno odbio povlačenje, navodeći razlog kao što je objašnjeno u mojoj prvobitnoj žalbi. Rekao sam da je sve u vezi sa igrom sve u okviru zahteva i u okviru dozvoljenih parametara, tj.: igrao sam dozvoljene igre, držao sam svoj ulog znatno ispod maksimalno dozvoljene opklade, lako sam završio klađenje nekoliko puta, iako kao što sam pomenuo da je bilo produženo nekoliko puta tokom igre...Nisam prekršio nikakva pravila u vezi sa ovom bonus igrom niti sam prekoračio bilo koje zahteve niti sam prekršio bilo koje odredbe i uslove.Ono što kažem je da ne čekam odloženu isplatu, oni imaju paušal out je odbio isplatu i poništio dobitke iz razloga koji me ne isključuje na prvom mestu jer bih ionako ispunio taj uslov i onaj koji nikada nije bio prikazan na sajtu u vreme kada sam ja igrao (priložio sam šta je prikazana i njihova e-pošta o odbijenoj uplati.... ne postoji referenca na ovo lažno pravilo kao što vidite.). Oni su prilično ozloglašeni po neplaćanju jer otkrivam ovih poslednjih nekoliko dana radeći detaljno istraživanje i zato sam stvarno stvarno ne izdao sam vašu pomoć jer je ovo, kao što sam objasnio, nečuveno, zaista bes jer nemaju valjanog razloga da ne plate. I ja sam ispunio sve zahteve i povrh ovoga su me jurili neko vreme sa ovom ponudom, a zatim odbili da isplate kada Konačno sam je iskoristio, sa izgovorom koji nije relevantan ili pomenut. Osećam se zato što nisu mogli da nađu pravi razlog jer ga nisu našli. Dakle, to nije igra na čekanju, već su odbili plaćanje bez dobrog razloga. Hvala, nadam se da je ovo čini to jasnijim i nadam se da će ova žalba biti rešena jer mnogo govori o integritetu kazina i nedostatku kontrole i regulative u vezi sa novcem. Molim vas pomozite.
Hello Krstina
I'm not sure if you completely understand my complaint.My gameplay has been checked and I waited 10 days for them.to.process the withdrawal .But at the very last minute after drawing it out as long as they could, they have canceled and declined the withdrawal completely ,citing the reason as explained in my initial complaint. I said everything about the game play was all within requirements and within the permitted parameters ie: I.played allowed games, I kept my stake well below the max bet allowed , I completed the wagering easily a few times over although as I mentioned it had been extended several times during play...I did not breach any rules regarding this bonus play nor overstep any requirements nor did I infringe on any terms and conditions.What I'm saying is that Im not waiting for a delayed payment they have flat out denied the payment and voided the winnings already fora reason that doesn't exclude me in first place as I would meet that requirement anyway and one that was never displayed on the site at the time I.played in the first place(ive attached what was displayed and their declined payment email....there is no reference this bogus rule as you can see.).They are fairly notorious for non payment as I'm discovering these last few days doing in depth research and this is why I really really need your help cos this as I explained is outrageous ,truly an outrage because they have no valid reason not to.pay.And Ive net all requirements and on top of this they chased me for a while with this offer and then refuse to payout when i finally used it ,with a an excuse not relevant or mentioned .I feel because they couldnt find a real reason cos there wasnt one to find.So it's not a waiting game they have denied payment already for no good reason.Thanks I hope this makes it clearer and I hope this complaint gets resolved because it says alot about the integrity of casinos and the lack.of control and regulation regarding money.Please help .Anything you need to help.Ask.thank you again.
Hvala vam na odgovoru, CASINOCOP. Možete li molim vas da postavite ovde (ili mi prosledite) snimak ekrana vaše istorije bonusa? Trebalo bi da možete da ga pronađete na svom nalogu igrača.
Pored toga, da li biste bili ljubazni da mi prosledite poruku u kojoj je kazino naveo razlog za konfiskaciju vašeg dobitka? Moja adresa e-pošte je KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk . Hvala unapred.
Thank you for your reply, CASINOCOP. Could you please post here (or forward me) a screenshot of your bonus history? You should be able to find it in your player account.
Additionally, would you be so kind as to forward me the message in which the casino stated the reason for confiscating your winnings? My email address is kristina.s@casino.guru. Thank you in advance.
Hvala vam puno CASINOCOP na saradnji. Sada ću preneti vašu žalbu kolegi Mateju ( KSKSKSKSKS0@email.kkkkk ) koji će vam biti na pomoći. Želim vam puno sreće i nadam se da će vaš problem uskoro biti rešen na vaše zadovoljstvo.
Thank you very much CASINOCOP for your cooperation. I will now transfer your complaint to my colleague Matej (matej@casino.guru) who will be at your assistance. I wish you the best of luck and hope to see your problem being resolved to your satisfaction soon.
Hvala vam na dosadašnjoj pomoći Kristina. Veoma cenim i da, sve što tražim je ferplej i pravda u ovom slučaju. Kockam se na mreži i van njega više od 35 godina i nije mi kraj da vidim šta operateri ove vrste rade igračima i reputaciji uopšte u čitavoj industriji, posebno onim operaterima koji su najčasniji u svom ponašanju. To je bes i mora se rešiti jer je to veoma ozbiljan problem. Još jednom hvala na dosadašnjoj pomoći.
Thank you for your assistance so far Kristina.Much appreciated and yes all I'm seeking is an ounce of Fairplay and Justice in this case. I've been gambling online and off for over 35 years and it grinds me no end to see what operators of this kind are doing to players and to the reputation in general of the entire industry particularly those operators who are most honorable in their conduct.It's an outrage and it must be addressed as it is a very serious problem.Thanks again for your help thus far.
Žao mi je što čujem za vaše nevolje.
Ako sam dobro razumeo, zatražili ste 15 bonusa od 15. avgusta do 16. septembra.
Mogu li da pitam da li su svi ovi bonusi bonusi bez depozita? Da li ste napravili neke depozite za to vreme?
I am sorry to hear about your troubles.
If I understand correctly, you claimed 15 bonuses from 15th August until 16th September.
May I ask if all these bonuses were no deposit bonuses? Did you make some deposits during this time?
Ne mislim da je to 15 bonusa bez depozita. Odakle ti ta cifra. verovatnije je da je upola manje kao da je 15 bonusa što bi značilo da bih morao da igram svaki drugi dan mesec dana. Prilično sam siguran to nije tačno, ali dozvolite mi da budem siguran i bolje da potvrdim. Ne vidim ništa od toga na svom kazino nalogu, tako da ću moći da proveravam samo e-poštu.
Kao odgovor na vaše drugo pitanje. Odgovor je ne, ali sam u prošlosti davao depozite. Dosta. Nisam igrao ovde dugo jer sam se tada suočio sa sličnim problemima, samo što je bilo manje komplikovano - depozit bez isplate. Dakle, u poslednje vreme nema depozita, mada je to relevantno prema onome što je napisano na zidu u ovom slučaju... Depozitor kraj priče kada je irelevantan.Postoje pravila za zatvaranje mirovanja ako je tako i jasno je da je moj račun bio otvoren sve vreme.Moj odnos depozita i bonusa je u okviru 3 prema 1 kao što je navedeno u „ posle fsct" razlog koji navode za poništavanje mojih dobitaka. Cenim vašu pomoć u vezi sa ovim slučajem i ni na koji način ne dovodim u pitanje vašu stručnost u ovoj oblasti, ali mogu li samo da kažem da me ovaj kazino neprestano proganja sa e-porukama koje nude ono što oni zovu "poklon „Takođe je jasno napisano koja je namera ovih „poklona" u mejlu i u uslovima i često postavljanim pitanjima. Nisam tražio niti tražio ove „poklone" bonuse niti sam obećavao bilo šta kao što su oni. Ispunio sam sve uslove igre i kada se ne pronađe dobar razlog, ovaj izgovor se koristi napisano. Uradio sam sve kako treba i još uvek se suočavam sa ovom bitkom.i sada pošto sam pobedio odbijen sam da platim...ali su ustrajali, tako da ako ne zbog isplate koja je onda poenta bonus ponude e-pošte??..je to je samo da bi me odveo tamo i uplatio to je prilično zlokobno. Vidite još jedna stvar je da sam primio mnogo e-poruka i sigurno nisam igrao veliki broj njih. U svakom slučaju, tek treba da budem svedok da slučaj ide pravim putem jer kazina dobijaju daleko od ubistava sa onim što oni rade i mislim na ovu vrstu stvari. Ne bi trebalo da prolazim kroz ovaj proces i da se borim da dobijem isplatu jer je sve legalno - jasno je kao dan. Samo mi se čini da dobitak nije dozvoljen u nekim kockarnicama .....to vidim U svakom slučaju ću proveriti za.ove bonuse ali mogu vam reći da nisam odigrao 15 bonusa u jednom mesecu.
I don't think its 15 no deposit bonuses.Where did you get that figure.its more likely to be half that as if it were 15 bonuses that would mean I would have had to play every second day for a month.Im pretty sure that's not correct but let me be sure and confirm rather.I don't see any of that in my casino account so I will only be able to check emails.
In response to your other question.The answer is no but I have made deposits in the past .Quite a few. I have not played here in a long time as I faced similar problems back then only it was less complicated - deposit no payout .So no deposits recently zlthough that's bo relevant according to what's written on the wall in this case...I am a depositor end of story when is irrelevant.There are dormancy closure rules if that I'd to be the case and clearly my account has been open all along.My deposit to bonus ratio is within the 3 to 1 as claimed in the " after the fsct" reason they cite for voiding my winnings.I appreciate your assistance with this case and in no way do I question your expertise in this field but may I just say that this casino hounded me non stop with emails offering what they call a "gift" It is also clearly written what the intention of these "gifts" are in the email and in the terms and faq.I did not ask or seek these "gift" bonuses nor did I promise anything as they did.I met all the equirements of play and when no good reason is found this excuse is whats used.As its written Ive done everything right and im still facing this battle.and now because I won I'm refused payment ...but they persisted so if not for getting paid out what's the point of the bonus email offer then??..is it just to get me there and deposit that's pretty sinister.You see another thing is that I received many emails and certainly did not play a.large amount of them.Anyway I'm yet to witness a case go the right way because casinos get away with murder with wat they do and I'm referring to this type of thing.I shouldn't have to go through this process and battle to get paid out as everything is legit - it's clear as day. It just seems to me that winning is not allowed at some casinos .....that's what I see Any way I will check.on.this bonuses for but I can tell you off hand I did not play 15 bonuses in one month.
Zdravo Matej
Kao odgovor na vaš upit mogu potvrditi da sam primio nekoliko ponuda za 25 besplatnih okretaja ovih proteklih meseci i da su bile ponuđene kao "poklon". Dobio sam nekoliko u nekoliko različitih dana. Oni su primljeni sledećih dana\data:
Avgust 2022: 17., 19., 20., 22., 24., 26., 27., 28., 29., 31.
Septembar 2022: 3., 6., 7., 9
Ako želite snimke ekrana ovih ponuda iz mog gmail sandučeta, mogu vam ih dostaviti. Međutim, mogu reći da su neke od ovih ponuda duplikati i služe kao podsetnici da još uvek moram da igram ove spinove jer sam većinu njih u početku ignorisao, tako da nisu sve zasebne ponude. Pored toga, sa sigurnošću vam mogu reći da sam igrao ovu ponudu besplatnih okretaja narednih dana.
Avgust 2022: 15., 17., 22., 25., 27. 28., 29
Septembar 2022: 3,6, 7, 9 (10. septembar kada je zatraženo povlačenje servira se iz ponude 9. septembra jer sam igrao tokom cele noći i povukao sam tek sledećeg dana 10. septembra 2022.
To su bonusi koje sam igrao koje su mi poslali, ali ima još mejlova sa istom ponudom od ukupno 15 . Naveo sam dane u kojima sam igrao, a ostale nisam. Dakle, ako izračunamo, pošto sam optužen da sam zloupotreba bonusa, uprkos činjenici da su mi ovo sami označili, što mi nije drago što sam etiketiran, tako da bih želeo da to JASNO IZLOŽIM tako da SE IZDALEKA gleda i prikazuje VELIKU SLIKU koja će POKAZATI DA ISPAK NjIHOVOM ISPORUJNOM GLEDANjU NA IMEJLOVU, BROJEVI ME JOŠ UVEK NE KVALIFIKOVAJU KAO OVOG ZLOSTAVLjIVAČA TUŽBE JA JESAM.niti poništavaju moj dobitak.
Izvinjavam se zbog velikih slova, moja tastatura je neispravna. Upravo tako, evo ga:
Spartanski slotovi su me pratili u vezi sa uzimanjem ovih bonusa, nemilosrdno me bombardujući 2 meseca ovom ponudom od 25 besplatnih okretaja. Ukupno petnaest od kojih sam igrao jedanaest, najviše. Sada dodajte 7 dodatnih bonusa prethodnih ovih i odgovor glasi sledeće: REZULTAT:
Ukupan broj bonusa koje sam koristio je 18. Podelite ovo odnosom 22\8 pri čemu je 8 rezultat osam odvojenih depozita napravljenih u prethodnom trenutku (iako vreme ionako nije faktor. Optužba je odnos bonusa i depozita od 3 prema 1 je prekršena. .Bio bih veoma uznemiren i ova industrija bi bila potresena ako bi uopšte imali drskosti da sada odrede vremensku oznaku ovog takozvanog pravila o razmerama. Ali, na sreću, ja i moj slučaj to nije vreme konstruisano. To je bilo kada i 8 depozita je zaista napravljeno i ne može se jednostavno odbaciti kao nebitno.) Dakle, veoma je jednostavno ono što se dogodilo, a to je da imam...
18 = iskorišćeni bonusi
8 depozita (nikad nije bilo povlačenja).
18 \ 8 =2,25 bonusa po depozitu. Takozvano pravilo tvrdi da je odnos „više od 3 prema 1" prekršen, što je jasno da bilo koje pravilo u vezi sa odnosom NISAM prekršio, umesto toga, ja dobro spadam u zagradu i nije bilo nikakvog kršenja.20.25 je znatno ispod 3 prema 1.
Zanimljivo: Čak i ako sam hipotetički morao da odigram sve ove bonuse koji su mi poslani ovih proteklih meseci plus dodati na moje prethodne primljene bonuse čineći ukupan zbir 22 bonusa naspram 8 depozita, što je 2,75 bonusa po depozitu....još uvek unutar dozvoljeni parametri odnosa za ovo pravilo, (koje nisam mogao nigde da pronađem i tražio sam) Zbog toga ovo pravilo čak ni ne kvalifikuje moje povlačenje da bude poništeno i poništeno jer nema kršenja ovde ili bilo kog drugog pravila.
Ozbiljnije. Ovo je da pokažem čime se bavim u ovom kazinu i kako će to biti veoma teško, ali ja sam odlučan i nastaviću.
Poslao sam nekoliko dokumenata u prilogu moje prvobitne žalbe, jedan od tih dokumenata je bila moja istorija depozita. Ovo sam ponovo priložio ovom odgovoru, kao i snimak ekrana koji sam napravio jutros na istom usaglašavanju blagajne od istih datuma.
Veoma uznemiren, mogu, kao i vi, da vidim da su svi moji depoziti uklonjeni iz moje blagajne uprkos usaglašavanju uključujući tražene datume koji pokrivaju tražene datume depozita koje sam napravio. Možete videti original koji prikazuje depozite i sada se moja blagajna prikazuje kao da nema transakcija/depozita, nešto što ne mogu da razumem ili da objasnim jer su datumi tačni i filteri su tačni, ali rezultat se sada promenio. ZAŠTO?????
Po mom mišljenju, ovo je prevara, posebno kada je predmet relevantan za ove informacije na čekanju. Ovo je samo moje mišljenje, ali mogu da pitam vaše mišljenje o ovom pitanju jer ne mogu da nađem nijedan dobar razlog da uklonim ove informacije osim da direktno utiče na odnos? Veoma je uznemirujuće videti ovo jer postavlja mnoga nova pitanja i dovodi u pitanje integritet svih. Vaši stavovi će biti veoma cenjeni.
u prilogu pronađite trenutni snimak mog blagajnika spartanslots koji jasno pokazuje promenu sa uklonjenim mojim depozitima.
puno hvala, željno očekujem vaš odgovor
Hello Matej
In response to your enquiry I can confirm that I received a few offers for 25 free spins these past months and they were offered as a "gift" .I received a few on a handful of different days. These were received on the following days\dates:
August 2022: 17th,19th,20th,22nd,24th,26th,27th,28th,29th,31st
September 2022: 3rd,6th,7th,9th
If you would like screenshots of these offers from my gmail inbox I can provide them for you. However I can tell that several of these offers are duplicates and serve as reminders that I still had these spins to play because most of them I ignored at first, so they aren't all separate offers . In addition to that I can tell you with certainty that I played this free spins offer on the following days.
August 2022: 15th,17th, 22nd, 25th, 27th. 28th, 29th
September 2022: 3,6, 7, 9 (the 10 September when the withdrawal was requested serves from the offer on the 9th September as I played throughout the night and only withdrew the NeXT day 10th September 2022.
Those are the bonuses I've played that they sent, however there are more emails with the same offer amounting to 15 in total . I've stated the days I played and the others I did not. So if we do the math, as I'm accused of being a bonus abuser, despite the fact that they have labelled me this by their own accord which I'm not happy about being labelled and so I WOULD LIKE to LAY IT OUT CLEARLY so IT IS viewed FROM A FAR showing the THE BIG PICTURE which will SHOW THAT DESPITE THEIR PERSISTENT PESTERING OF EMAILS ,THE NUMBERS STILL DO NOT QUALIFY ME AS THIS ABUSER THE CLAIM I AM.nor voiding my winnings.
Apologies for the caps my keyboard is faulty. Right so here it is:
Spartan slots pursued me in relation to taking these bonuses, relentlessly bombarding me for 2 months with this offer of 25 free spins. A total of fifteen which I played eleven of, at the very most. Now add 7 additional bonuses previous to these and the answer reads the following: RESULT:
The total number of bonuses used by me is 18. Divide this by the ratio 22\8 the 8 being a result of eight separate deposits made at a previous time(, despite time not being a factor anyway. the accusation is bonus to deposit ratio of 3 to 1 being breached. .I would be very much disturbed and this industry shaken should they even have the gall to now timestamp this so called ratio rule.But fortunately fort me and my case it is not time construed.IIt is anytime and 8 deposits have indeed been made and cannot simply be tossed aside as irrelevant.) So its very simple what has transpired, which is that I have....
18 = bonuses used
8 deposits ( no withdrawals ever) made
18 \ 8 =2.25 bonuses per deposit. The so called rule claims More than 3 to 1 ratio as breach, which clearly any rule regarding the ratio I have NOT broken, instead, I fall well within the bracket and no breach has occurred whatsoever.20.25 is well under 3 to 1.
Point of interest: Even if I had to have hypothetically played all these bonuses sent to me these past months plus added to my previous bonuses received making the sum total 22 bonuses versus 8 deposits which is 2.75 bonuses per deposit....still well within allowed ratio parameters for this rule, (which btw I could not find anywhere and I searched)Therefore this rule does not even qualify my withdrawal to be voided and cancelled as there is no breach here or on any other rule.
On a more serious note. This is to show what I'm dealing with with this casino and how its going to be very hard, but I m resolute and I will continue.
I sent several documents attached with my original complaint, one of those documents was my deposit history. I have attached this again to this reply as well as a screenshot Ive taken this morning of the same casher reconciliation of the same dates.
Very disturbed I can, as you can, see all my deposits have been removed from my cashier despite the reconciliation including the required dates covering the required dates of the deposits I made. You can see the original which shows the deposits and now my cashier shows up as no transactions/ deposits , something I cannot understand or reason as the dates are correct and the filters are correct but the result has now changed. WHY?????
This is fraudulent in my opinion, to do this especially when a case relevant to this information is pending.This is my opinion only but may I please ask your opinion on this matter as I cannot find any good reason to remove this information other than to directly affect the ratio? Its very disturbing to have seen this because it begs many new questions and brings the integrity of all into question. Your views will be greatly appreciated.
please find attached a now and then snapshot of my spartanslots cashier clearly showing the change with my deposits removed.
many thanks I await your response eagerly
Verujem da možda postoji nesporazum o tome kako ovo pravilo 2.5.7 funkcioniše:
Mislim da ovo pravilo znači da između bilo koja dva depozita možete dobiti besplatan bonus najviše 3 puta.
Još jedno pravilo za koje verujem da važi i za vaš slučaj je:
Dakle, u ovom slučaju, verujem da je 100 dolara.
I believe that maybe there is a misunderstanding about how this rule 2.5.7 works:
I think that this rule means that between any two deposits, you can claim a free bonus a maximum of 3 times.
Another rule which I believe applies too on your case is:
So, in this case, I believe it is $100.
Zdravo Matej
Ovo je možda upravo nesporazum za koji sam se plašio da bi mogao biti ponuđen za tumačenje pravila. Kao što je napisano i navedeno, to bi se odnosilo na odnos depozita i iznosa korišćenih besplatnih bonusa. Vrlo je moguće da ono što ste rekli je ono što treba da znači, međutim kako je napisano podrazumeva 3 do 1 odnos. tačka, tačka. .Ne postoji vremenska ili prostorna definicija primenjena na ove depozite ili bonuse, ili okvir u kome se oni moraju napraviti i koristiti. Njegov samo odnos 3 prema 1 koji stoji u smislu načina na koji je napisan. Stoga, kao što je napisano, NISAM prekršio pravilo i ne mogu me označiti kao zlostavljača bonusa. Nisam zlostavljač i ne kršim nikakva pravila. Optužbe ove prirode narušavaju moje dostojanstvo kao osobe koja poštuje zakon, osobe i igrača koja poštuje zakon
Uprkos ovoj činjenici i s obzirom na nepremostivi zadatak koji je pred nama, da mi je Spartanslots uopšte ponudio ovaj iznos koji bih prihvatio i možda bi postojala drugačija dinamika. Bio bih nezadovoljan u pogledu toga što bih dobio dobro zarađene dobitke s obzirom na zahteve i bio bih srećan zbog toga., ne bih bio označen kao zlostavljač bonusa koji me je uvredio. Takođe ne bih bio uznemiren, uvređen i ne bih bio nezadovoljan i zgrožen. Bio bih sklon da ostanem kao depozitar igrač. Niko ne voli da ga prevare ili prave budalom, a čak i uplata od 100 evra bi izbegla sve ove negativnosti i ostavila samo pozitivne rezultate. Nikada ne razumem kako kazina ne vide kako se dobra volja za poštovanje povlačenja prenosi deset puta unapred od strane igrača . U svakom slučaju, to mi nije ni ponuđeno. Prihvatio bih kompromis da je ponuđen. I dalje bih da je ponuđeno pod uslovom da je etiketa na kojoj su oni označeni uklonjena jer ne volim da me optužuju za takvu zloupotrebu. To nije moja priroda.
ps; bilo kakva razmišljanja o tome zašto je moja istorija depozita uklonjena iz blagajne..
Hvala vam
Hello Matej
This may be the exact misunderstanding I feared may be offered for interpretation for the rule. As it is written and stated it would apply to the ratio of deposits vs the amount of free bonuses used.It may very well be that what you have said is what it is intended to mean, however as it is written it implies a 3 to 1 ratio. full stop, period. .There is no time or spatial definition applied to these deposits or bonuses, or frame within which they must be made and used.Its just 3 to 1 ratio which in terms of how it is written stands. Therefore as written I am NOT in breach of the rule and cannot be labeled a bonus abuser.I am not an abuser and I sid not breach any rules.Accusations of this nature infringe on my dignity as a law abiding, respectful person and player
Despite this fact and considering the insurmountable task ahead , had Spartanslots even offered me this amount I would have accepted and a different dynamic may have existed.I would've have dissatisfied in the regard that I would have received well earned winnings considering the requirements and would have been happy about it., I wouldn't have been labeled a bonus abuser which has offended me.I also would have not been upset, insulted and wouldn't be disgruntled and disgusted.I would have been inclined to remain a depositing player. No one likes to be conned or made a fool of and Even a 100 euro payment would have avoided all these negatives and left only positive results.I never understand how casinos fail to see how the goodwill for honoring withdrawals is passed forward ten fold by players. Anyway I wasn't even offered that.I would have accepted the compromise if it was offered. I would still if it was offered provided the label tagged to by them.is removed as I resent be accused of such abuse.It is not my nature.
ps; any thoughts on why my deposit history was removed from cashier..
Thank you
Želeo bih da pozovem predstavnika kazina u slučaj.
Poštovani predstavniku kazina, da li biste mogli da pogledate komentare iznad i da ovde napišete izjavu o slučaju?
I would like to invite the casino representative into the case.
Dear casino representative, could you please check the comments above and write a statement about the case here?
Imajte na umu da nalog krši naše odredbe i uslove, tačku 2.5.7. Bonusi koje nudi naš kazino namenjeni su samo pravim rekreativcima. Zloupotreba bilo koje bonus ponude neće biti tolerisana. Zadržavamo pravo da istražimo, otkažemo, suspendujemo ili zaključamo bilo koji nalog ako se sumnja na zloupotrebu bonusa. Ako se potvrdi da nalog spada u kategoriju zloupotrebe bonusa, zadržavamo pravo da poništimo sve dobitke generisane na nalogu.
Primeri zloupotrebe bonusa ili promocije, ali nisu ograničeni na:
- traženje besplatnih bonusa koji premašuju odnos bonusa i depozita od 3:1 (besplatni bonusi uključuju, ali nisu ograničeni na besplatne vrtnje, bonuse iz kalendara, bonuse za greb kartice, nagrade za turnire, nagrade za trke, bonuse za Mailer, bonuse dobre volje koje dodeljuju menadžeri naloga itd. .)
Predmetni račun je zatražio 53 besplatna artikla dok je napravio samo 8 depozita, čime je premašen dozvoljeni odnos.
Hi there,
Kindly note that the account is in breach of our Terms and Conditions item 2.5.7. Bonuses offered by our casino are intended for genuine recreational players only. Abuse of any bonus offer will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to investigate, cancel, suspend or lock any account if bonus abuse is suspected. If an account is confirmed to fall under the Bonus Abuse category, we reserve the right to void all winnings generated on the account.
Examples of bonus or promotion abuse, but are not limited to:
- claiming free bonuses that exceed a 3:1 bonus to deposit ratio (free bonuses include but are not limited to Free Spins, Calendar bonuses, Scratch Card bonuses, Tournament prizes, Race prizes, Mailer bonuses, Goodwill bonuses awarded by account managers, etc.)
The account in question has claimed 53 free items while only making 8 deposits, thus exceeding the allowed ratio.
Preostali besplatni bonusi su verovatno traženi ranije kada ste igrali i pravili pauzu. Međutim, 53 do 8 je kršenje, čak i ako se pravilo primenjuje na doživotne depozite/bonuse.
The remaining free bonuses were probably claimed before when you used to play and take a break. However, 53 to 8 is a breach, even if the rule applies to lifetime deposits/bonuses.
To je upravo ono što sam sumnjao da će se desiti, bonusi koje sam proglasio i odigrao su apsolutni, nema drugih bonusa koje sam koristio. Možda je bilo i drugih bonusa između koji su poslani, ali nisam igrao taj kazino godinama, tako da svi bonusi koji su došli na moj nalog, ako su došli na moj nalog e-pošte, bili su potpuno zanemareni. Tek nedavno sam igrao prvi put i to su one koje sam vam pokazao. Ranije u ovoj arbitraži sam vam pomenuo uz dokaz putem snimka ekrana da su u stvari uklonili 8 depozita iz moje kase tako da moja blagajna pokazuje nulu depoziti, sada odjednom tvrde da ima 53 bonusa, možda su poslali 53 bonusa što bi moglo biti, ali ja sam igrao samo bonus kao što sam vam rekao i to je to. Nisam igrao nikakve druge bonuse. Ova vrsta ponašanja od strane kazina je upravo razlog zašto ovoj industriji nedostaje poverenje, jer kazina koriste ovu vrstu stvari, ove zamršene odredbe i uslove koji su generalizovani i mogu se primeniti na bilo šta i igrač zaista nema pravo na regres . Za zapisnik sam naveo da sam igrao samo bonus koji sam igrao i napravio sam 8 depozita, tako da je moj odnos, koji radim, maksimalno 2,75 prema 1 i to je sve što imam. Nemam druge podatke o bilo čemu bilo koje druge bonuse koje su mi možda poslali ili koje sam igrao pa su možda poslali 53, ali ja nisam igrao 53, nema šanse da sam igrao 53 bonusa, tako da je ovo još jednom slučaj da je igrač zeznuo kazino, mislim ako mogu da izbrišu moju istoriju depozita, sigurno mogu dodati dodatne bonuse. Dokazao sam da postoje dva snimka ekrana u dva različita vremena sa prikazanim depozitom, a onda se u mojoj blagajni ne prikazuje depozit, o čemu se tačno radi, možda su išli danas. Nisam imao depozite kao što su bili davno, pa zašto mogu' t oni dodaju bonuse umesto varp odnosa. Nemam dodatne bonuse. Ni na koji način ne optužujem niti kažem da se to desilo, molim vas nemojte me pogrešno shvatiti samo teoretski, ali kako drugačije da zacementiram činjenice s kraja jer one jesu, ionako sam samo ističući činjenicu da ovde zapravo nemam pribegavanja jer svaki put kada dođem do rezolucije ili tačke za zaustavljanje i rešim nešto drugačije, oni smisle još jedan korak koji me samo vraća na početak, a to je njihova reč protiv moje. pa šta je tačno što mogu da uradim. Sve sam predstavio hronološkim redosledom sa detaljima i mislim da je jasno da se vidi da sam ovde na ovaj ili onaj način napao. Ili je jasno da se vidi ili sam na neki način ljut .Preuzeo si ovaj slučaj, pretpostavljam, jer si to mogao da vidiš. Rekao sam da sam spreman da se nađem na pola puta i uzmem 100 dolara, ali oni to čak i ne rade kao gest dobre volje da pokažu fer igranje, mislim, zašto su mi onda uopšte poslali bonuse, šta je svrhu slanja bonusa ako ne mogu da unovčim dobitak od njih? ako je to slučaj, onda to znači da se bonusi jednostavno šalju kao mamac, udica i zamka da me dovedu do njih u kazino kako bih mogao da uplatim i izgubim jer nema namere da se isplaćuju dobici kao što se ovde čini. Ili se namerno šalju da sabotiraju odnos bonusa garantujući „kršenje" takozvanog pravila 2.5.7. Zbog toga funkcioniše samo na jedan način, a to je da dobitak neće biti isplaćen u slučaju pobede, ali je jasno navedeno u imejlu... da mi je žao u mojoj knjizi mišljenja je greška, po mom mišljenju, to je svakako izbegavanje toga nije etičko jer je to zamka sa predumišljajem. sada ne mogu da donesem bilo kakvu odluku niti da uradim bilo šta, ali sam naveo i izložio činjenice tačno onako kako je bilo za mene i ne bih išao tako daleko da sam mislio da sam prekršio ugovor jer generalno ne kršim ugovore pošto sam osoba koja poštuje zakon. Ne kršim pravila i uradio sam sve što sam mogao da ostanem u granicama i parametrima onoga što su zahtevali i mislim da sam to uradio prilično dobro s obzirom na to, a sada se ionako zajebavam čak ni gest za utehu ili gest dobre volje . Ovo je upravo ono što sam pokušavao da kažem o arbitraži sa kazinom, to ne pomaže jer kazina uvek imaju neki zaostatak ili zadnji deo ili skriveni plan koji niko ne može da vidi do poslednjeg dela arbitraže gde kažu o, da, evo džokera koji izlazi iz paketa. Sve što mogu da uradim, kategorički stojim pri svojoj izjavi koja jesam.....još jednom su bonusi koje sam vam pokazao i proglasio jedini koje sam direktno odigrao u odnosu na 8 depozita to je sve što mogu da vam kažem sa sigurnošću.
Možda nije relevantno, ali mislim da jeste. Ovaj kazino ima ozloglašenu istoriju ovakvog ponašanja, dokumentovano je na stotinama foruma od strane stotina različitih ljudi koji se žale na istu stvar, što mora da kaže nešto o njihovoj prirodi i njihovoj sumnjivoj časti, imenu i reputaciji. Uzmite u obzir ovu činjenicu da ne izgledam kao da stižem ovde.Moja žalba je pravedna.
This is exactly what I suspected would happen, the bonuses that I have declared and played are absolute there are no other bonuses that I have used.There may have been other bonuses in between that were sent bur I have not played that casino for years so any bonuses that came into my account ,if they came into my email account ,were completely ignored. I only played for the first time recently and those are the ones that I showed you.Earlier on in this arbitration I mentioned to you with proof via means of screenshot that they had in fact removed the 8 deposits from my cashier so my cashier shows zero deposits, now all of a sudden they claiming there are 53 bonuses, they may have sent 53 bonuses that may very well be but I played only the bonus as I've told you about and that is it. I have not played any other bonuses this type of conduct by casinos is exactly why this industry is lacking in trust because casinos use this type of thing these intricate terms and conditions that are generalized and could apply to anything and the player really has actually no recourse. I stated for the record I only played the bonus that I played and I've made 8 deposits so my ratio, that I work out , is at a maximum of 2.75 to 1 and that's all I have .I have no other record of anything any other bonuses that they may have sent to me or that I played so they may very well have sent 53 but I did not play 53 no way did I play 53 bonuses so this is once again a case of player getting screwed by casino I mean if they can delete my deposit history they can certainly add extra bonuses . I proved it there are two screenshots at two different times with a deposit showing and then there's no deposit showing in my cashier, what exactly is that about perhaps they were going to day I had no deposits as they were long ago, so why can't they add bonuses instead to warp ratio. I have no additional bonuses .I'm in no way accusing or saying that this is what happened please don't get me wrong uts only theoretical but how else can I cement the facts from end because that's what they are ,anywayI'm just pointing out the fact that I actually have no recourse here because every time I come up with a resolution or a point for stop and resolve something sifferent comrs up, they come up with one step additional which just sets me back to square one again which is their word against mine. so what what is it exactly that I can do.Ive presented everything in a chronological order with detail and I think its clear to see that I got shafted here one way or other.Either its clear to see or I must be mad in some way.You took this case I suspect because you could see that. I said I'm prepared to meet halfway and take the $100 but they do not even do that as a Goodwill gesture to show a fair playing field by this I mean, why did they send me the bonuses then in the first place, what is the purpose of sending me bonuses if I am unable to cash out winnings from them? if that is the case then that means that the bonuses are simply sent as a lure , a hook and a snare to get me to them to the casino so they I can deposit and lose because there's no intention of paying out winnings as seem here. Or they are sent deliberately to sabotage hhe bonuse ratio guaranteeing a " breach" of so called rule 2.5.7. Thetefore it only works one way that is no winnings will be paid in the event of a win but its states orhetwise in the email clearly....that I'm sorry in my book of opinion is malpractice ,in my eye that is certainly shunned upon that is not ethical bevause its a premeditated trap.now I can't make any ruling or do anything but I have stated and laid out facts exactly as it was for me and I wouldn't have gone to these lengths if I thought that I breached contract because I don't breach contracts generallyas I'm a law-abiding person. I don't break rules and I've done everything I can to stay within the limits and parameters of what they required and I think that I did that pretty well considering and now I'm getting screwed anyway not even a consolation or Goodwill gesture. this is exactly the point I've been trying to make about arbitration with casinos it doesn't help as the casinos always have some backlog or back leg or hidden agenda that no one can see until the very last leg of the arbitration where they say oh yeah here's a joker which comes out the Pack .All I can do id stand by my statement categorically which I am.....once again the bonuses I showed you and declared are the only ones outright I've played vs 8 deposits that's all I can say to you eith certainty.
It may not be relevant but I think it is. This casino has a notorious history of this behaviour, its documented on hundreds of forums by hundreds of different people all complaining about this very same thing ,that has got to say something about their nature and their questionable honor,name and reputation.Consider this fact so that I don't look like I'm reaching here.My complaint is fair.
Kazino mi je dostavio dokaze da većinu bonusa (53) ste zatražili u 2018. Broj bonusa je tačan.
U ovoj situaciji, kazino ima pravo da poništi vaš dobitak i zatvori račun.
The casino provided me with the evidence that most of the bonuses (53) you claimed in 2018. The number of bonuses is correct.
In this situation, the casino has the right to void your winnings and close the account.
Šta moram da odgovorim na to. Ovo je prevara kazino ozloglašena po ovakvoj praksi. Ako uopšte nisam bio u mogućnosti da podignem bilo koji dobitak, što sam zapravo i bio, kao što je navedeno u mejlu i na veb stranici, šta je onda svrha da mi uopšte pošalješ bonus? Bila je to samo zamka koja me je odvela u lobi Spartanslots-a i nadamo se da će me naterati da uložim novac i nadam se da izgubim. Sve ovo bez ikakve opcije ili mogućnosti da se bude pobednik...to je nesavesnost, lažna i obmanjujuća. Lažno reklamiranje i otvoreno reklamiranje da bi se namamio igrač, što je višestruko pogoršano činjenicom da je namera da se ne isplati nijedan dobitak ako do njih dođe, kazino već unapred zna. Kockanje je pobeda i gubitak, a ovo je bes i grubo nedolično ponašanje. Spartanslots i njegove grupne sestre su ozloglašene po ovakvom ponašanju i postoje stotine identičnih pritužbi poput moje širom društvenih medija, foruma i drugih relevantnih veb stranica, jer je to standardna praksa za njih. Oni to nastavljaju da rade i svesno zajebavaju igrače jer, poput vas, drugi sajtovi trećih strana (znamo ko su) ne rade ništa po tom pitanju. Iz nekog razloga ne žele ili ne žele ili oboje, da ustanu i govore protiv onoga što je očigledno očigledno nedolično ponašanje i granične zloupotrebe. To je laž, prevara, prevara i čista pljačka šta se dogodilo ovde, znam da i vi to znate. ..svaki idiot to može da vidi. Bio sam savijen i slomljen, tačka! Bez "ako" i "ali". Zajebao sam se i to je to, to je kraj. Recite mi g. Matej iz kazinogurua, šta da sam izgubio od svojih 25 besplatnih okretaja, a zatim odlučio da nastavim i ponovo budem deponujući igrač i deponovao Ks iznos, Ks broj puta? Da li biste i dalje bili ovde da stojite iza svoje odluke i naterate kazino da vrati moje depozite? Zato što bi prekršili osnovno pravilo kockanja koje glasi: ne mogu samo da uzimaju depozite i ne isplaćuju dobitke. Kockanje je i dobitak i gubitak. Ovo je bilo potpuno jednostrano zbog unapred smišljene i izvršene zavere da me namerno namami u svoj kazino pod lažnim lažnim izgovorima i obmanjujućim namerama putem lažne promocije. Oboje znamo da da sam dobio od bilo kojeg narednog depozita nakon što sam bio namamljen ovom zaverom, i dalje bih bio ovde, vodio istu borbu i još jednom gubio. Tvrdite da su nepošteni uslovi i odredbe prioritetni kriterijumi prilikom pregleda kazina, ali ne možete da vidite sumnjivu i zlokobnu prirodu T i C, politika i praksi ovih kazina. Zaista sam razočaran, pomalo šokiran, ali uglavnom ogorčen u ovom trenutku. Imao sam više vere i veća očekivanja od vas.. Pravilo može biti napisano takvo kakvo jeste, ali to ne znači da ne možete da prozrete kroz njega obmanjujuće namere i kao rezultat toga, ustanite, manite se i ne složite se sa njenom zlokobnom dvosmislenošću i varljivom fasadom razotkrivanjem njenih nepravednih izjava. To ne znači jer piše da je u pravu! To takođe ne znači da se morate složiti sa tim, posebno kada se koristi loše i sa zlonamernim namerama. Što je i bilo u mom slučaju.
U svakom slučaju, skrećem pažnju, izgubio sam pojam o tome šta sam govorio o sajtovima trećih strana (jer imam još mnogo toga da kažem), to je da vi tvrdite da ste zagovornici igrača, ali dajete lošim kockarnicama dozvolu da ih prljave trgovina, u ionako nestabilnoj industriji koja očajnički traži pouzdanost, tako što se ne svrstavate na stranu igrača kada bi trebalo. Potreban je samo zdrav razum da se razlikuje ispravno od pogrešnog, bez obzira šta je napisano gde ili ko, mi nismo ovce, mi ne samo pratite, bar ne moramo. Opravdajući ovu vrstu prakse i time što se ne suprotstavljate tome i pozivate odgovorne na javnost, time što ste nejasno glupi i jednostavno pristajete da se dogovorite o loše napisanim uslovima, vi kažete da je u redu da kazina rade na ovaj način. utiru put kazinima da samo nastave da pišu uslove koji ih ovlašćuju da odbace igrače od dobitaka i oni napreduju sa neutoljivom žeđom poštovanja prema vama, zbog ovog nedostatka drskosti izgleda da dele treće strane. Nisu čak ni razmišljali o tome da ponude gornju granicu od 100 dolara kao gest dobre volje. Pokaz poštenja, ovo pokazuje da nije bilo namere da mi se isplati u slučaju pobede. Nema ponude da se uplati kompenzacioni depozit umesto dobitaka , tako da bismo oboje mogli da pokažemo naše poštene namere (da položimo za mene i da isplatimo za njih.) Nema nikakve ponude, u bilo kom trenutku, jer poštena namera za njih nije faktor u ovoj jednačini. Samo još više učvršćivanje činjenice da nikada neće ispoštovati nijednu isplatu, nikada! Još dokaza o njihovim motivima, šta kažete na: Oštar pokušaj da uklone moje depozite iz blagajne mog računa. Nije pokušaj, ali u stvari učinjeno, zgodno su zaboravili da uklone bonuse – dokaz pokušaja u poslednjem trenutku da uokviruju moj slučaj. Šta kažete na istoriju odmetničkog ponašanja koja je toliko dosledna i nesmanjena da je teško naći forum bez pomena o tome..
What must I reply to that.This is a scam casino notorious for this type of practice If I was not able to withdraw any winnings at all ,which I actually was ,as stated in the email and on the website, then what is tbe purpose of sending me the bonus in the first place? It was just a trap to get me to the lobby of Spartanslots and hopefully to get me to deposit and hopefully lose. All this without any option or possibility to be a winner ...that is malpractice, its false and misleading. Deceitful advertising and outright touting to lure a player ,made yen times worse by the fact that the intention of not paying out any winnings should they occur, is already known by the casino beforehand. Gambling is winning and losing and this is an outrage and gross misconduct. Spartanslots and its group sisters are notorious for this type of conduct and there are hundreds of identical complaints like mine all over social media, forums and other relevant websites, because this is standard practice for them. They keep doing this and they keep screwing players knowingly because, like yourself, the other 3rd party sites (We know who they are)do nothing about it. For some reason they are reluctant or unwilling or both, to stand up and speak out against what is obvious blatant misconduct and borderline malpractice.It's a sham, a scam,a con and outright robbery whats transpired here, I know you know it too...any idiot can see it. I was bent over and shafted, period! No ifs or buts .I got screwed and that's it thats rhe bottom line. Tell me Mr Matej from Casino- guru, what if I had lost from my 25 free spins bonus and then decided to go on and be a depositing player again and deposited X amount, X number of times ? Would you still be here standing by your decision and making the casino return my deposits? Because they would be in breach of the fundamental rule of gambling which is: They cannot just take deposits and not payout on winnings. Gambling is both winning and losing.This was completely one sided because of a premeditated and executed plot to deliberately lure me to yheir casino under false deceitful pretences and deceptive intent by way of a false promotion. We both know that had I won from any subsequent deposits after being lured by this plot , I'd still be here fighting the same fight and losing once again. You claim that unfair terms and conditions are a priority criteria when reviewing a casino , yet you cannot see the dubious and sinister nature of this casinos' T and C's ,policies and practices. I'm really disappointed , a bit shocked but mostly outraged at this juncture.I had more faith and higher expectations of you..A rule may be written as it is, but that doesn't mean you can't see right through its deceitful intent and as a result thereof, stand up,man up and disagree its sinister ambiguity and deceptive facade by exposing its unfair declarations.It doesn't mean bevause it's written that it's right! It also doesn't mean you have to agree with it especially when its used badly and with malicious intent. Which it was in my case .
Anyway , I digress, I've lost track of what I was saying about 3rd party sites (because I have so much more to say) it's that you claim to be advocates for the player yet you are giving bad casinos permission to plough their dirty trade ,in an already volatile industry desperate for trustworthiness,by not siding with the player when you should.It only takes common sense to distinguish right from wrong, no.matter what's written where or by whom, we ard not sheep we don't just follow, we don't have to at least. By condoning this type of practice and by not standing up to it and calling those responsible out into the open, by being vaguely obtuse and simply agreeing to agree on poorly written terms, you are saying it's ok for casinos to opetate in this manner.You are paving the way for casinos to just continue to write terms that empower them to screw players out of winnings and they are thriving with insatiable thirsts of appreciation for you, because of this lack of bravado 3rd parties seem to share. They didn't even consider offering the 100 dollars cap as a goodwill gesture.A show of fairness, this shows there was no intention whatsoever to pay me out in the event of a win .No offer to make a compensatory deposit in lieu of winnimgs, so we could both show our fair intentions ( to deposit for me and to payout for them.) No no offer at all ,at any point, because fair intent, for them, is not a factor in this equation. Just more cementing the fact that they were never going to honor any payment, ever! More proof of their motives, how about : A blatent attempt to remove my deposits from my account cashier.Noy an attempt but actually done, conveniently they forgot to remove the bonuses though- proof of a last minute attempt to frame my case. How about a history of rogue behavior so rife consistent and unabated that it's hard to find a forum without a mention of it..
Ovakva ponašanja su previše dobro dokumentovana da bi se ignorisala. U stvari, ovo ponašanje je bilo toliko dosledno da je sada zvanična praksa i opstaje do danas bez promena ili poboljšanja.
Čini se da je sve ovo uzaludno jer ništa od toga nije pomoglo ili bar malo osnažilo moj argument ili ojačalo moj argument. Očigledno, nikakva stvarna ljudska pažnja ili misao nije ulazila u ovaj slučaj. Barem bi kratko razmatranje bilo dovoljno da se otvore oči za očiglednu nepravdu koja se ovde desila. Gorko sam razočaran jer je ovo otvoren i zatvoren slučaj.
Dao sam više nego što je bilo potrebno, u smislu dokaza činjenica, uradio sam to hronološkim, ali jednostavnim redosledom sa priloženim obiljem detalja, ali ipak sam mogao da nađem pravdu. Reći ću da mi je trebalo neko vreme pre nego što sam odlučio da krenem , razmatrajući mnoge opcije pre nego što sam odlučio da idem sa vama. Odluka za kojom ću sada doživeti da zažalim. I sam sam radio neke slučajeve, slučajeve još solidnije od ovog za neke drage prijatelje pre nekog vremena. Zapravo tri puta, tri različita kazina i u tri različita vremena. Sa svime su se pozabavile druge treće partije i one su takođe podbacile, nesrećno, uprkos tome što su bile više nego što je bilo potrebno za povoljan rezultat. Neki se nisu ni potrudili da počnu. Ne mogu a da ne s²⁹, str
ee jasne razlike u onome što su neki od ovih momaka izjavili i stvarno izneli. Takođe sam primetio sličnosti između njih i sve to uzorkuje neke zajedničke trendove, što na kraju postavlja pitanje? Pitanja radije! Još uvek nije objavljeno?
Ne mogu da se složim niti da verujem u ovo kao rešenje ili rezultat. To je pogrešna odluka, u to sam siguran. Ne slažem se i nezadovoljan sam ishodom. Iskreno, da li verujete u ovu presudu kao što verujete u sebe? Neću narušavati vaše dostojanstvo kao što osećam da je moje narušeno, jer osećam da vi ovde vidite širu sliku.
Istorija se ponavlja, ali hajde da se složimo da su Spartanslots šampioni sezona za sezonom kada je u pitanju ponavljanje.
Ovo je jednostavnost svega – ako nisam bio u mogućnosti da podignem dobitke, zašto sam uopšte slao e-poruke? A ako sam prekršio takvo pravilo kao što su tvrdili 2.5.7, onda je moj nalog trebalo da bude zatvoren čak i pre ovog događaja.
Slanjem mi ovih promocija i saznanjem da nema isplate za dobitke jer sam već označen kao, btv, lažno zlostavljač bonusa, a opet, zašto uopšte slati promocije? To se svodi na to da je za mene, igrača, svojih 100% bez sumnje, za mene izgubljena situacija. Nije bilo mogućnosti da uopšte pobedim.
Sva korist je ležala u kazinu i svi rezultati su im koristili, nije bilo dobrog ishoda za mene čak ni u slučaju da sam pobedio i ponovo postao igrač koji deponuje, i dalje bih izgubio depozite na koje je trebalo da budem isplaćen, depisi Dobio bih, ali ne bih dobio platu, bez obzira na razloge o kojima se ovde govori.. Kakav je to posao? Sa jednostranom zaverom s predumišljajem da me izvuče. Što je bilo uspešno, a ja sam se naljutio.
Tek sada dobijaju vaš pečat odobrenja za to. što si me sisao. rugajući mi se i kradući od mene šešir koji sam osvojio pošteno.
Kako god da pogledate, to je zloupotreba i trebalo bi da bude kažnjivo novčanom kaznom ili drugom prikladnom odmazdom. U idealnom slučaju, ovim bi se trebali baviti vlasti, nadležne komisije.
Oh! sačekaj! Čekajte, iako tvrde da su licencirani od strane koga ste na svojoj veb stranici prikazali kao njihov relevantni zvanični organ (davac licence).. oni u stvari nemaju zvaničnu zakonsku licencu za trgovinu slotovima u određenim jurisdikcijama u kojima posluju. Još veća potvrda njihove prirode, ipak ćete i dalje presuđivati u njihovu korist, u apsolutnoj suprotnosti sa onim što je vaše pravo na slavu, za šta se očigledno zalažete.
Napisano je bilo na zidu jasno da se vidi i ignorisano je. Možda ja nisam dovoljno jak kao pojedinac ili ste možda vi slepi, bez obzira na to na koji način na to gledate, postoji samo jedna istinita činjenica koja se ističe kada je u pitanju traženje pravične odluke sa onlajn kazinom, test vremena od 1998. godine kada je ova industrija tek izašla iz svojih dalekih početaka do beskonačne eksponencije eksponencijalne eksponencije kakva je danas, a to je ovo: Ne postoji istinska, stvarna, objektivna ili pravična pravda za bilo kog igrača koji traži pravdu kada mu je naneta nepravda onlajn kazino, bez obzira koliko čvrst vaš slučaj, nema dovoljno jasnih dokaza da daju nadu u opravdan rezultat ili rešenje. Ne postoji otvoren i zatvoren slučaj, bez obzira koliko sumnje nudi, koji će ikada obezbediti vodonepropusnu presudu za igrač. Kazino guru je razočaran, ne mogu da vam dam svoj glas. Pozdrav Casinocop.
Naručuje se novi nalog za uslugu projekta, koji će zaista zaštititi prava igrača i
Theee behaviors of this nature is far too well documented to be ignored.In fact this behavior has been so consistent it's now official practice and ut persists to this day without change or improvement.
It appears all this is futile as none of it seemed to help or at least slightly empower my argument or strengthen my case. Apparently no real human consideration or thought went into this case. Ar least a brief deliberation would have sufficed to open ones eyes to the blatant injustice that has transpired here.I am bitterly disappointed because this is an open and shut case.
I provided more than was required, in terms of proof of the facts , I did so in a chronological yet simple order with ample detail attached but still could find justice.I will say that it took me some time before deciding on a course to take, considering many options before I decided to go with you. A decision I will now live to regret. I handled some cases myself ,cases even more solid than this one for some dear friends some time ago.Three times actually, three different casinos and at three different times. All dealt with by the other 3rd paries and they failed too, miserably, despite hzving more than needed to get a favorable result. Some couldn’t even be bothered to start. I can't help but s²⁹, p
ee distinct discrepencies in whats professed and actually delivered by some of these guys. Ive also noticed similarities between them all that patterns some common trends which ultimately begs the question? Questions rather! Not publicized yet?
I can't agree or believe in this as a resolve or result. It's the wrong decision, of this I'm certain. I disagree and am dissatisfied with the outcome. Honestly, do you believe in this verdict like you believe in yourself? I won't infringe on your dignity as I feel mine infringed upon, because I feel that you do see the big picture here.
History repeats itself but let's agree that Spartanslots are champion season after season when it comes to repetition.
This is the simplicity of it all - If I was unable to withdraw winnings, then why send the emails in the first place? And if I'm in breach of such a rule as they claimed on 2.5.7 then my account should have been closed prior to this event even.occuring.
By sending me these promos and by knowing bedorehand that theres no paying out on any winnings because im alteady labelled ,falsely btw, a bonus abuser, then again, why send the promos in the first place? It boils down to the fact that for me, the player, its 100% without a doubt, a lose-lose situation for me.There was no possibility for me to win at all.
All the benefit lay with the casino and all results benefitted them there was no good outcome for me not even n the event I did win and became a depositing player again , I would still have lost deposits that I should have been paid out on, depisits I would have won on but wouldn't get paid, regardless of the reasons discussed herein.. What kind of business is that ? With a one sided premeditated plot to sucker me. Which was successful , and I got suckered proper.
Only now, they get your stamp of approval for doing so. for suckering me. mocking me abd stealing from me hat I won fair and square.
Whatever way you look at it, its malpractice and should be punishable by way of a fine or other befitting retribution.Ideally this should be dealt with by the authorities, governing jurisdictional commissions .
Oh! hang on! Wait, althoughy they claim to be licensed ,by whom you have displayed on your website as their relevant official authority (licensor)..they in fact hold no official legal licence to trade slots in particular jurisdictions in which they do operate. Even more confirmation of their nature, yet you will still rule in their favour, in absolute contradiction to what your claim to fame is, what you apparently stand for.
The writing was on the wall plain to see and it was ignored. Maybe I'm not strong enough as an individual or maybe it's you that's blind, regardless of which, ,whatever way you view it ,only one true fact exists that stands out when it comes to seeking fair resolve with an online casino, standing the test of time since 1998 when this industry was just bourne out of its remote beginnings until the infinite expansion exponential that it is today and that is this: There is no true , real, objective or fair recourse for any player seeking justice when wronged by an online casino ,no matter how solid your case, there is no evidence clear enough to give hope for a justifiable result or resolve.There is no open and shut case ,no matter how much doubt it offers, which will ever ensure a watertight verdict for the player. Casino guru diassapointed, I cannot give you my vote . Regards Casinocop.
A new project service order is being commissioned , one that will indeed protect the rights of players and
Dragi Matej
Kada se razdvoji na najjednostavniji oblik i svi BS uklone, ono što se u suštini dogodilo u mom slučaju je da su Spartanslots pokušali da me prevare za moj novac, to je tako jednostavno. Ovo je zločin. Pokušali su da me prevare tako što su me namamili u kazino pod lažnim izgovorom lažnim bikom... promocija koja obećava toliko mnogo, ali u stvarnosti ne daje ništa od onoga što tvrdi. Još gore, kazino je ovo znao i sa zlonamernim namerama su mi ipak poslali promo nadajući se da će me uhvatiti i odvesti u njihov kazino lobi sa namerom da položim novac i izgubim. Nikada nije bilo, i još uvek nema namere da se isplate dobici, bez obzira na ishod, iako je jasno prikazano da će se isplatiti ako dođe do dobitka. Mislim...oni su čak postavili i citirali maksimalne granice dobitaka,maksimalni limit za te dobitke...valjda se ispostavilo da su i to laži. .Potpuno je irelevantno to što sam završio smešno klađenje, što su izvlačili koliko su mogli tako što su protezali iznos iznova i iznova ...da. na njihovo čuđenje sam ga ipak završio. Nije važno ni što sam
poštovao i poštovao sva druga pravila i zahteve....Uvek je postojao razlog spreman da se iskoristi kao izgovor da se ne plati kao što je jasno prikazano u ovom slučaju. Ako su bili zakoniti i imali poštene namere i iskreno pokušavali da očiste i poboljšaju svoju dugogodišnju i dobro utvrđenu odvratnu reputaciju prevaranta....onda u najmanju ruku, pošto ja ovde nisam uradio ništa loše, u najmanju ruku da pokažu neki oblik dobre volje, mogli su da ponude minimalnu isplatu od 100 dolara, ali to nije ni uzeto u obzir što pokazuje da im nije stalo što imaju notorno lošu teputaciju. Sve što su pokazali je bila namera da prevare , da izbegnu isplatu bilo kakvog dobitka po svaku cenu, a zatim da prevrnu ovo žalosno ponašanje na glavu tako što će se okrenuti i uperiti svoje prljave male prste u mene, proglašavajući me zlostavljačem bonusa, uvredom velikih razmera, a zatim koristeći ovo samoproglašeno bs etiketa kao izgovor za neplaćanje ..ovo ne pominje granične radnje zloupotrebe, na primer godišnje prilagođavanje revizije blagajne kako bi njima odgovaralo....veoma lažno ...i sve ostalo. Najbolja čast za njih je to što sam odvojio toliko vremena da sastavim detaljan i solidan rad na predmetu do iznemoglosti pokušavajući da uskladim parnične zahteve kako bih predstavio slučaj koji je kristalno jasan.... uprkos svemu ovo se ⁸teše činjenicom, podižu noge i smeškaju se jer znaju da je sve to na moj račun psihički i finansijski, znaju da ćete na kraju doći do ruže i presuditi u njihovu korist iako je to pogrešno rade na toliko nivoa , oni se smatraju opravdanim i opravdanim za bilo kakvu nepravdu, u javnosti , i nisu kažnjeni finansijslli.or znuu
na drugi način. Ja sam onaj koji je ostao utučen, užasnut, zbunjen i tužno ljut u očaju pitajući se šta sam pogrešio... da ne spominjem finansijski džeparac jer su moji dobici zadržali. Stavljate svoj pečat odobravanja na odvratno nemoralno ponašanje i neprikladne etičke prakse. Oprostite ih i osuđujete mene ..apsolutno negativan u odnosu na stvarnost.
Bio sam hvaljen i ponuđen mi je bonus za igru. Ali to je bonus samo za gubitak i to je već poznata činjenica. Mogu samo da izgubim od toga, nemoguće je pobediti i .isplatiti se od ovog bonusa. Ovaj bonus mi se šalje svakodnevno, uporno dosledno i na neprekidan način, ponekad dva puta dnevno, sa podsetnicima da igram, 2 meseca i kada na kraju kreknem, odustanem i prepustim se i odsviram šta se dešava...ovo Bu.....t!!!!
To je jedini bonus za gubitak, zapamtite
Siguran sam da je to ono što igrači žele
,...ozbiljno zar ne vidite da je ova prevara dobila ono što jeste.....odvratna duga igra, prevara dobro smišljena i dobro osmišljena. Koja je poenta ako je gubitak jedina opcija. Da li je to pošteno. Kako se jednostrani bonus koji gubi samo može biti opravdan kao Fairplai ...kako možete to oprostiti i kako možete ako ne presuđujete o tome, smatrate ga prihvatljivim. MISLIM DA JE JASNO VIDJETI. U svakom slučaju, ŠTA MOGU DA UČINIM OVDE U TRENUTKU. Ne mogu da donosim vaše odluke umesto vas.
Casinocop out!!!@@@
Dear Matej
When broken down to its simplest form and all the B.S is removed, what essentially happened in my case was that Spartanslots attempted to defraud me of my money, it's that simple. This is a crime.They tried to con me by luring me to the casino under false pretenses with a deceitful bull....t promotion that promises so much but in reality actually delivers none of what it claims.Worse yet the casino knew this and with malicious intent sent the promo to me anyway hoping they'd hook me and get me to their casino lobby intending I deposit and lose. There was never any, and still there is no intention to.payout winnimgs ,no matter what the outcome ,even though its clearly displayed that they will payout if winnings occur. I mean ...they even set and quoted maximum win limits ,a maximum cap on those winnings...guess it turns out to be lies also. .Its completely irrelevant that I completed the ridiculous wagering ,that they drew out as long as they possibly could by 0stretching the amount over and over ...to.the their amazement I still finished it.Neither does it matter that I
obeyed and complied with all other rules and requirements....There was always a reason at the ready to use as an excuse not to pay as is clearly shown in this case. If they were legit and had honest intentions and were genuinely trying to clean up and improve their long and well established disgusting reputation as scammers....then at the very least , since I didn't do anything wrong here, at the very least to show some form of goodwill,they could have offered the minimum payout of 100 dollars, but rather this wasn't even considered which demonstrates that they don't care that they have a notoriously bad teputation.All they showed was their intention to deceive ,to evade paying out any winnings at any cost and then to flip this deplorable behaviour on its head by turning around and pointing their dirty little fingers at me , declaring me a bonus abuser, an insult of massive proportion, and then using this self declared bs label as an excuse for non payment ..this is not to mention borderline malpractice actions lĺike annually adjusting the cashier audit to suit themselves....highly fraudulent ...and all the rest. The best part for them is that after I take so much time of my own to put together a detailed and solid case workmg to exhaustion trying to match litigation- wise requirements so as to present a case that's crystal clear....despite all of this they ⁸take comfort in the fact , put their feet up and smile because they know, its all at my expense mentally and financially,they know that you will come up rose's at the end ruling in their favour despite it being the the wrong thing to do on so many levels , they are deemed justified and vindicated of any wrongdoing, in public ,and are not punished fonancislly.or znuu
other way.I am the one left dejected, dismayed , confused and sadly angered in despair wondering what I did wrong...not to mention out of pocket financially as my winnings ard withheld. You stamp your seal of approval on despicable immoral misconduct and improper ethical practices.You condone them and condemn me ..an absolute negative of what the reality actually is.
I was touted and offered a bonud to.play. But it's a lose only bonus and this is already a known fact. I can only lose from it, it is impossible to win and .get paid out from this bonus.This bonus is sent to me daily, persistently consistently and in a sustained manner, sometimes twice daily, with reminders to play, for 2 months and when I eventually crack ,fold and give in and play what hsppens...this Bu.....t!!!!
Its an only lose bonus remember
I'm sure this is what players want
,...seriously can you not see this scam got what it is.....a disgusting long play, a con well thought out and well devised. What's the point if losing is the only option. Is that fair.How can a one sided lose only bonus be condoned as Fairplay ...how can you condone.it and how can you by not ruling on.it , deem it acceptable.I THINK ITS PLAIN TO SEE. ANYWAY WHAT CAN I DO FROM HERE AT THE MOMENT.i can't make your decisions for you.
Casinocop out!!!@
Ovde pišete mnogo stvari pa bih želeo da sumiram slučaj:
U 2018. igrali ste u ovom kazinu i napravili osam depozita, ali i uzeli 47 bonusa. (2 u 2019.)
2022. vratili ste se u kazino jer su počeli da vam šalju promocije.
Uzeli ste još osam besplatnih bonusa, a od poslednjeg ste pobedili.
Možete se žaliti organu za izdavanje dozvola ili kome god želite, ali svi će vam reći isto: Kazino je u pravu u ovom slučaju. Ne možete uzimati jedan besplatni bonus za drugim i, kada konačno pobedite, onda zatražite dobitke. Ako bi to funkcionisalo na ovaj način, zašto se mučiti sa deponovanjem, zar ne?
You write here a lot of things so I would like to summarize the case:
In 2018 you played in this casino and made eight deposits but also took 47 bonuses. (2 in 2019)
In 2022 you returned to the casino because they started sending you promotions.
You took another eight free bonuses, and from the last one, you won.
You can complain to licensing authority or whomever you want, but everybody will tell you the same: The casino is right in this case. You can't take one free bonus after another and, when you finally win, then claim the winnings. If it would work this way, why bother with depositing, right?
Zašto mi uopšte šaljete bonuse, ovo je moja poenta ako već znaju pre nego što ih pošalju da nikada neće isplatiti ako pobedim, oni to znaju jer ako to uradim, kada će samo tvrditi da sam zloupotreba bonusa, ali Nisam tražio bonuse koje su mi poslali kao promociju da me odvedu u kazino da bih uplatio i izgubio, ali ako dobijem na njima onda ne mogu da unovčim, tako da se u suštini šalje samo da bih dobio ja tamo i deponuj i izgubi to je samo jednostrano, to je samo udica da me odvede do kazina, nema druge svrhe ako je to slučaj ako ne možeš da unovčiš dobitak, ne bi trebalo da ga pošalju uopšte je oblik zarobljavanja koji je lažno oglašavanje, to je varljivo oglašavanje i nezakonito oglašavanje ako ne mogu da stignem dobitak od bonusa ne možete mi poslati bonus da razumem jer onda ima zlokobne prizvuke ako ga pošalju bez opcije drvo Staviću na dobitke pogledaj. Nisam iznenađen što si se odlučio za kazino jer je je loše napisano pravilo loše je korišćeno loše je reklamirano skriveno je i koristi se kao rezerva kao izgovor da se ne plati jer nisu unapred o tome, onda ga ne možete pronaći na veb lokaciji pošto sam vam poslao uslove i uslovi ne mogu da se vide na veb stranici, ali iznenada kada pominju ovo pravilo ovaj kazino ima istoriju scenarija mnogo novca i koristi isti razlog da to uradi, ali su rekli njegovim igračima ove bonuse iz dana u dan da pokušajte da ih naterate da dođu u kazino uplati novac nadajući se da će izgubiti, ali ako dobiju, ionako ne budu plaćeni u čemu je poenta toga da to nije posao što je zamka Veoma sam razočaran uslugom ovde zbog činjenice da ovde ne možete da vidite širu sliku da ne možete da priznate da sam ja igrač sjeban i da morate da potpišete sa annitori zero kazinom oni su dobro poznati širom interneta i dešavaju se od kada su otvorili svoja vrata, ali vi Ne mogu da vidim Velika slika ovde i dalje mislite da su ovo uradili sa poštenim namerama ne šaljite bonuse ako ne možete da unovčite dobitak to je tako jednostavno
Why send me the bonuses in the first place this is my point if they know already before they send them that they will never pay out if I win they know this because if I do when they just gonna claim that I'm a bonus abuser but I didn't ask for the bonuses they sent to me as a as a promotion to get me to the casino so that I will deposit and lose but if I win on them then I can't cash out so basically it's only sent to get me there and deposit and lose it's only one-sided it's just a hook to get me to the casino there's no other point to it if that's the case if you can't cash out the winnings they should not send it in the first place that is a form of entrapment that is false advertising it's deceptive advertising and it's illegal advertising if I can't catch up winning from a bonus you can't send me the bonus understand because then it has sinister Undertones if they send it without the option of wood I'll put on winnings look I'm not surprised you decided with the casino because it's a badly written rule it's been used badly it's been advertised badly it's hidden away and it's used as a backup as an excuse not to pay because they are not upfront about then you can't find it on the website as I sent you the terms and conditions they cannot be seen on the website but suddenly that they bring up this rule this casino has a history of screenplays lot of money and using this very same reason to do it but they said his players these bonuses day after day after day after day to try and get them to come to the casino deposit money hoping that they lose but if they win they don't get paid at anyway what is the point of that that is not business that is a trap I'm very disappointed in the service here at the fact that you cannot see the big picture here that you cannot acknowledge that I the player have been screwed and that you have to sign with annitori zero casino they are well known all over the internet and happening since they opened up their doors but you cannot see the big picture here you still think that they did this with honest and get intentions don't send bonuses if you cannot cash out the winnings it's that simple
Dakle, ako se u vašem komšiluku otvori novi supermarket i postavi veliki plakat na ulicu koji poziva sve u kupovinu, a vi tamo dođete bez novca, to bi trebalo da znači da sve to možete držati besplatno jer su vas pozvali?
Uzimali ste jedan besplatni bonus za drugim, ali ovi bonusi imaju pravila i morate ih pratiti. Kazino vam je poslao promo; ako biste bili uplaćeni, možete unovčiti dobitke od ovih bonusa.
Kada bih se žalio na svaku neželjenu poruku koju sam dobio, imao bih posao nekoliko života.
Zbog svega navedenog, ovu žalbu odbacujemo kao neopravdanu.
So if a new supermarket opens in your neighbourhood and puts a big poster on the street inviting everybody to go shopping and you come there without money, it should mean that you can keep it all for free because they invited you?
You took one free bonus after another, but these bonuses have rules, and you need to follow them. The casino sent you the promo; if you would be made deposits, you can cash out winnings from these bonuses.
If I complained about every spam message I got, I would have a job for several lifetimes.
Because of all the above, we are rejecting this complaint as unjustified.
Besplatni profesionalni edukativni kursevi za zaposlene u online kazinima usmereni na najbolje prakse u industriji, poboljšanje iskustva igrača i pošten pristup kockanju.
Inicijativu koju smo pokrenuli s ciljem stvaranja globalnog sistema samoisključenja, koji će omogućiti ranjivim igračima da blokiraju pristup svim mogućnostima online kockanja.
Casino.guru je nezavistan izvor informacija o online kazinima i online kazino igrama, i nije kontrolisan od strane bilo kojeg operatora igara ili bilo koje druge institucije. Sve naše recenzije i vodiči su kreirani iskreno, u skladu sa najboljim znanjem i rasuđivanjem naših članova iz ekspertskog tima; ipak ovaj sadržaj je napravljen u informativne svrhe i ne bi smeo i trebao da se tumači kao pravni savet. Bitno je da uvek ispunite sve regulatorne zahteve pre nego počnete igrati u određenom kazinu.
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