Izgubio sam 3200 UDSC zbog tehničkog problema sa sistemom na stake.com preko provajdera evolution gaming. Čim sam ušao u lobi za super brzu bakaru, sistem je automatski stavio opkladu sa 3200 USDC raširenih na sve opcije klađenja bez moje dozvole i bez da sam kliknuo ili pritisnuo bilo koje dugme. Pokušao sam da kontaktiram i tim za podršku na stake.com i podršku uživo za evolution gaming, ali obe strane poriču da je bilo ikakvih neregularnih problema, iako znam da se 100% nisam kladio u to vreme .
Trenutno znam da postoji i nit na forumu zajednice uloga u vezi sa ovim problemom gde je drugi igrač po imenu "takecare3434" doživeo sličan problem sa opkladom na stake.com preko istog provajdera, koji trenutno još uvek nije rešen .
Link do teme zajednice udela u vezi sa ovim pitanjem: https://stakecommuniti.com/topic/104816-evolution-scam-mi-2k-vithout-clicking-anithing-vhile-join/
Dokaz o opkladi na koju je ovo pitanje uticalo:
Nadam se da ćete ovu ozbiljnu stvar uzeti u obzir jer je ona ključna za zajednicu kočića.
I lost 3200 UDSC due to a technical problem with the system on stake.com through the provider evolution gaming. As soon as I entered the super speed baccarat lobby the system automatically placed a bet with 3200 USDC spread across all the betting options without my permission and without me clicking or pressing on any buttons. I have tried to contact both the support team of stake.com and the live support on evolution gaming, but both parties denies that there has been any irregulatory issues, even though I know that I a 100% did not place any bet at that time.
I currently know that there is also a thread on the stake community forum regarding this issue where another player by the name "takecare3434" experienced a similar issue with a bet at stake.com through the same provider, which currently still hasn't been solved.
Link to the stake community thread regarding the issue: https://stakecommunity.com/topic/104816-evolution-scam-my-2k-without-clicking-anything-while-join/
Proof of the bet that was affected by this issue:
I hope you will take this serious matter into consideration since it is crucial for the stake community.
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