Igrao sam Monopoli Live koristeći autoplai na ovom sajtu 14. juna. Smanjio sam broj rundi automatske igre i zadržao ulog svake runde isti (£12, £6 na 2 bacanja i £6 na 4 bacanja) smanjio sam sa 7 rundi na 5 rundi na istom ulozi i otišao da uzmem piće . Kada sam se vratio video sam da postoji bonus runda od 2 bacanja koja je plaćena 16k, ali nijedna opklada nije stavljena. Snimao sam ekran pa sam se vratio da vidim šta se dogodilo i video da je automatska reprodukcija zaustavljena zbog dostizanja granice gubitka. Limit gubitka se ne može dostići dok se ne dostigne novac koji ste prvobitno postavili i ne može se dostići ako smanjite broj rundi i ne povećate ulog.
dao sam talkSPORTBET-u video dokaz koji pokazuje ono što sam gore opisao.
Evolution je pisao TalkSPORTBET-u tvrdeći da sam ručno zaustavio automatsku reprodukciju što očigledno nije slučaj, osporio sam ovo i čekao sam više od nedelju dana sa talkSPORTBET-om tvrdeći da se još uvek istražuje.
Smatram da je čekanje više od nedelju dana na tako jasan slučaj krajnje nerazumno i ne vidim logiku u čekanju još jednog odgovora od kompanije koja je već očigledno lagala.
Zatražio sam konačan odgovor od talkSPORTBET-a, ali oni ga neće izdati i tvrde da samo moram da sačekam. Rekao sam im da ću podneti ovu žalbu i odbiti da koristim njihov sajt dok mi ne bude u potpunosti isplaćena.
84 funti je iznos koji duguju pošto bi povraćaj za ukupan ulog od 12 funti bio 96 funti.
I was playing Monopoly Live using autoplay on this site on June 14th. I decreased the number of autoplay rounds and kept the stake of each round the same (£12, £6 on 2 rolls and £6 on 4 rolls) I reduced from 7 rounds to 5 rounds at the same stake and went to get a drink. When I returned I saw there was a 2 rolls bonus round which paid 16x but no bet had been placed. I had been screen recording so I went back to see what happened and saw it said that autoplay had been stopped due to the loss limit being reached. The loss limit cannot be reached until the money you initially set has been reached and it cannot be reached if you reduced the number of rounds and don’t increase the stake.
i provided talkSPORTBET with the video evidence which shows what I’ve described above.
Evolution wrote to TalkSPORTBET claiming I had manually stopped the autoplay which is clearly not the case, I disputed this and have been waiting for over a week since with talkSPORTBET claiming it is still being investigated.
I feel that waiting for over a week for such a clear cut case is extremely unreasonable and don’t see the logic in awaiting another response from a company that has clearly lied already.
I have asked talkSPORTBET for a final response but they won’t issue one and claim I just have to wait. I have told them I will be issuing this complaint and refuse to use their site until I am paid in full.
£84 is the amount they owe since the returns for the £12 total stake would have been £96.
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