Ovo je iz moje recenzije o Trust Pilot-u i detaljno opisuje probleme koje imam sa ovom grupom
Ažuriranje 10.14.23
Poslao sam 2 e-poruke isključivo da ažuriram svoj telefon i razgovarao sa njima telefonom o ažuriranju svog broja od poslednjeg ažuriranja kako bih mogao da izvadim svoj novac. Još uvek nisu ažurirali moj broj telefona.
Obradili su moj novac jednom pre 2 dana, ali su morali da ga otkažu jer su koristili stare podatke o računu umesto ažuriranih informacija, i rekli su da će odmah ponovo obraditi gotovinu na ispravan bankovni račun. To je bilo pre 2 dana i moja isplata još uvek čeka.
Prošla je 1 nedelja otkako sam prvobitno zatražio gotovinu. Odbijen je nakon skoro 4 dana jer moj broj telefona nije ažuriran na mom nalogu. Drugi put je odbijen jer su korišćeni pogrešni podaci o tekućem računu. Sada, iz trećeg pokušaja, i dalje je na čekanju nakon 2 dana.
Pošto sam razgovarao sa njima pre 2 dana, zatražio sam podršku uživo za pomoć da ponovo ažuriram svoj broj telefona i oni su mi samo rekli da se obratim upravi e-poštom. Dvaput sam im poslao e-poštu i nisam dobio nikakav odgovor.
Iako neće odgovoriti na moje upite za isplatu gotovine, dobio sam e-poštu od njih u kojoj se traži da promenim svoju recenziju. Ova recenzija nije iz inata ili da bude osvetoljubiva. Sve što sam rekao je 100% tačno i imam mnogo snimaka ekrana, dnevnika ćaskanja i imejlova da to dokažem. Ako im se ne sviđa moja recenzija, onda je to na njima jer je ova recenzija 100% istinita na osnovu mog ličnog iskustva sa njima.
Samo želim svoj cashout i onda nemam nameru da se više igram sa njima.
Odgovor na Sveepstake.mobi 10.12.23
Danas mi niste poslali nijedan drugi mejl osim onog u kome sam lažno optužen da sam se registrovao pod lažnim brojem kao izgovor da ne ispunim svoj zahtev za isplatu novca nakon skoro 4 dana. Već sam odgovorio na to.
Ažurirane informacije 10.12.23
Primio sam e-poštu od Sveepstake.mobi danas u 13:49 (pre oko 30 minuta) u kojoj se navodi da su otkazali moj zahtev za isplatu novca jer sam se registrovao pod lažnim brojem telefona. Imam račun kod njih oko godinu dana i promenio sam telefonsku kompaniju pre otprilike mesec dana, tako da, da, trenutno imam novi broj. Broj na računu je moj stari broj telefona, a ne lažni broj, i nemam pojma kako da ga ažuriram na njihovoj veb stranici. Na njihovoj stranici nema uputstva kako da ažuriraju broj telefona, a podrška uživo se nije potrudila ni da mi odgovori kada sam ih pitao o tome. Kako da ažuriram svoj broj telefona pod tim okolnostima? Šta je bitan moj broj telefona kada imaju moju e-poštu i bankovne podatke? Ovo nije prvi put da kešujem sa njima. Deponovao sam kod njih ne znam koliko puta. Ali moj broj telefona koji nije ažuriran je ozbiljan bezbednosni problem koji ih sprečava da me unovče kada mi dobro uzmu novac? Kako da ne.
Dakle, da rezimiramo, zaista su mi samo poslali e-poštu nagoveštavajući da ih na neki način obmanjujem jer broj na mom nalogu više nije aktivan i kao rezultat toga odbili su moj zahtev za isplatu nakon 4 dana čekanja. Dakle, sada menjam svoju ocenu za njih na 1 zvezdicu.
Sveepstake.mobi ima odličan izbor platformi i većinu vremena brzo obrađuje depozite u vaš novčanik ili odabranu igru. Korisnička služba je sarkastično gruba većinu vremena i potpuno će vas ignorisati dok ste u ćaskanju uživo. Oni su veoma spori u unovčavanju vaših dobitaka, ali će vam reći da se brže obrađuju ako im date veliku napojnicu. Čekao sam 3,5 dana za 120 dolara. Za mene je teško naterati igre da ih prođe. Mogu da igram na istim platformama pod drugim nalogom kod drugog provajdera i moj odnos pobeda je bolji 9 puta od 10. Još uvek mi duguju 20 dolara od pre više od 6 meseci za moj depozit koji nestaje. Tvrde da su vratili novac, ali nisu i nikada nisu pokazali dokaz. Glavni razlog što i dalje igram sa njima je taj što prihvataju debitne kartice. Inače ne bih.
This is from my review on Trust Pilot and details the issues I'm having with this group
Update 10.14.23
I have sent 2 emails solely to update my phone and spoke to them on the phone about updating my number since the last update so I can get my cash out. They still have not updated my phone number.
They processed my cash out once 2 days ago but had to cancel it because they used old account information instead of the updated information, and they said they would process the cash out again immediately to the correct bank account. That was 2 days ago and my cash out is still pending.
It has been 1 week since I originally requested my cash out. It was denied after almost 4 days for my phone number not being updated on my account. It was denied the second time because the wrong Checking account info was used. Now, on the third attempt, it is still pending after 2 days.
Since I spoke to them 2 days ago, I have asked live support for help updating my phone number again and they just tell me to email management. I've emailed them twice and have gotten no response.
Even though they won't respond to my cash out inquiries, I got an email from them asking me to change my review. This review is not out of spite or to be vengeful. Everything I have said is 100% true and I have many screenshots, chat logs, and emails to prove it. If they don't like my review, then that's on them because this review is 100% true based off my own personal experience with them.
I just want my cashout and then I have no intention of ever playing with them again.
Reply to Sweepstake.mobi 10.12.23
There have been no other emails sent to me from you today besides the one where I was falsely accused of registering under a fake number as an excuse to not honor my cash out request after almost 4 days. I replied to it already.
Updated Information 10.12.23
I received an email from Sweepstake.mobi at 1:49pm today (about 30 minutes ago) stating they canceled my cash out request because I registered under a fake phone number. I've had an account with them for about a year and switched phone companies about a month ago, so, yes I currently have a new number. The number on the account is my old phone number, not a fake number, and I have no idea how to update it on their website. There is no instruction on their page on how to update a phone number and live support didn't bother to even answer me when I asked them about it. How am is supposed to update my phone number under those circumstances? What does my phone number matter when they have my email and banking information? This is not the first time I've cashed out with them. Ive deposited with them I dont know how many times. But my phone number not being updated is a severe security issue preventing them from cashing me out when they take my money just fine? Yeah, right.
So, to sum up, they really just emailed me implying I'm scamming them in some way because the number on my account is no longer active and declined my cashout request after 4 days of waiting as a result. So, I am now changing my rating for them to 1 star.
Sweepstake.mobi has an excellent selection of platforms and are quick at processing deposits to your wallet or selected game most of the time. Customer service is sarcastically rude most of the time and will flat out ignore you while in live chat. They are very slow at cashing out your winnings but will tell you they process faster if you give them a big tip. Ive been waiting 3.5 days for $120. For me, it's hard to get games to hit through them. I can play the same platforms under another account with another provider and my winning ratio is better 9 times out of 10. They still owe me $20 from over 6months ago for a deposit of mine disappearing. They claim they refunded it but they didn't and never showed proof. The main reason I still play with them is because they accept debit cards. Otherwise I wouldnt.
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